JPC sr
James P. Cusick Sr.
If he did not feel sorry "for" (instead of sorry "to" her), I would agree. But, the context of the conversation was such that he was not sorry for the pain and suffering he had caused the family he "deserted" to "figure it out for themselves" (his words, not mine), because they had all they needed with him providing nothing. In his view, as long as there are other family members, welfare programs, etc, the separated parent need not provide anything, because all is taken care of for the families. He has repeatedly said there is no such thing as a needy or hungry child unless the custodial parent only is at fault.
I couldn't put the whole context of the statement in, but as a long time arguer with Jimmy, I can honestly tell you it was there.
Junior is a grown man, with child that he recently was taken to court for not supporting. Dear ol' dad tried to get him to do the same thing he did, fight the support by going to jail. The kid is more interested in drugs, drinking, and gambling than he is in meeting Bubba in the shower, so he chose (after every legal maneuver he could muster against doing this) to finally pay a little something for his child. Didn't take dear ol' daddy's advice. Sweet family, huh?

This person pretends to speak for me when he himself has nothing to say.
He is a complete fraud.