Gun Scare Leonardtown High.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
those big Columbine style schools :

Sounds good. Local schools should strive for the success of Columbine. They have great testing, AP, SAT, College, crime, and dropout numbers. You might want to look up the facts before disparaging a school.

What happened at Columbine was not caused by the school, it was caused by one sociopath, who convinced the other kid to go along with it. That can happen in any school.


24/7 Single Dad
fredsaid2 said:
Build more/smaller schools and you'll complain about the increased taxes to pay for it!
Shouldn't be a problem. With uncontrolled growth at the base, the tax base will also have uncontrolled growth with the massive influx of new workers arrives.
And it would make sooooo much sense to duplicate facilities such as ball fields and gyms since land is cheap and plentiful here in St. Mary's


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
Shouldn't be a problem. With uncontrolled growth at the base, the tax base will also have uncontrolled growth with the massive influx of new workers arrives.
And it would make sooooo much sense to duplicate facilities such as ball fields and gyms since land is cheap and plentiful here in St. Mary's
and it would be much easier to bus kids to hundreds of small schools than the current system. Besides, everyone knows that there is a serious over abundance of qualified teachers in the area,especially in the math and science fields, so i am sure all of these tiny community schools would have top notch faculty


Well-Known Member
fredsaid2 said:
Surely you must acknowledge the fact that an individual search of the entire student body and a school-wide locker search by SWAT teams yielded only cigars and a box cutter (attributed to the student's Lowes job). Kudos are due to the students of LHS and the Tech Center. How many other high schools could have passed that kind of test?
I'm surprised more people haven't noticed this. Kudos are definitely due.

JPC, Sr.

Democrats Rock!

fredsaid2 said:
Surely you must acknowledge the fact that an individual search of the entire student body and a school-wide locker search by SWAT teams yielded only cigars and a box cutter (attributed to the student's Lowes job). Kudos are due to the students of LHS and the Tech Center. How many other high schools could have passed that kind of test? ...
:larry: I say we have great schools and great students too, so say I is why are we pressuring them with the overcrowding??? - and the answer is because of the reckless policy of out of control growth, and it needs to be stopped before it ruins everything.


I am so very blessed
JPC said:
:larry: I say we have great schools and great students too, so say I is why are we pressuring them with the overcrowding??? - and the answer is because of the reckless policy of out of control growth, and it needs to be stopped before it ruins everything.
If you really want to assist the county with it's growth issues, you should move elsewhere. It would certainly help us.

JPC, Sr.

Democrats Rock!

BadGirl said:
If you really want to assist the county with it's growth issues, you should move elsewhere. It would certainly help us.
:larry: Leonardtown is in District 29a but Leonardtown High School is in my 29b.

So I see the difference in my opinion and that of others is that I am saying to actually do something about the problem by stopping the reckless growth that causes the problems here in the schools and in all of St. Mary's County.

I see the rationalizations that, "the parents are at fault," and "it could happen anywhere," and this is what makes me a Democrat candidate for 29b because I want for us to start doing something about it and stop acting like we are powerless.
:flowers: .............. :flowers:


DEMOCRATS (have) ROCK(s in their heads)!!!

:patriot: And the truth shall set us all free

JPC said:
... then everything of value will be overloaded and overrun and that gun scare at Leonardtown High is just a true warning of the horrible effects of greed driven growth.

:larry: I see what's going on here.

:howdy: You're exploiting the events of last week.

:whistle: Actually they were non-events, since the situation turned out to be NOTHING, but I guess that since there was media coverage, and everyone knows about it, there must be some way for you to capitalize on it for your own political gain. It would have been better had there actually been a gun, and if kids had actually been shot - WAY more emotional appeal - but we all take what we can get.

:bigwhoop: Unfortunately, it's a really long stretch to force the goings-on (or rather then non-goings-on) from Friday to fit into your agenda.

:coffee: Having said that, I think that if I were running for office in St. Mary's County, I would be exploiting the situation also. Only: I would be saying that the people who were responsible for phoning in the phony report were neglected children of deadbeat parents.

:popcorn: ------------- :wench:


Super Genius
JPC said:
I see the rationalizations that, "the parents are at fault," and "it could happen anywhere," and this is what makes me a Democrat candidate for 29b because I want for us to start doing something about it and stop acting like we are powerless.
Great! Let's start making parents responsible for their children!


JPC said:
So I see the difference in my opinion and that of others is that I am saying to actually do something about the problem by stopping the reckless growth that causes the problems here in the schools and in all of St. Mary's County.

You suffer from Democratic Phrase Conflation Syndrome.

This syndrome effects mostly Democrats, and causes them to be incapable of using certain words or phrases without separating them from disparate words and phrases.

Your main symptom seems to be the conflation of the words reckless and growth. You can't say "growth" without prepending it with reckless.

Another common symptom among democrats is "Tax-cuts" and "for the rich". I've never heard a democrat use the phrase "tax-cut" without concatonating "fortherich" to the end of it.

It's a weird phenomenon. I'm wondering if it's medically treatable.

Although I find that rectal-cranial inversion is incurable, and RCI is often accompanied by DPCS.

JPC, Sr.

Democrats Rock!

ylexot said:
Great! Let's start making parents responsible for their children!
:coffee: I guess I did not make that clear that where I said about the rationalization of blaming it on the parents, - that I do not agree with that belief.

I believe that the Parents are responsible for their children and the gov is responsible for the schools.

By stopping the excessive growth we will make the schools safer. :howdy:


JPC said:
By stopping the excessive growth we will make the schools safer.

No we won't.
Growth and size have nothing to do with safety or security.

Metal detectors and trained guards packing heat... THAT will make the schools safer.


Super Genius
Toxick said:
No we won't.
Growth and size have nothing to do with safety or security.

Metal detectors and trained guards packing heat... THAT will make the schools safer.
...or well raised children. These problems would have been unthinkable a few decades ago...even in the inner cities!


ylexot said:
...or well raised children. These problems would have been unthinkable a few decades ago...even in the inner cities!

Well, we're working on the 4th generation of people who

1) Have no discipline
2) Think the world owes them a debt, for the grace of their presense.

I say we take the warning labels off of EVERYTHING and the problem will take care of itself.


JPC said:
:coffee: I guess I did not make that clear that where I said about the rationalization of blaming it on the parents, - that I do not agree with that belief.

I believe that the Parents are responsible for their children and the gov is responsible for the schools.

By stopping the excessive growth we will make the schools safer. :howdy:
So what is the name of the base that cause exessive growth outside Columbine HS?


24/7 Single Dad
JPC said:
the reckless policy of out of control growth needs to be stopped before it ruins everything.
Growth is not a policy of our local govt. It's a fact of life, same as it's a fact your an irresponsible, deadbeat idiot.


Lem Putt
aps45819 said:
Growth is not a policy of our local govt. It's a fact of life, same as it's a fact your an irresponsible, deadbeat idiot.
There was a pretty good article in the Post a few weeks ago that explained why we've had exponential growth all around the beltway in the last four years. Guess what. It isn't from PAX.

While PAX has grown some in the last few years, the biggest growth at PAX was the NAVAIR transition, which has been complete for a while. The exponential growth happened after that. Most jobs coming to PAX now are replacing jobs that have disappeared. For example, the F-14 program office recently ceased to exist, and now JSF will grow and replace those jobs. There's relatively small job growth from the base.

I'd clue JPC in on where the growth is really coming from, but I don't want to help him to make sense. But here's a clue: The five year anniversary of the event that triggered the growth will be the day before his campaign ends.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The thing I find most ironic with the continual crying by JPC about greed driven growth is the fact that St. Mary's is not growing nearly as quick as the neighboring counties. Care to explain the following data JPC? If it is the base that is causing all of the growth problems why are these other counties growing at a greater rate? :tap:

Census said:
St. Mary’s

Population, 2004 estimate 94,921
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 10.1%
Population, 2000 86,211
Population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 13.5%


Population, 2004 estimate 86,474
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 16.0%
Population, 2000 74,563
Population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 45.1%


Population, 2004 estimate 135,807
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 12.7%
Population, 2000 120,546
Population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 19.2%