What would be interesting to see is the spike of opened accounts past average since Karma has been closed - even on a percentage basis would be good enough...
Surprisingly, the new memberships have dropped a bit after karma was removed. We are, however, seeing old members post more than they had in the past.
My theory is this:
Obviously now that karma is gone, people are more willing to post and have discussions without the annoyance of nasty karma comments from mpds.
And the lower membership registration is because the tards have no reason to create a zillion mpds to use for karma purposes. See, they had a good chance at not being caught with karma because most people wouldn't complain about it - they'd just stop posting. Now they are openly busted and it takes them significantly more time and effort to create an mpd than it does for me to delete that mpd if it gets out of line on the board.
Create yahoo email account for mpd.
Register mpd on forums.
Log into yahoo account to confirm membership.
Wait for their account to be approved.
Post nastygram.
Click. Bye bye.