

Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
:frown: I was hoping to come home & see that he had come home! I will bet he's hunkered down someplace, and later on after the rain has stopped, will try to get home! :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I just saw him again, but now he's out of the fenced area in the yard next to it. Took off running when he saw me. I'm cold and tired and don't want to "chase" him. I'm afraid he'll just go farther away. Will check again after dark. :ohwell: keep those fingers and paws crossed...


happy to be living
I just saw him again, but now he's out of the fenced area in the yard next to it. Took off running when he saw me. I'm cold and tired and don't want to "chase" him. I'm afraid he'll just go farther away. Will check again after dark. :ohwell: keep those fingers and paws crossed...

With any luck, he will be waiting outside your door tomorrow morning; tired from his adventure in the cold and rain.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a porch or something he might be hiding under?

No porch. But he's down the street and there are sheds and any number of places he can hide. Add to that his favorite game is "shadowing" his dog and his human, I fear I may never catch him. Also, some of the houses are summer places with no people to watch out for him. I don't believe he will get in that trap until he's really hungry. So, I wait.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Awww, I sure hope he gets tired of playing hide and seek soon and comes home!!! :huggy:

One of my boys, who's over 12 years old, got out and didn't come around for two days. I was sure we'd get a call that the RFID in a scrunched up grey ball of fur signaled it was him. No such message. He showed up on the third day, hungry, dirty and not telling us where he'd been and with whom. Now he's surly in the morning and rude to the other cat. I suspect he learned how to spit and smoke while hanging out with the cats in our hood.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
One of my boys, who's over 12 years old, got out and didn't come around for two days. I was sure we'd get a call that the RFID in a scrunched up grey ball of fur signaled it was him. No such message. He showed up on the third day, hungry, dirty and not telling us where he'd been and with whom. Now he's surly in the morning and rude to the other cat. I suspect he learned how to spit and smoke while hanging out with the cats in our hood.

...took a walk on the wild side! :jet:


Happy Camper
One of my boys, who's over 12 years old, got out and didn't come around for two days. I was sure we'd get a call that the RFID in a scrunched up grey ball of fur signaled it was him. No such message. He showed up on the third day, hungry, dirty and not telling us where he'd been and with whom. Now he's surly in the morning and rude to the other cat. I suspect he learned how to spit and smoke while hanging out with the cats in our hood.

:roflmao: We had a cat that used to disappear every year for a couple of weeks in the winter then come home. I always swore he went on a cruise to the Caribbean!!


Adopt me please !
aww thanks, but if he won't come to me.......

That's why I figured it wouldn't be helpful if I showed up - you are his best friend - maybe you should take a walk with his doggy buddy, and maybe he'll be reminded of cuddle time and come home?


Our girl vanished the week prior to Thanksgiving last year and on Thanksgiving day (7 days later) showed up dirty, hungry, and indifferent as she walked by us all, straight to her food bowl. No, she didn't show any signs of being happy to see any of us either.


Adopt me please !
Our girl vanished the week prior to Thanksgiving last year and on Thanksgiving day (7 days later) showed up dirty, hungry, and indifferent as she walked by us all, straight to her food bowl. No, she didn't show any signs of being happy to see any of us either.

oh my. Cats can be like that. A friend of mine said her cat went missing for 3 days and just showed back up this morning. She thinks the cat ended up in someone's garage or shed for how dirty it was, and to miss 3 days of meals wasn't normal either. The kitty ate 3 bowls of food this morning - talk about being hungry.