

Jam out with ur clam out
Don't let that cat go unless it belongs to a neighbor - if it's a stray we need to get it fixed. I can get it from you later today unless someone else down your way can get it done locally?

:confused:.... who is gonna pay for this stray to be fixed???


Adopt me please !
What if it's not a stray? Remember the neighbor said there was another white cat.....

right that is what I was wondering - if it's a stray then putting it back out there could be allowing it to breed? I try to not let go of any cat I get unless I know it's a neighbor's kitty. I once let a nasty feral tom cat loose that I caught when I was trying to catch a predator that was killing my chickens a few years ago. I let that tom cat go and I have regretted it ever since. I may never get him in a trap again after that. Most cats won't wear collars, so it's hard to know if a cat has a home or not.


Jam out with ur clam out
right that is what I was wondering - if it's a stray then putting it back out there could be allowing it to breed? I try to not let go of any cat I get unless I know it's a neighbor's kitty. I once let a nasty feral tom cat loose that I caught when I was trying to catch a predator that was killing my chickens a few years ago. I let that tom cat go and I have regretted it ever since. I may never get him in a trap again after that. Most cats won't wear collars, so it's hard to know if a cat has a home or not.

:coffee:... you let the fox go also... remember... :killingme


Well-Known Member
Pissed white cat is free. Definitely someone's pet. He was too clean and well fed to be feral. Again, what are the odds? No sign of Tajii :ohwell:


Pissed white cat is free. Definitely someone's pet. He was too clean and well fed to be feral. Again, what are the odds? No sign of Tajii :ohwell:

On the bright side, if he won't come to you, he won't go to anyone else. He's just out there enjoying his freedom and chasing critters in the grass. I had a strictly indoor cat that got out just before Ernesto hit in 2006 (I think that's the year) and I was worried sick. 4 days after the storm, she comes strolling in and acted like it was an every day thing.


Well-Known Member
On the bright side, if he won't come to you, he won't go to anyone else. He's just out there enjoying his freedom and chasing critters in the grass. I had a strictly indoor cat that got out just before Ernesto hit in 2006 (I think that's the year) and I was worried sick. 4 days after the storm, she comes strolling in and acted like it was an every day thing.

Tajii is so shy, I would be shocked if he went to anyone else. Problem is I don't think Tajii can smell (since he isn't interested in food). Could he still find his way home if he can't smell?


Surely you jest ...
Have you asked the neighboring children? If there are any. Children see everything and since schools is out, they are out and about everywhere...believe that.



Adopt me please !
Have you asked the neighboring children? If there are any. Children see everything and since schools is out, they are out and about everywhere...believe that.


There may be some children but when we were there yesterday just before dark we didn't see any. No neighbor's in their yards, nothing, just quiet.


Well-Known Member
Have you asked the neighboring children? If there are any. Children see everything and since schools is out, they are out and about everywhere...believe that.


I've pretty much made a fool of myself knocking on doors, stopping people in their cars, passing out fliers (my daughter made some up and offered a REWARD...) and lurking about in the dark calling....kittykittykittyherekittykittykitty....:crazy: So yeah, bases covered... and, let's not forget trespassing and climbing fences.


Surely you jest ...
I've pretty much made a fool of myself knocking on doors, stopping people in their cars, passing out fliers (my daughter made some up and offered a REWARD...) and lurking about in the dark calling....kittykittykittyherekittykittykitty....:crazy: So yeah, bases covered... and, let's not forget trespassing and climbing fences.

Well you're in my thoughts. I know there will be a great homecoming soon. Be careful and just try to think positive. Concentrate on the bathing, bug hunting and brushing you'll soon have to tackle. :)
