
Well-Known Member

But I think this is a different situation because I'm not aware of anyone being all that enthused over Ford - he was just kind of there. The accidental president.

Trump, on the other hand, is a rock star and a movement.
I do find it interesting that both Elon and Bill Ackman, the two least popular billionaires endorsed Trump hours after the assassination attempt. Why then?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do find it interesting that both Elon and Bill Ackman, the two least popular billionaires endorsed Trump hours after the assassination attempt. Why then?

In short, they - like the rest of us - are sick of this sh*t. Democrats have effectively turned Trump into a martyr and underdog - as well as a badass ****ing HERO - with their constant harassment. The assassination attempt was the last straw and so far beyond the pale that no one with any sort of morality or conscience can vote for Joe Biden. Or any Democrat, for that matter. Especially considering there are legitimate questions as to why SS didn't respond to the people screaming at them that there was a shooter, Democrat Congressmen wanting to remove Trump's protection altogether, AND sending in such an obvious B-team to protect a man who was the object of so many threats of violence.

They screwed the pooch hard with this.


Well-Known Member
In short, they - like the rest of us - are sick of this sh*t. Democrats have effectively turned Trump into a martyr and underdog - as well as a badass ****ing HERO - with their constant harassment. The assassination attempt was the last straw and so far beyond the pale that no one with any sort of morality or conscience can vote for Joe Biden. Or any Democrat, for that matter. Especially considering there are legitimate questions as to why SS didn't respond to the people screaming at them that there was a shooter, Democrat Congressmen wanting to remove Trump's protection altogether, AND sending in such an obvious B-team to protect a man who was the object of so many threats of violence.

They screwed the pooch hard with this.
I’m logging off for a while

But Biden still wins, Trumps negatives are too much, and what happened this weekend doesn't change it.


Well-Known Member

But I think this is a different situation because I'm not aware of anyone being all that enthused over Ford - he was just kind of there. The accidental president.

Trump, on the other hand, is a rock star and a movement.
Most of the country including Republicans either hated Nixon or felt betrayed by him. Had he been impeached, there's little doubt there would have been enough votes - probably the last time there was anything resembling honesty in those chambers over abuse of office. Nowadays, it's strictly partisan, with Democrats never breaking rank.

So Ford's biggest problem was pardoning Nixon. The press made a case that he probably got the nod IN EXCHANGE for a pardon. STILL, it was a very close race. That's the first campaign I ever followed closely. Prior to that, I was still an adolescent and didn't go past TV commercials. I still remember one of Ford's remarks, regarding Carter - "My record is one of progress, not platitudes. My record is one of specifics, not smiles."

But you are correct - the enthusiasm gap between Ford and Carter is wide.


Well-Known Member
FWIW - I don't think the needle is going to move MUCH on this incident except to get Republican voters who are sitting on the fence to go in with Trump rather than sit it out or vote third party.

We already have scores of people out there who STILL THINK the shooter should have gotten him. I've even read some who think it was STAGED. RIGHT. Actual bullets fired. One person actually KILLED, the other two in critical condition, last I heard. You tell me if YOU would stage an assassination from 130 yard and have someone just clip your ear. Tell you what - put an apple on your head and give me a bow and arrow.

To be honest, I see the whole thing as either serious bumbling by an inept SS staff - or collusion. As in, yeah, we'll LET him get shot and THEN take out the sniper. That may be a long shot, but these guys did everything wrong according to former SS agents. They SHOULD have hustled him out as fast as possible - because one sniper might be just a distraction. Or there might be a bomb. They didn't secure the grounds very well. A 20 year old with a gun? How hard did they try? Geez, if they're always this bad, ANY President can get shot.

We have - CONGRESSMAN - saying, don't miss next time. For all the "stop the hate" bs, they sure don't think it applies to them.

Tell you what. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. Show me YOU can stop the hate. Then maybe we'll listen.


Well-Known Member
I’m logging off for a while

But Biden still wins, Trumps negatives are too much, and what happened this weekend doesn't change it.
go suck off Hemi....you 2 can fantasize about what kind of manly man the shooter was & how you both wished you could be his girlfriend...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
FWIW - I don't think the needle is going to move MUCH on this incident except to get Republican voters who are sitting on the fence to go in with Trump rather than sit it out or vote third party.

We already have scores of people out there who STILL THINK the shooter should have gotten him. I've even read some who think it was STAGED. RIGHT. Actual bullets fired. One person actually KILLED, the other two in critical condition, last I heard. You tell me if YOU would stage an assassination from 130 yard and have someone just clip your ear. Tell you what - put an apple on your head and give me a bow and arrow.

If you get any Democrats to take you up on that, let me know, I'd like to see it.


Well-Known Member
Most of the country including Republicans either hated Nixon or felt betrayed by him. Had he been impeached, there's little doubt there would have been enough votes - probably the last time there was anything resembling honesty in those chambers over abuse of office.
What honesty? That whole thing was ANOTHER hoax perpetrated by childish, lying, cheating Dems...
Why did Nixon resign again? Because he was impeached?
Because he was indicted AFTER his impeachment?

Because his very own Brutus stabbed him in the back & somehow convinced him he was in trouble and should quit BEFORE he gets impeached?
He resigned....FOR NO HONEST OR GOOD REASON... certainly not because the actual odds were against him. The game hadn't even started yet...
There wasn't ANYTHING honest about that entire sham impeachment THREAT. It was a trial run to see if Democrats could pull off that lie...and it worked...

Honesty....there hasn't EVER been honesty in either chamber, the halls of justice, OR the President's Mansion since Washington kept his word to The American People and left after 2 terms...There's only been Politics...

And HONESTY stays far far away from Politics....


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I do find it interesting that both Elon and Bill Ackman, the two least popular billionaires endorsed Trump hours after the assassination attempt. Why then?
"Least popular"? Certainly the polar opposite of my view of Musk. I certain that I'm not alone.


Power with Control
I do find it interesting that both Elon and Bill Ackman, the two least popular billionaires endorsed Trump hours after the assassination attempt. Why then?

Why? Because they see the same crap many Americans do, a political class with no interest in making America a better place, just making them selves more popular on the cocktail party circuit. Or rich as hell.

So, I'm here to tell you that "storylines" are the new "cheapfakes". Like so many things before, the system will keep using the same words over and over in an attempt to obfuscate what we can clearly see. None of it adds up. There are really only two possible pathways.

1. Colossal incompetence
2. Colossal conspiracy.

Drones cost nothing, yet there wasnt one.
Checking and placing officers on nearby rooftops is standard practice, yet it didn't happen.
People were giving whole minutes of warning that there was a guy on the roof. Yet only one local cop was able to respond.

Lastly, Its a damn good thing Musk bought X. Because you know damn well that none of this video would have been out there. Twitter would have labelled it all as misleading and dangerous mis information and buried it like Hunters laptop, which the FBI had for YEARS allowing it to be dismissed.

It all smells rotten as hell.


Well-Known Member
What honesty? That whole thing was ANOTHER hoax perpetrated by childish, lying, cheating Dems...
Why did Nixon resign again? Because he was impeached?
Because he was indicted AFTER his impeachment?

Because his very own Brutus stabbed him in the back & somehow convinced him he was in trouble and should quit BEFORE he gets impeached?
He resigned....FOR NO HONEST OR GOOD REASON... certainly not because the actual odds were against him. The game hadn't even started yet...
There wasn't ANYTHING honest about that entire sham impeachment THREAT. It was a trial run to see if Democrats could pull off that lie...and it worked...

Honesty....there hasn't EVER been honesty in either chamber, the halls of justice, OR the President's Mansion since Washington kept his word to The American People and left after 2 terms...There's only been Politics...

And HONESTY stays far far away from Politics....
Nixon was never impeached. They had not even started proceedings. But they had the votes from both parties. He would have been removed from office. He resigned rather than put the country through that. Ford later pardoned him because in his own words he wanted to spare the country.

My post however was not ABOUT Nixon but about why Ford pardoned him and the political consequences. Most historians claim he lost because of the pardon.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Checking and placing officers on nearby rooftops is standard practice, yet it didn't happen.
That's the part that has me wondering. In a related muse, how or why would that kid have assumed (or even worse, known) that rooftop and building would not be manned or at the least, not under continuous direct surveillance.