Holy chit!


PREMO Member
🔥 Even though he’s only Governor of one state, Ron DeSantis is single-handedly keeping the nation afloat. The evidence appeared in three separate stories this week. First, yesterday Politico ran a story headlined, “DeSantis again skips meeting with Biden after hurricane hits state.” The sub-headlined added, “Sen. Rick Scott, who is up for reelection in November, toured recovery efforts with Biden instead.”


Complaining like an old man asked to use the couch for a few days while his armchair gets deep cleaned, Joe Biden grumbled his way off Rehobeth Beach and visited storm-ravaged areas of the Carolinas and Florida yesterday.

DeSantis snubbed Biden, not to score political points off the aging vegetable, or because Biden is a quadriplegic lame duck, but because Governor DeSantis is busy. Florida’s Governor lacks time for coddling old codgers. Bless him, former Governor (now Senator) Rick Scott volunteered to steer slow-walking Biden around for a couple hours so that DeSantis could keep working.

Joe Biden — who is not busy — wasted a week since Helene tore through Florida’s panhandle before visiting the Sunshine State. There is only one reason Biden came at all, and that was the same reason that FEMA surged 5,000 relief workers and activated its volunteer network yesterday.

That reason was Governor DeSantis. Politico:

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Follow this simple logic. Operation Blue Ridge, in which storm-damaged Florida began surging disaster relief to North Carolina and Tennessee since nobody else was doing it created irresistible political pressure on the Biden Administration to stop sandbagging and activate federal its relief programs.

The political pressure did not come from any fear of political embarrassment. In many ways, Biden’s brain has traveled far into outer space and is now beyond earthly embarrassment. No, Operation Blue Ridge was politically undigestible because it would have strengthened DeSantis. (It would also have highlighted President Trump who, like Florida’s Governor, stepped into the post-hurricane leadership vacuum.)

It’s a good news-bad news situation. Now that FEMA has occupied the territory, assistance from other states and from independent volunteers must follow FEMA’s federal rules. That’s the pro/con of getting the feds involved. Once they are in, they’re all the way in, and they brook no competition.

In any case, on balance, it was good news for disaster victims. FEMA’s resources are orders of magnitude greater than what Florida can provide. It would not have happened, or it would have happened much more slowly, had Governor DeSantis not made Joe Biden look feeble and slow.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Dummies! Quit reading all those conspiracy theories! Schoolmarmish NPR ran a scolding story yesterday headlined, “Politically charged rumors and conspiracy theories about Helene flourish on X.”

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X! Corporate media’s bane and its newest bogeyman. Without X, without free speech, dumb citizens would have to get all their news from NPR, whose job is to ensure we don’t see or hear anything that might disturb our carefully collated thoughts.

That’s all well and good, but this laughable paragraph exposed NPR’s moronic manipulation:

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The old “no evidence” gag! In other words, NPR isn’t denying the federal government is withholding aid. They just saying you can’t prove it.

NPR’s claim was a classic example of the argument from ignorance fallacy, ingloriously known as an argumentum ad ignorantiam. The statement, "there's no evidence the federal government is withholding aid," implies that the lack of evidence proves it is not happening. But just because there is no evidence yet does not necessarily mean something isn't happening or couldn't happen.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The biggest problem with NPR’s favorite logical fallacy is that it can swing both ways. NPR could have just as easily reported, “the federal government has offered no evidence it is providing aid to affected states.”

It’s nice (for Biden) the governors of South Carolina and Georgia praised the federal response. But it doesn’t prove they got any aid; they might just be sucking up, to make sure they’re first in line for a check whenever it comes.

And, what about the governors of Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee? They didn’t praise Biden. NPR was uncurious as to why not.

Not that long ago, there was a day when NPR would have been mercilessly mocked for this kind of weak-minded reporting. Whoever is stage-managing the media these days does not do its best work under pressure.

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PREMO Member

Hearing about preferred vendors is making me feel sick it’s shows what a scam FEMA is

“These 'preferred vendors" are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the "vendors" make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.”

If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN - you'll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.

I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help.

I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked - i'll explain below.

Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money.


PREMO Member

I can't believe what I saw today. I've been out for 12 hours bringing supplies to people up in the mountains. I was in Yancey County, Mitchell County, Bakersville, Spruce Pine, Burnsville, etc... I kept an old mans generator running for his oxygen and waited with him until his family showed up. I handed out thousands of dollars to people. They have no driveways, no power no food. People are dying. Grown men crying and hugging me for giving them $100. I'm going back out tomorrow to do it all over again. It's making me SICK what I saw and heard today. I've also been crying on and off all day. I usually don't get like this. The government is confiscating supplies from small towns at their "drop off points." That's why I'm bringing everything to the people directly. I met up with a convoy of patriots and we drove supplies to places people couldn't get to and roads that were closed. I went everywhere with the truck that they went with their side by sides. We met by the grace of God. I've never experienced anything like this in my life. PLEASE donate if you can. I am draining my own bank account tomorrow to give more money to people, and I'm getting even more supplies.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Can't we all just agree that it’s our first priority to secure, supply, and fund Ukraine to help them defend themselves from the Russians, and to assist them in securing their border? And fund and supply Israel to help in their five front war? In addition to ensuring that migrants have enough food, clothing, medical care, and housing/shelter, so as not to suffer in their new homeland? Plus, to save the planet from global warming, before we can worry about anyone that got a little wet from Hurricane Helene? Come on people. Where are your priorities?
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Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Can't we all just agree that it’s our first priority to secure, supply, and fund Ukraine to help them defend themselves from the Russians, and to assist them in securing their border? And fund and supply Israel to help in their five front war? In addition to ensuring that migrants have enough food, clothing, medical care, and housing/shelter, so as not to suffer in their new homeland? Plus, to save the planet from global warming, before we can worry about anyone that got a little wet from Hurricane Helene? Come on people. Where are your priorities?
F**k Ukraine they gave up their nukes and thought NATO was going to protect them. They did it to themselves.

Israel can protect themselves, if they take the gloves off the new world order is only a step away.


PREMO Member

Comparing Helene To Katrina Suggests Americans Are Left To Die Because Democrats Run The White House

Let’s compare Katrina with Helene. In Katrina, a three-star general was placed in command, along with the two-star commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division, with a full Airborne Infantry Brigade task force of the 82nd, a corps-support logistics command of thousands of soldiers, a signal battalion, a combat support hospital, robust Army engineer assets, and countless other support units. All of these units were on standby orders days before Katrina hit.

In contrast, a week after Helene hit, a tiny 1,000-troop Airborne Infantry Battalion task force of the 82nd (one-third the size of a brigade) was given a warning order under the ground command of a mere one-star general. These forces are without the medical, engineer, corps-level logistics, signal/communications, and Division/Army HQ command and control capabilities that defined Katrina support.

How about the Marines? In Katrina, they sent 2,600 Marines, under the command of a two-star Marine Division commanding general. For Helene, near as I can tell after extensive web research and quizzing my followers on X, the USMC has not been tasked to send a single damned Marine.

The Navy is probably not a fair comparison since New Orleans is an ocean port and the mountains of North Carolina are not, but after Katrina, the Navy sent a carrier task force and a hospital ship, along with 63 aircraft. For Helene, the Navy has sent 10 helicopters.

Coast Guard? Yes, they are a blue-water force, but they have riverine capabilities that would make a huge difference in the hills of North Carolina. In 2005, they sent 43 aircraft that conducted search and rescue operations almost immediately after Katrina made landfall. In Helene, the Coast Guard disestablished its area command, but it did find time to help a handful a people and rescue five pets.

The Air Force’s airlift capabilities are largely strategic, but in Katrina, they were busy evacuating thousands of injured and displaced people. After Helene, it seems they are mostly busy repairing their own airfields and not much else. This is curious, seeing as their C-130s could be working closely with the parachute riggers on Fort Liberty to prepare essential supplies for airdrop. Guess not.

The folks trapped in the hollows of North Carolina’s mountains need helicopter support most of all, to receive essential food, water, and construction and medical supplies, and to evacuate the stranded, the elderly, the sick, and the injured. If you review the links I included above, you’ll see that hundreds of active-duty helicopters were involved in Katrina. As for Helene, if you look at the DOD’s press releases, it looks like 28 active-duty helicopters are thinking about maybe getting involved as of Sept. 30.


PREMO Member

Gaetz has confirmed that “hundreds, if not thousands, of service members were deployed to North Carolina by the Department of Defense and have been sitting idle, waiting for FEMA" as Americans in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia are missing and dying.

FEMA whistleblowers also tell Gaetz that the department has wasted and misappropriated funds in the wake of Helene, which is "exacerbating the emergency."

Gaetz also confirms that FEMA funds that were supposed to be used for Americans surviving emergencies were instead used by NGOs to buy airline tickets for migrants.