Husband of peace vigil mom files for divorce


New Member
sleuth said:
And there you have it folks.. an American who despises Americans and their country. That's really what it's all about.

I wouldn't be surprised if Qpid was a terrorist-in-training.

I didnt say that. I said i despised the leader & this war.

Dont come in the thread all late trying to mix up my words....

begone Brad!! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Toxick said:
Guess what:
I often find myself disagreeing with the "hivemind" of this board.

Guess what else:
Since I don't act like a horse's ass about it, I'm usually accorded an amount of respect for my opinion, even though it's generally disagreed.

Guess what else else:
I am also a member of other communities which are dominantly liberal. Would you like for me to tell you which group is more tolerant of my opinion when it differs from the general consensus in each group.

That reminds me of a joke:

One day while climbing the moneky bars at recess, the Numeric chart got stung and said "Ouch! What was that?"

His friend the alphabet said "AB, C?"



Right Where I Belong
Qpid said:
I didnt say that. I said i despised the leader & this war.

Dont come in the thread all late trying to mix up my words....

begone Brad!! :lmao:
You hear that sleuth...she is calling you Brad!!:lmao:


professional daydreamer
Qpid said:
I didnt say that. I said i despised the leader & this war.

Dont come in the thread all late trying to mix up my words....

begone Brad!! :lmao:

I believe it. I read it on the internet.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well OK...

KCM said:
Cause I went back in the "history" of this thread and found where she called me "Becky".:biggrin:

...just so long as you read it from some non government source. They don't want you to know everything, you know.


Right Where I Belong
Larry Gude said:
...just so long as you read it from some non government source. They don't want you to know everything, you know.
Thanks for those words of wisdom. :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
Larry Gude said:
Would have???
I bet he used some book...
The Army used a ratio of U.S. vs Cong deaths to determine if various engagements could be considered victories or defeats. A way for the rear echelon guys to keep score since lines were fluid and you couldn't use property controlled to keep track of your wins and losses.
Using the same ratios would have given Custer a win.

There's lots of stuff left out of the school books. The big revelation about Jefferson banging his slaves was common knowledge where I grew up. I remember this joke from when I was a kid.
Q: What was did Jefferson's slaves call him?
A: Daddy


24/7 Single Dad
StanleyRugg said:
That’s easy, I met a fella from King George who said that they figgered out a way years ago to beam stuff just like Scotty did not Star trek. I aint sure if it made the same noise it did on Star Trek but he said you could beam all kind of stuff, even a pig. He said the government shut em down and threw all the scientists in jail so they wouldn’t talk. He said he escaped cause he beamed himself to the Hornes on 301 and ran into the woods and hid in a bog for 3 days. He said that the truck drivers were the ones who put the kibosh on it cause if you could beam stuff someplace you wouldn’t need no trucks no more. He was a real smart fella and I believe him. I don’t trust no government guys. I don’t like it when they come sniffin around my inventing hut.
:howdy: How's Rodd doin'?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What's next?

aps45819 said:
There's lots of stuff left out of the school books. The big revelation about Jefferson banging his slaves was common knowledge where I grew up. I remember this joke from when I was a kid.
Q: What was did Jefferson's slaves call him?
A: Daddy

Now you gonna tell me there was a WWII, right? And it was common knowledge, right?


Right Where I Belong
Larry Gude said:
Now you gonna tell me there was a WWII, right? And it was common knowledge, right?
Larry, Larry, Larry....don't you know some people will say and swear to just about anything. :shakinghead:


professional daydreamer
aps45819 said:
The big revelation about Jefferson banging his slaves was common knowledge where I grew up.

Now that we have sex education in our schools, it should be okay to put this in the history books now.


Nothing to see here
elaine said:
Now that we have sex education in our schools, it should be okay to put this in the history books now.

We don’t need no education.
We don’t need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teachers, leave those kids alone.
Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It depends...

nomoney said:
my hubby is a ww2 reanactor; should I tell him he's doing it all wrong? :confused:

...just so long as they aren't pretending that any US troops were drafted or got boo boos.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
StanleyRugg said:
That’s easy, I met a fella from King George who said that they figgered out a way years ago to beam stuff just like Scotty did not Star trek. I aint sure if it made the same noise it did on Star Trek but he said you could beam all kind of stuff, even a pig. He said the government shut em down and threw all the scientists in jail so they wouldn’t talk. He said he escaped cause he beamed himself to the Hornes on 301 and ran into the woods and hid in a bog for 3 days. He said that the truck drivers were the ones who put the kibosh on it cause if you could beam stuff someplace you wouldn’t need no trucks no more. He was a real smart fella and I believe him. I don’t trust no government guys. I don’t like it when they come sniffin around my inventing hut.

Okay, as of that post I am completely and thoroughly entertained!