I have a question for you Q...
Qpid said:
everyones deserted her all because she lost a son due to some jerk in the white house....
i have sympathy...they should too...
First some context and facts:
During WWII we were attacked by one nation, Japan, killing some 2,000 human beings in a surprise attack before war was declared. Over the next four years almost 100,000 US military personel lost their lives subduing Japan. Many of them were draftees, ordered into military service under threat of imprisonment if they did not serve. They were then ordered by their comander in cheif, our President, into harms way. 100,000 sons, fathers, brothers dead. About another 100,000 were wounded.
Also during WWII another nation, Germany, declared war on us and, like Iraq, never conducted a single successful military mission of any consequence that harmed one hair on a single US citizen on US soil the entire war.
300,000 US military personel died in defeating Germany, another 300,000 or so mangled, shot or otherwise wounded. Most of these people were ordered to serve and then ordered into harms way. By the President.
Now, do think that the President then wrongly sent these men off to die?