Husband of peace vigil mom files for divorce


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You're still a rock. And it's foolish for you to assume that I, a complete stranger, would have the same reaction as you. Are your children in the military? Mine is. I think I know a little more about it than you do, considering I hear it first hand from soldiers and you hear about it from anonymous people on a radio call-in show.

If your a mother and have 2 sons in the military and they die and your proud....

your a fool...

fawk a rock...more like a boulder!!! :lmao:


New Member
Ken King said:
Being disrespectful to those that have and are fighting and dying so that your sorry ass can breathe and spew your idiocy is something that if said publicly would get me banned.

Wake up and smell the coffee...matter of fact, drink some prune juice and let the shyt go....

my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Qpid said:
Wake up and smell the coffee...matter of fact, drink some prune juice and let the shyt go....

my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.
Isolationim failed during WWI and it won't work now.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Qpid said:
Wake up and smell the coffee...matter of fact, drink some prune juice and let the shyt go....

my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.
Wake up and smell the coffee. We're there. We're going to stay there, and there will always be war in the world. I like to live in reality.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Wake up and smell the coffee. We're there. We're going to stay there, and there will always be war in the world. I like to live in reality.

So do I.



Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Qpid said:
Wake up and smell the coffee...matter of fact, drink some prune juice and let the shyt go....

my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.
Your freedom comes from those you label as fools. Typical ungratefulness of a selfish worm. You should be thankful that there are people willing to take up the task to keep your sorry ass safe. Just as I am thankful that it is only the minority that are the idiot like you.

You may claim to have dumped your ex but it is obvious that this is probably not the case. To whomever the man was I say he was smart enough to unload your ass and be done with you.


New Member
Ken King said:
Your freedom comes from those you label as fools. Typical ungratefulness of a selfish worm. You should be thankful that there are people willing to take up the task to keep your sorry ass safe. Just as I am thankful that it is only the minority that are the idiot like you.

You may claim to have dumped your ex but it is obvious that this is probably not the case. To whomever the man was I say he was smart enough to unload your ass and be done with you.

Tell me how u really feel. Dude wanted me to fly over to Cali before he got shipped out because he was afraid he wouldn't return. But yet he should be greatful that I dumped him. Get a grip!!! Families are being destroyed, friendships, lives and your probably one of the dumbasses that thinks its all in the name of "freedom". The countless suicides of soldiers over there are kept quiet, along with them going insane when they return from Iraq. If you can't see that this war is a scam then you keep on truckin buddy...Bush aint got much time anyway...hiim and his administration.

"like a theif in the night"

My freedom & life is not left up to any man, but God himself.


Well-Known Member
Qpid said:
Wake up and smell the coffee...matter of fact, drink some prune juice and let the shyt go....

my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.

wow. you are an idiot. why do you think you have that freedom? because people sat back and let tyranny run rampant across the globe? because U.S. soldiers said "oh, I'm not going to re-enlist during war time, something might happen to me?"

HELL NO!!! It's because brave men and women had the forsight to realize that a tyrant across the ocean is NOT a safe tyrant. Just because Hitler was in Germany not Canada, the U.S. was not safe from him. Just because Saddam was in Iraq did not mean that the U.S. would not eventually be threatened.

oh, and, btw, anyone who joins the military without some idea that thier lives could at some point be in danger, or what war looks like, obviuosly didn't pay a damned bit of attention in history class.


24/7 Single Dad
Qpid said:
my freedom was here well before this war and will be here after regardless of War.
You freedom is here because of a war and if you think there aren't a lot of people that want you wearing a burka you're sadly mistaken. That's who were fighting in Iraq. We could do nothing there now and fight them here in 10 years. Pick one.


Well-Known Member
Qpid said:
My freedom & life is not left up to any man, but God himself.

so you live in a bubble, huh? your freedom and life are affected by every single other soul on this planet. you can choose whether to have your freedom maintained by brave soldiers or you can have your freedom/life ended by a tyrant. fortunately for you there are people out there who are willing to give their lifes so that you can maintain your freedom.


New Member
aps45819 said:
You freedom is here because of a war and if you think there aren't a lot of people that want you wearing a burka you're sadly mistaken. That's who were fighting in Iraq. We could do nothing there now and fight them here in 10 years. Pick one.

Its like you've been hypnotized into thinking that your freedom really is being compromised...its actually sad. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qpid said:
Its like you've been hypnotized into thinking that your freedom really is being compromised...its actually sad. :rolleyes:

Qpid, when you disregard facts and history in order to maintain your ideology, that is not "opinion" - it's just ignorance and stupidity. You are not expressing an opinion, you are simply wrong. And it's not a dog.


24/7 Single Dad
Qpid said:
My freedom & life is not left up to any man, but God himself.
Interesting comment. I wonder how many women in Afganistan and Iraq felt the same way before we went in there and removed the tyrants in power. Saddam would routinely have the wives of men that opposed him arrested, and then have their gang rapes and beatings video taped so he could see what happens to those that disagreed with him.
No education, no makeup, no choice in clothing, no working outside the home. That's what women in these countries lived with due to the interpertation of God by a man.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Qpid said:
Its like you've been hypnotized into thinking that your freedom really is being compromised...its actually sad. :rolleyes:



Obviously you don't have a clue.:loser:


New Member
aps45819 said:
Interesting comment. I wonder how many women in Afganistan and Iraq felt the same way before we went in there and removed the tyrants in power. Saddam would routinely have the wives of men that opposed him arrested, and then have their gang rapes and beatings video taped so he could see what happens to those that disagreed with him.
No education, no makeup, no choice in clothing, no working outside the home. That's what women in these countries lived with due to the interpertation of God by a man.

What they beleive and what I beleive are 2 different things. Are we talking about them or me?? Who's freedom are you talkin about??

Dont switch up.

I stand by my comment.


professional daydreamer
Qpid said:
What they beleive and what I beleive are 2 different things. Are we talking about them or me?? Who's freedom are you talkin about??

Dont switch up.

I stand by my comment.

Are you suggesting you have a right to freedom and humane treatment because you have a different religious background than they do?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have a question for you Q...

Qpid said:
everyones deserted her all because she lost a son due to some jerk in the white house....

i have sympathy...they should too...

First some context and facts:

During WWII we were attacked by one nation, Japan, killing some 2,000 human beings in a surprise attack before war was declared. Over the next four years almost 100,000 US military personel lost their lives subduing Japan. Many of them were draftees, ordered into military service under threat of imprisonment if they did not serve. They were then ordered by their comander in cheif, our President, into harms way. 100,000 sons, fathers, brothers dead. About another 100,000 were wounded.

Also during WWII another nation, Germany, declared war on us and, like Iraq, never conducted a single successful military mission of any consequence that harmed one hair on a single US citizen on US soil the entire war.

300,000 US military personel died in defeating Germany, another 300,000 or so mangled, shot or otherwise wounded. Most of these people were ordered to serve and then ordered into harms way. By the President.

Now, do think that the President then wrongly sent these men off to die?