Husband of peace vigil mom files for divorce


New Member
elaine said:
Are you suggesting you have a right to freedom and humane treatment because you have a different religious background than they do?

now how did u get that from my comment :rolleyes:

I was talking about my freedom and his whole comment leaned towards what they were going through.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
First some context and facts:

During WWII we were attacked by one nation, Japan, killing some 2,000 human beings in a surprise attack before war was declared. Over the next four years almost 100,000 US military personel lost their lives subduing Japan. Many of them were draftees, ordered into military service under threat of imprisonment if they did not serve. They were then ordered by their comander in cheif, our President, into harms way. 100,000 sons, fathers, brothers dead. About another 100,000 were wounded.

Also during WWII another nation, Germany, declared war on us and, like Iraq, never conducted a single successful military mission of any consequence that harmed one hair on a single US citizen on US soil the entire war.

300,000 US military personel died in defeating Germany, another 300,000 or so mangled, shot or otherwise wounded. Most of these people were ordered to serve and then ordered into harms way. By the President.

Now, do think that the President then wrongly sent these men off to die?

where did you get this info from??


professional daydreamer
Qpid said:
now how did u get that from my comment :rolleyes:

I was talking about my freedom and his whole comment leaned towards what they were going through.

What they beleive and what I beleive are 2 different things. Are we talking about them or me?? Who's freedom are you talkin about??

That's where I got it.


24/7 Single Dad
Qpid said:
Its like you've been hypnotized into thinking that your freedom really is being compromised...its actually sad. :rolleyes:
:lol: I've read a history book or two. I believe that if we weren't fighting the Islamic extreamists over seas we'd be fighting them here. They attacked N.Y. city twice and we did nothing. They attacked again on 9/11 and we finally had somebody in the White house with the balls to stand up and say enough. We had 12/7/41 to wake my parents up and now we have 9/11/01 for this generation.


New Member
KCM said:
Did you sleep through history class?? Do you not know anything about WWII?

Oh so now everything we were taught in the history books in school we are to beleive :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
Qpid said:
I was talking about my freedom and his whole comment leaned towards what they were going through.
That's what they want for you.
Any reason you assume massive terrorist bombings here won't affect the quality of you life? We fight them there or we recover from their attacks here. Think gas is expensive now, guess what would happen if oil supplies were to be cut off to the infidels?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Stop that. You're trying to reason with a person who thinks WWII was all a lie.

no, that comment made was being sarcastic. Of course I know WW2 happened.

there are tons of things that were purposely left out of history books in school so you would NOT know about them. Why? Because the gov't just didnt want you to know.


New Member
aps45819 said:
That's what they want for you.
Any reason you assume massive terrorist bombings here won't affect the quality of you life? We fight them there or we recover from their attacks here. Think gas is expensive now, guess what would happen if oil supplies were to be cut off to the infidels?

Then americans would have to stop being so spoiled for once....and do what they got to do to survive.


Right Where I Belong
Qpid said:
Oh so now everything we were taught in the history books in school we are to beleive :lol:
I am going to pertend that you did not just respond with that idiotic answer.:duh: I guess it was a great conspiracy huh. I guess my uncle, surviving the attack on Pearl Harbor, really imagined this happening.:duh:
That's the nice thing about Band of Brothers, survivors who told their story, and having a grandpa that lived through the bombing of Pearl Harbor, there are still survivors and people that lived through the experience.

Jinx KCM :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

vraiblonde said:
Stop that. You're trying to reason with a person who thinks WWII was all a lie. we all know, I haven't dealt very well with the concept of ignoring the IWR in debates about Iraq.

At least those kinds of people were willing to concede that there at least IS an Iraq War Resolution.