I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


Except you're still in the game...and you don't know what the final score is gonna be. Nobody does. Unless you're telling me that in the 3rd quarter of the Skins game you figured out the final result. THAT would be impressive. But otherwise, I'm not buyin that you know the exact answer and can be ever so sure that you can tell everyone else they are without a doubt wrong. I only used wiki for quotes of stuff I already knew. It's just easier to use a source.

And yes, your Jesus guy said he brang a sword. That's a direct conflict with the Jewish ideology of the messiah. Stop using stuff in your new testament to try to argue the old testament. That's the entire reason why they are two separate religions. It says something in the new because it disagrees with the old.

Back to your other comment though...I would call a family of Betas as "The Betas" or "The Beta family" and not "The Beta" or just "Beta". Doesn't make sense. If it's more than 1 entity it's plural, unless it's multiple personality disorder...but then it's just 1 entity with many personalities.

I knew what the outcome of the skins game was gonna be at halftime:lmao:
I was soooooo mad:tantrum


Harley Rider
Except you're still in the game...and you don't know what the final score is gonna be. Nobody does. Unless you're telling me that in the 3rd quarter of the Skins game you figured out the final result. THAT would be impressive. But otherwise, I'm not buyin that you know the exact answer and can be ever so sure that you can tell everyone else they are without a doubt wrong. I only used wiki for quotes of stuff I already knew. It's just easier to use a source.

And yes, your Jesus guy said he brang a sword. That's a direct conflict with the Jewish ideology of the messiah. Stop using stuff in your new testament to try to argue the old testament. That's the entire reason why they are two separate religions. It says something in the new because it disagrees with the old.
Back to your other comment though...I would call a family of Betas as "The Betas" or "The Beta family" and not "The Beta" or just "Beta". Doesn't make sense. If it's more than 1 entity it's plural, unless it's multiple personality disorder...but then it's just 1 entity with many personalities.
Hey with the Skins, the final result is easy to predict. 7 & 9 is my prediction with that sorry bunch. They stink! They were 6 & 2 and end up like this? Cincinnati & Detroit are asking to play them again in their last 2 games..:lmao:
And, yes, I can be so bold as to say that I know the exact answer to many things referring to Christianity and I can say that people are clearly wrong because it isn't me whose saying it. I know nothing about God other than what I'm told by God Himself in the Bible.
If someone asks your last name you say Beta (humor me again here) right? And if you look up a word you should know for God (Elohim) you'll see that it is plural. And, if you read Genesis 1v26 and 11v7 it reads: "God said Let us..." How can this be if God is one? Easy! The explanation of the Trinity fits perfectly here.


New Member
It's the uptight loonies that complain about everything.

Well, you got that right...

Why would you wish someone a Merry Christmas if they don't celebrate Christmas? How do you know just by looking at them?

I figure the number of idiots who get offended by "Merry Christmas" equals the number of jackasses that are offended by "Happy Holidays". It all cancels out so why worry about it?


Having Fun!
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. I didn't want to offend anyone.:jameo::frown:

And just because I don't believe in other religions I'm not going to force it on someone else. Everyone has their own beliefs and I respect that.

Say what you want. If someone has a problem with it they have the choice of letting you know or walking away. You then have a choice in how to respond to their response and so on.

You will never be able to please everyone and it's foolish to try. All any of us can do is try to get through this world the best way we can. We'll make mistakes -- we're human. We'll fix them & move on.

Enough of this :duel:.


Say what you want. If someone has a problem with it they have the choice of letting you know or walking away. You then have a choice in how to respond to their response and so on.

You will never be able to please everyone and it's foolish to try. All any of us can do is try to get through this world the best way we can. We'll make mistakes -- we're human. We'll fix them & move on.

Enough of this :duel:.

:clap: that is correct


Harley Rider
by all means, explain.
I'll splain:
You, son, have no idea who I am or what I do. All you know about me is what I tell you on here. Sure, I have some rough edges as I have said in the past. Sure I make mistakes and am not perfect but I am far from being as nasty as some people are on here. If all I call someone is hampster brain, fool, blind or clueless I am a saint compared to some. When someone tells me I should be more like Jesus it gets my attention and makes me think: "be careful ItalianScallion, you might be getting carried away". One time I even apologized for a name I used (I think it was to you) which is not below my dignity to do.
Many of you do not like the fact that I know as much as I do about God. Most of the people in Jesus hometown hated and despised Him for the same reason (Matthew 13 v 54 FYI) but that doesn't change anything. If you think about it, me, 2A, Starman and others are regularly ridiculed on here for the same reason; speaking out boldly about God. So, while we mean it in love, it is almost always taken as hate speech. You want hate speech, read what they say about us. Hope that helps.


New Member
I'll splain:
You, son, have no idea who I am or what I do. All you know about me is what I tell you on here. Sure, I have some rough edges as I have said in the past. Sure I make mistakes and am not perfect but I am far from being as nasty as some people are on here. If all I call someone is hampster brain, fool, blind or clueless I am a saint compared to some. When someone tells me I should be more like Jesus it gets my attention and makes me think: "be careful ItalianScallion, you might be getting carried away". One time I even apologized for a name I used (I think it was to you) which is not below my dignity to do.
Many of you do not like the fact that I know as much as I do about God. Most of the people in Jesus hometown hated and despised Him for the same reason (Matthew 13 v 54 FYI) but that doesn't change anything. If you think about it, me, 2A, Starman and others are regularly ridiculed on here for the same reason; speaking out boldly about God. So, while we mean it in love, it is almost always taken as hate speech. You want hate speech, read what they say about us. Hope that helps.

Your problem (and indeed 2As and Starmans) is that you always speak out for god but make the message sound terrible. You all speak (on many occasions) like every life is decided.

Example: "What I say is what Jesus said"


You're speaking for him when you should be speaking from him.

You're condemning people to where you think they will go .... according to the bible, only one entity has that power. Unless I've completely forgotten years and years of bible school (teaching and being taught) I don't think that entity is ItalianScallion.

Between your lack of knowledge and the fact that you seem to want to speak for god (not to mention the fact that you sound like an arrogant unforgiving jerk when you do) does more harm for your religion then good.

A lot of things you say don't make sense? Intense research, but you don't even know the bare bones of Hanukkah?

So many things make me think you're a poor excuse for a christian, but none so much as saying "Again, my point is that all people are not going to be "included" in Heaven so why include them in the Christmas season?"

If you really think that jesus would turn people away for any reason, you need to reread some things or come to grips with the fact that you have the wrong idea about what it means to be a christian.


They're out to get us
Hey with the Skins, the final result is easy to predict. 7 & 9 is my prediction with that sorry bunch. They stink! They were 6 & 2 and end up like this? Cincinnati & Detroit are asking to play them again in their last 2 games..:lmao:
And, yes, I can be so bold as to say that I know the exact answer to many things referring to Christianity and I can say that people are clearly wrong because it isn't me whose saying it. I know nothing about God other than what I'm told by God Himself in the Bible.
If someone asks your last name you say Beta (humor me again here) right? And if you look up a word you should know for God (Elohim) you'll see that it is plural. And, if you read Genesis 1v26 and 11v7 it reads: "God said Let us..." How can this be if God is one? Easy! The explanation of the Trinity fits perfectly here.

"Let us" as in "we" because it includes all of humanity, maybe? Otherwise you're saying that all 3 entities of God all spoke at once and all did things at once. That would be an impressive feat. Oh right, God is just a last name but in the new testament they broke away from his last name and started referring to the 3 as different entities. OK. Never mentioned once in the Old Testament though. Kinda odd don't u think?

And you also say God wrote the bible? I thought the new testament was written by the different apostles and some other guys. Why is it named Matthew and written in Matthew's perspective if it was written by God? Why all of the different sets of stories (Matthew, Luke, Peter, etc etc) if there was only 1 true story to be told? Now you're confusing me. How do you know it was written by God? How do you know it's the exact story God wanted to tell? How can you be so stone cold certain that you are convinced you are 100% right and everyone else is wrong? If I wrote a book and told you it was part of the bible, would you believe that? What if I had done it 1500 years ago? Would you know the difference?


What makes me mad is that when you work in retail they don't want you to say Merry Christmas you need to say Happy Holidays so you don't offend anyone. I'm pretty sure 90% of the population celebrates christmas but I'm supposed to not say it so I don't offend the other 10%.

Well you know what?

Here's a list of stores on the naughty or nice list. The ones who don't mention Christmas and ones who do.



They're out to get us
Here's a list of stores on the naughty or nice list. The ones who don't mention Christmas and ones who do.


one of the companies on the "nice" list (Lowes) -- go to their website and right on the front it says "Let's Holiday!" :roflmao:
Bed Bath and Beyond seems to mention the "Holiday Season"
Best Buy "Makes the season bright"

On the naughty list: Barnes and Nobles...explanation = Offers "Holiday Gift Guide." Christmas not found on website. Online feedback form (bottom of page). I click on their website and the first word I notice is Christmas.

What a craptastic website. They do one thing and can't get it right. :lmao:


Harley Rider
Your problem (and indeed 2As and Starmans) is that you always speak out for god but make the message sound terrible. You all speak (on many occasions) like every life is decided.

Example: "What I say is what Jesus said"
You're speaking for him when you should be speaking from him.

You're condemning people to where you think they will go .... according to the bible, only one entity has that power. Unless I've completely forgotten years and years of bible school (teaching and being taught) I don't think that entity is ItalianScallion.

Between your lack of knowledge and the fact that you seem to want to speak for god (not to mention the fact that you sound like an arrogant unforgiving jerk when you do) does more harm for your religion then good.

A lot of things you say don't make sense? Intense research, but you don't even know the bare bones of Hanukkah?

So many things make me think you're a poor excuse for a christian, but none so much as saying "Again, my point is that all people are not going to be "included" in Heaven so why include them in the Christmas season?"

If you really think that jesus would turn people away for any reason, you need to reread some things or come to grips with the fact that you have the wrong idea about what it means to be a christian.
Do you have a problem with justice? Are you afraid of correction? Jesus chastized many people in His short ministry. The message sounds terrible because to the lost, it is their final judgment. How many death or jail sentences sound nice? This is why I say you just don't get it! For your sake you had better follow someone worth following and get away from your false beliefs.
Speaking for God is commanded by Jesus. It's called the great commission.
Actually, every life is decided since God knows everything.
Jesus said the same thing about the lost so He must be an arrogant unforgiving jerk too??? Real nice Einstein. Show us more of what you don't know.
Hanukkah is rarely ever mentioned in my ministry because it has little relevance to me. Their re-dedication of the temple is their way of denying the work of Christ on the cross so I have little use for it. Most Jews still deny Christ today and it won't be pretty for them. Or would you like me to lie and say what Oprah says?
What's wrong with saying that all will not get into Heaven? It's the truth regardless of what you & JPC think. And Jesus will turn more people away than He will accept. See here: "The road to life is very narrow and only a few find it but the road to death is very wide and many will find it".
Apparently, I can't open your eyes to the truth so I hope someone else can. If it doesn't happen here, it will up there. Oh that's right, I forgot myself. Don't worry Xaq, everyone will make it to heaven. God doesn't care what we do, He still loves us all. See, now does that sound better? :barf:


Harley Rider
"Let us" as in "we" because it includes all of humanity, maybe? Otherwise you're saying that all 3 entities of God all spoke at once and all did things at once. That would be an impressive feat. Oh right, God is just a last name but in the new testament they broke away from his last name and started referring to the 3 as different entities. OK. Never mentioned once in the Old Testament though. Kinda odd don't u think?
No, not all of humanity. It shows us that there are multiple beings there. And no they don't all speak or act at once but they never disagree. This is why we say that they are one God. They always agree and are in complete harmony even though they are separate beings.
And no, God is not His last name. It's a description of who He is just as we are called men and women. I used the last name example with you but it might have confused you.
And no, Jesus name is never mentioned in the OT but He is referred to many times. This is why we need both testaments to get a complete understanding of the Godhead.
Beta84 said:
And you also say God wrote the bible? I thought the new testament was written by the different apostles and some other guys. Why is it named Matthew and written in Matthew's perspective if it was written by God? Why all of the different sets of stories (Matthew, Luke, Peter, etc etc) if there was only 1 true story to be told? Now you're confusing me. How do you know it was written by God? How do you know it's the exact story God wanted to tell? How can you be so stone cold certain that you are convinced you are 100% right and everyone else is wrong? If I wrote a book and told you it was part of the bible, would you believe that? What if I had done it 1500 years ago? Would you know the difference?
Merry Christmas! (I had to say that because we're off topic as usual).
When I say that God wrote the Bible I mean that they are His words spoken to men as they were influenced by the Spirit of God. The men wrote God's words down and also wrote about events that many of them saw happen.
Some books were written about a person and were not written by the person it was named after.
Even though each book is different, the underlying message about a relationship with God is there throughout. That's the one true story you are speaking about.
I know the Bible is true because it proves itself and there are many other external proofs that what it says is true. Look at these facts:
1) They have almost 6,000 copies of the original writings (copies I said) and they are all in almost perfect agreement with each other. No other writings can say this.
2) Archaeological digs have been finding what the Bible has talked about for thousands of years giving it more credibility.
3) There are 66 books in the Bible and they all have the same underlying message that I spoke of earlier even though they were written by about 40 different men, living at different times, in different countries and speaking different languages and many of these men didn't know each other so there was no collusion in most cases.
4) The books of the Bible spoke of things to come sometimes 700 years before they happened and they happened exactly as it said. There is no way any human could have done this which proves that it is divinely inspired and not a flawed human effort.


Methodically disorganized
To the original topic...

I got done watching a one-hour special called the "History of Christmas" on the History Channel a short while ago. I found it highly informative and would suggest everyone watch it.

This thread - not surprisingly - drew out the die-hards from both sides of the court, yet neither is totally spot on with their arguments.

Merry f'ing Christmas. :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, while we mean it in love, it is almost always taken as hate speech.

In my religious teachings, we were encouraged to spread the good news, not bludgeon someone to death with it and condemn them if they don't match up perfectly with your ideas of spirituality. Not sure what your church teaches you.

And I'm not trying to be offensive to you, but seriously one of the main things that turns people off to religion is the overzealous messengers who insist that there is only ONE way to worship or believe, and if you do not do it to the letter, you suck and will burn in hell for eternity. They believe *they* and only *they* are perfect and doing this Jesus thing correctly, and anyone who disagrees with them on even the smallest point is unworthy.

If you get offended when someone wishes you Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you get offended at non-Christians celebrating Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you think your way is the only way and there is no room for dissent - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

Not that you care about any of this or are interested in seeing a different viewpoint, but I'm just telling you where I personally am coming from on this issue and why I'm not interested in joining your club to worship your God. You don't make it sound particularly comforting or inclusive.

You could consider taking a page from Railroad's book - I read his devotional almost every day and enjoy it immensely because it's inspiring and not condemning or judgmental. If welcoming people into the fold and helping people come to God is the goal, then he is doing a pretty darn good job.