I'm not saying Happy Holidays!



:buddies: Cheers to you! BTW I love you avatar! That movie rocks! Cant wait til it comes on. I think it will be on Christmas day for 24 hours. I have to work that day, but will try to watch it at some point. Also, love Its a Wonderful Life and Chritmas Shoes!


They're out to get us
Oh pish. You have provided us with days of entertainment, so you should be proud that your little tread has legs. :yay:

:yeahthat: It's always fun to argue with psycho ultra religious people! :lmao:

Hanukkah is rarely ever mentioned in my ministry because it has little relevance to me. Their re-dedication of the temple is their way of denying the work of Christ on the cross so I have little use for it. Most Jews still deny Christ today and it won't be pretty for them. Or would you like me to lie and say what Oprah says?

:rolleyes: So if Jesus was a Jew, does that make him wrong? It sounds like he picked the wrong religion :wink:

Which rededication of the temple are you referring to? The one that occurred before anyone had ever heard of Jesus? :whistle:

SPEAKING of which, here's a little fun tidbit for your almightiness. In the rededicated temple that you speak of, a young Jesus said (according to the New Testament, of course): "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49). So he seems to be quite ok with the rededicated temple that was built by Herod. Interesting. Veryyyyy interesting.

Here's a question. If Jesus was Jewish and celebrated the Jewish holidays (we all know he celebrated Passover, helloooo last supper!) and most, if not all of them are in the Old Testament and part of the Christian religion, why is it that these holidays are utterly ignored by modern day Christians? Why ignore the holidays that Jesus himself celebrated? Did something in the new testament say "you can ignore these holidays, woopeee!!" or something? I wouldn't be surprised, so many other things were simply canceled out in the New Testament as well. But if he's celebrating Passover then why is that not still celebrated in Christianity today?


New Member
Nope I'm not saying were I work at but it retail. No I'm white just a girl trying to make a living. I asked one of the mangers if I could say Merry Christmas and if I did would I be fried. She said no as long as it doesn't offend anyone I can say what ever I want to so here gos " MERRY CHRISTMAS,HAPPY HOILDAY, SEASON GREETING!!!!!!! ":coffee:


New Member
Nope I'm not saying were I work at but it retail. No I'm white just a girl trying to make a living. I asked one of the mangers if I could say Merry Christmas and if I did would I be fried. She said no as long as it doesn't offend anyone I can say what ever I want to so here gos " MERRY CHRISTMAS,HAPPY HOILDAY, SEASON GREETING!!!!!!! ":coffee:

Sounds more like you're baked.


I know I am never posting a thread again that has anything to do with religion. I didn't mean for it to be an all out debate between catholics, christians, and jewish religion.

And I also have noticed on the radio they play alot of christmas music. Especially 97.1. It's nonstop all day.

Don't give up. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't let the tards on this forum get to you. There are a few idiots on this forum who claim to be non religious but sure are infatuated with the subject. Instead of just ignoring the subject as I would if I was in the cooking or sewing forum (because it wouldn't interest me), they feel compelled to be a part of it.

They just can't handle it. The thought of millions of people walking into church every Sunday with a smile on their face, makes these non-believers ill and they wanna scream about it. Again, they aren't able to understand and I am certainly not going to try to make them.


Nope I'm not saying were I work at but it retail. No I'm white just a girl trying to make a living. I asked one of the mangers if I could say Merry Christmas and if I did would I be fried. She said no as long as it doesn't offend anyone I can say what ever I want to so here gos " MERRY CHRISTMAS,HAPPY HOILDAY, SEASON GREETING!!!!!!! ":coffee:

:cds: Dont say it then!!! Please I would hate to see someone get fried.

Just curious if you do, do you come extra crispy??? :lmao:


They're out to get us
Don't give up. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't let the tards on this forum get to you. There are a few idiots on this forum who claim to be non religious but sure are infatuated with the subject. Instead of just ignoring the subject as I would if I was in the cooking or sewing forum (because it wouldn't interest me), they feel compelled to be a part of it.

They just can't handle it. The thought of millions of people walking into church every Sunday with a smile on their face, makes these non-believers ill and they wanna scream about it. Again, they aren't able to understand and I am certainly not going to try to make them.

at the bold - there are alot of them that get annoyed with the people who keep telling them they'll go to hell, so they argue about it. :shrug:

but i agree. if you have a discussion, it should be posted (as long as it's not something ridiculous hateful, like that MPD Uncle Rico). no reason not to. the point of discussion is to have dissenting opinions, is it not? if there weren't dissenting opinions, all christians would be catholics (hello, Luther!)...just as an example of why opinion matters.


Harley Rider
In my religious teachings, we were encouraged to spread the good news, not bludgeon someone to death with it and condemn them if they don't match up perfectly with your ideas of spirituality. Not sure what your church teaches you.

And I'm not trying to be offensive to you, but seriously one of the main things that turns people off to religion is the overzealous messengers who insist that there is only ONE way to worship or believe, and if you do not do it to the letter, you suck and will burn in hell for eternity. They believe *they* and only *they* are perfect and doing this Jesus thing correctly, and anyone who disagrees with them on even the smallest point is unworthy.
If you get offended when someone wishes you Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.
If you get offended at non-Christians celebrating Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.
If you think your way is the only way and there is no room for dissent - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

Not that you care about any of this or are interested in seeing a different viewpoint, but I'm just telling you where I personally am coming from on this issue and why I'm not interested in joining your club to worship your God. You don't make it sound particularly comforting or inclusive.

You could consider taking a page from Railroad's book - I read his devotional almost every day and enjoy it immensely because it's inspiring and not condemning or judgmental. If welcoming people into the fold and helping people come to God is the goal, then he is doing a pretty darn good job.
First off, I respect what you have to say but you are another one who does not understand how Jesus worked. And, FYI, I take no offense in what people say or call me. After all the hatred thrown my way, I would still come to a tard outing and give you a hug or handshake. YOU ALL are the ones who make it personal!
Now, there are 2 ways to spread the word: Nicely (your preference) and scaring the hell out of someone (a way that is usually done when people try to circumvent Jesus). I came to this forum with a gentle spirit for all. After a while what I got was serious name calling so I had to abandon "nice" and go "kirk out" on some of you zealots.
You say it turns you off to hear that there is only one way to Heaven. Would it turn you off to hear that there is only one way to become a cop? How about there is only one way to become a doctor or lawyer? Same thing with Heaven & God.
You know Vrai, I really respect the way you run this forum and I appreciate your comments most of the time but I cannot change what God has said to make you or anyone else happy. IF you don't like the fact that there is only one way to Heaven, FINE! Don't believe it! But, answer me honestly, what will you really do when you find out that it is true and then it is too late to change your destiny? I'm sorry that what Jesus taught doesn't fit into you mold but He makes the rules, not me.
You really should spend time in the Bible to see what Jesus actually said & did. Just read the 4 Gospels in the New Testament sometime. See how many times Jesus called people dumb, fools, children of the devil, (hampster brain) lol, and all because He was heart broken that they (just like you) were trying to find other ways into Heaven just as many of you here are and it ain't gonna happen!


And I'm not trying to be offensive to you, but seriously one of the main things that turns people off to religion is the overzealous messengers who insist that there is only ONE way to worship or believe, and if you do not do it to the letter, you suck and will burn in hell for eternity. They believe *they* and only *they* are perfect and doing this Jesus thing correctly, and anyone who disagrees with them on even the smallest point is unworthy.


Probably the best post in this entire thread!


New Member
First off, I respect what you have to say but you are another one who does not understand how Jesus worked. And, FYI, I take no offense in what people say or call me. After all the hatred thrown my way, I would still come to a tard outing and give you a hug or handshake. YOU ALL are the ones who make it personal!
Now, there are 2 ways to spread the word: Nicely (your preference) and scaring the hell out of someone (a way that is usually done when people try to circumvent Jesus). I came to this forum with a gentle spirit for all. After a while what I got was serious name calling so I had to abandon "nice" and go "kirk out" on some of you zealots.
You say it turns you off to hear that there is only one way to Heaven. Would it turn you off to hear that there is only one way to become a cop? How about there is only one way to become a doctor or lawyer? Same thing with Heaven & God.
You know Vrai, I really respect the way you run this forum and I appreciate your comments most of the time but I cannot change what God has said to make you or anyone else happy. IF you don't like the fact that there is only one way to Heaven, FINE! Don't believe it! But, answer me honestly, what will you really do when you find out that it is true and then it is too late to change your destiny? I'm sorry that what Jesus taught doesn't fit into you mold but He makes the rules, not me.
You really should spend time in the Bible to see what Jesus actually said & did. Just read the 4 Gospels in the New Testament sometime. See how many times Jesus called people dumb, fools, children of the devil, (hampster brain) lol, and all because He was heart broken that they (just like you) were trying to find other ways into Heaven just as many of you here are and it ain't gonna happen!

Sorry, what?

A pompous, no-nothing, windbag was sitting on my internet.


They're out to get us
First off, I respect what you have to say but you are another one who does not understand how Jesus worked. And, FYI, I take no offense in what people say or call me. After all the hatred thrown my way, I would still come to a tard outing and give you a hug or handshake. YOU ALL are the ones who make it personal!
Now, there are 2 ways to spread the word: Nicely (your preference) and scaring the hell out of someone (a way that is usually done when people try to circumvent Jesus). I came to this forum with a gentle spirit for all. After a while what I got was serious name calling so I had to abandon "nice" and go "kirk out" on some of you zealots.
You say it turns you off to hear that there is only one way to Heaven. Would it turn you off to hear that there is only one way to become a cop? How about there is only one way to become a doctor or lawyer? Same thing with Heaven & God.
You know Vrai, I really respect the way you run this forum and I appreciate your comments most of the time but I cannot change what God has said to make you or anyone else happy. IF you don't like the fact that there is only one way to Heaven, FINE! Don't believe it! But, answer me honestly, what will you really do when you find out that it is true and then it is too late to change your destiny? I'm sorry that what Jesus taught doesn't fit into you mold but He makes the rules, not me.
You really should spend time in the Bible to see what Jesus actually said & did. Just read the 4 Gospels in the New Testament sometime. See how many times Jesus called people dumb, fools, children of the devil, (hampster brain) lol, and all because He was heart broken that they (just like you) were trying to find other ways into Heaven just as many of you here are and it ain't gonna happen!

vrai isn't a tard. and you make it a little personal by telling everyone they're going to hell if they don't worship just like you do.

you can't compare the way to get into heaven with the way to become a cop or lawyer. one was is very most definitely absolutely known. The other way is very questionable. Not only is there no proof that it's the right answer, but there's no proof that anyone has gotten to heaven by that method or that there is even a heaven (and if u have photos of heaven or letters from beyond, i'd love to see them).

i dunno about vrai, but if i was told by God himself exactly how to get into heaven, explained all the different paths and what each path led me to in the afterlife, I'd explore all of those options. And don't tell me some books that were written thousands of years ago are conclusively definitely right and lay those options out. So without being given an absolute way of knowing, it's not fair for any being to expect me to just be able to figure out which religion is right without any concrete proof. I believe in what I'm most comfortable in believing based on my experiences. Almost every ring of hell is reserved for people who have done bad things, except for the circle of nonbelievers (who's up for a game of Limbo?). Why? because it's BAD things that send you to hell (assuming there is such a place). The entire point is to be a GOOD person. Religion isn't so important if you're just a good person with good morals. But when you use religion for the wrong reasons, that's a good way to take a middle seat to hell (I'd say front seat, but i guess there are some worse crimes eh?). There are plenty of "holier than thou" people who will end up with that fate. Sucks to be them. If only they could be nice instead of being jerks and using their religion for good, we'd all be happier :yay:


give up for jesus!


Don't you have any other hobbies besides playing here all day waiting to argue with religious people? I know you said you ddn't have any dolls but I'm willing to bet you do. You just forgot where you put them.