I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


Having Fun!
In my religious teachings, we were encouraged to spread the good news, not bludgeon someone to death with it and condemn them if they don't match up perfectly with your ideas of spirituality. Not sure what your church teaches you.

And I'm not trying to be offensive to you, but seriously one of the main things that turns people off to religion is the overzealous messengers who insist that there is only ONE way to worship or believe, and if you do not do it to the letter, you suck and will burn in hell for eternity. They believe *they* and only *they* are perfect and doing this Jesus thing correctly, and anyone who disagrees with them on even the smallest point is unworthy.

If you get offended when someone wishes you Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you get offended at non-Christians celebrating Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you think your way is the only way and there is no room for dissent - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

Not that you care about any of this or are interested in seeing a different viewpoint, but I'm just telling you where I personally am coming from on this issue and why I'm not interested in joining your club to worship your God. You don't make it sound particularly comforting or inclusive.

You could consider taking a page from Railroad's book - I read his devotional almost every day and enjoy it immensely because it's inspiring and not condemning or judgmental. If welcoming people into the fold and helping people come to God is the goal, then he is doing a pretty darn good job.

:yeahthat: ...pretty much. This thread took a small molehill and turned it into a mountain and I really don't need to add any more of my two cents' worth but I just can't stop myself (not enough coffee yet).

It is important to remember that all books were written by people and as such, it is inevitable that certain biases or mistakes can make their way into them. Early books are written accounts of oral tradition. Before there were writing utensils and things to write upon (animal skins, walls, papyrus, etc.), people were telling stories. As people were involved, some of the details changed with each telling to make the story more interesting to those who were listening. There are many universal themes to stories across nations and across cultures, most likely because there are certain themes that are common to the human condition. Imagine for a moment, what details might have been changed or embellished over the years before the bible was actually written down? That is where I have a problem with those religions who rely on a strict word-for-word interpretation of the book.

I was raised Catholic but I don't agree with all of the church's teachings - too many opportunities for men & politics to pollute the message.

Do I believe in God? Most definitely, by whatever name people choose to call a Supreme Being. I believe that we are here to learn certain lessons about love and how to treat our fellow beings and we will keep coming back until we have learned.

In what is supposed to be a season of love and hope, perhaps using the analogy of a story about a small baby (one of the few things practically guaranteed to engender hope and awe in all but the most hardened of hearts), it is disturbing to find that some people still don't get the "message" of the season -- love and hope for something better.

And Vrai, please post a link to "Railroad" for those of us who'd like the information -- Thanks!

May all of your holidays be happy, no matter the wording or celebration, celebrate with love!


They're out to get us
In my religious teachings, we were encouraged to spread the good news, not bludgeon someone to death with it and condemn them if they don't match up perfectly with your ideas of spirituality. Not sure what your church teaches you.

And I'm not trying to be offensive to you, but seriously one of the main things that turns people off to religion is the overzealous messengers who insist that there is only ONE way to worship or believe, and if you do not do it to the letter, you suck and will burn in hell for eternity. They believe *they* and only *they* are perfect and doing this Jesus thing correctly, and anyone who disagrees with them on even the smallest point is unworthy.

If you get offended when someone wishes you Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you get offended at non-Christians celebrating Christmas - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

If you think your way is the only way and there is no room for dissent - YOU MIGHT BE A ZEALOT.

Not that you care about any of this or are interested in seeing a different viewpoint, but I'm just telling you where I personally am coming from on this issue and why I'm not interested in joining your club to worship your God. You don't make it sound particularly comforting or inclusive.

You could consider taking a page from Railroad's book - I read his devotional almost every day and enjoy it immensely because it's inspiring and not condemning or judgmental. If welcoming people into the fold and helping people come to God is the goal, then he is doing a pretty darn good job.

:yeahthat: once someone is anywhere close to zealot status, it's not like anything we say is going the phase them whatsoever. they won't realize their sins til they end in a fiery pit in hell and get condemned for being bad people. Religion's purpose isn't worshipping God as best as you can and in the exact intent that is expected according to whichever book. It's about treating your fellow humans as best as you can. When people fail at that part, it doesn't matter how well they worship because they're already doomed.

Happy Holidays!

If you think CHRISTmas is silly, or you just don't believe, then next Thursday you should get up out of bed and GET TO WORK!!! I will be sleeping in as late as possible.


They're out to get us

If you think CHRISTmas is silly, or you just don't believe, then next Thursday you should get up out of bed and GET TO WORK!!! I will be sleeping in as late as possible.

It's an American holiday. We don't get other holidays off in place of Xmas, otherwise we would. Since it was deemed an American holiday, we all get off. Happy holidays to you! :buddies:

Oh and a thought to add to the conversation. During the normal holiday shopping, I think saying "Happy Holidays" is appropriate. But on Xmas itself, there's nothin wrong with saying "Merry Xmas" since it's that day. That's like telling a non-Irish person Happy St. Patrick's Day, or a non Mexican Happy Cinco De Mayo. Not a big deal ON THAT DAY!


They're out to get us
I believe in Christmas and love the holiday, but I have to work. Does that make me a bad person??

According to bean machine, yes it makes you a bad person. The best way to celebrate what is deemed an important religious christian holiday is to skip church and sleep in as late as possible.


How come when I went shopping last night in one of the places that tells their employees no to say Merry Christmas, There were Christmas songs being played on the PA system throughout the store and Christmas videos on the TV’s on display??? Kinda hypocritical isn't it?:duel:


They're out to get us
Ahh, so the Godless ACLU was doing the Devils work when it was defending Christians and other religions ?

You made a claim, that was refuted with facts and now you fallback on the great scourge, The Horrible Gays :bigwhoop:

Couldnt you then extrapolate that any religion that took advantage of the Devils work is they themselves complicit?

cmon dude...italianscalion is pullin crap out of his ass. Do u see anyone defending his ranting? They're all trying to distance themselves from him, or they're too busy laughing at him. Don't worry about it, situations like these are lose-lose. You just have to nod and smile...unless you're having fun, then by all means lets continue the spanking.


They're out to get us
How come when I went shopping last night in one of the places that tells their employees no to say Merry Christmas, There were Christmas songs being played on the PA system throughout the store and Christmas videos on the TV’s on display??? Kinda hypocritical isn't it?:duel:

It's holiday stuff. Maybe they had hanukah and kwanza stuff on, but less frequently? :shrug:

how do you know which places tell their employees what to say? do they have it written up somewhere?


How come when I went shopping last night in one of the places that tells their employees no to say Merry Christmas, There were Christmas songs being played on the PA system throughout the store and Christmas videos on the TV’s on display??? Kinda hypocritical isn't it?:duel:

Usually when I go shopping at Christmastime, they're playing:
Let it Snow
Winter Wonderland
Christmas Eve in Sarajevo 12/24 (an instrumental)
Same Old Lang Syne (which IS NOT, and never has been, a "Christmas" song)
... and the like ...


I've never heard one religious Christmas song being played at a Wal-Mart :shrug:

Then again, I don't obsess over it and look for reasons to :cds: during the Holiday season.

Happy holidays to you to ####### :cheers:


They're out to get us
Usually when I go shopping at Christmastime, they're playing:
Let it Snow
Winter Wonderland
Christmas Eve in Sarajevo 12/24 (an instrumental)
Same Old Lang Syne (which IS NOT, and never has been, a "Christmas" song)
... and the like ...


I've never heard one religious Christmas song being played at a Wal-Mart :shrug:

:smack: As others have said, it's CHRISTMAS season. That means all winter/snow songs related to the christmas season are defacto CHRISTMAS songs. :rolleyes:


:smack: As others have said, it's CHRISTMAS season. That means all winter/snow songs related to the christmas season are defacto CHRISTMAS songs. :rolleyes:

The funniest part is we don't actually get real snow and real winter conditions until February. :killingme Late December and most of January are usually fairly pleasant.

So, in that sense, songs about smow and winter are President's Day songs. :killingme


They're out to get us
The funniest part is we don't actually get real snow and real winter conditions until February. :killingme Late December and most of January are usually fairly pleasant.

So, in that sense, songs about smow and winter are President's Day songs. :killingme

Uh maybe because Hanukkah is NOT a comparable holidays for the Jews. Its a celebration of lights, because a candle (minora) that only had oil for one day ended up lasting 8 days instead (hence the 8 days of Hanukkah).

Yom Kippur would be a comparable holiday for Jews.

You'd think Jesus, being a Jew, would know about that.

This is true. Hanukkah is actually a very minor holiday, but is celebrated and is one of those 'fun' holidays. If you combined various aspects of Hannukah and Yom Kippur, you'd get something along the lines of Christmas. Or maybe Rosh Hashanah instead...which one is holier, Christmas or Easter? I dunno


New Member
Do you have a problem with justice? Are you afraid of correction? Jesus chastized many people in His short ministry. The message sounds terrible because to the lost, it is their final judgment. How many death or jail sentences sound nice? This is why I say you just don't get it! For your sake you had better follow someone worth following and get away from your false beliefs.
Speaking for God is commanded by Jesus. It's called the great commission.
Actually, every life is decided since God knows everything.
Jesus said the same thing about the lost so He must be an arrogant unforgiving jerk too??? Real nice Einstein. Show us more of what you don't know.
Hanukkah is rarely ever mentioned in my ministry because it has little relevance to me. Their re-dedication of the temple is their way of denying the work of Christ on the cross so I have little use for it. Most Jews still deny Christ today and it won't be pretty for them. Or would you like me to lie and say what Oprah says?
What's wrong with saying that all will not get into Heaven? It's the truth regardless of what you & JPC think. And Jesus will turn more people away than He will accept. See here: "The road to life is very narrow and only a few find it but the road to death is very wide and many will find it".
Apparently, I can't open your eyes to the truth so I hope someone else can. If it doesn't happen here, it will up there. Oh that's right, I forgot myself. Don't worry Xaq, everyone will make it to heaven. God doesn't care what we do, He still loves us all. See, now does that sound better? :barf:

tsk tsk


I know I am never posting a thread again that has anything to do with religion. I didn't mean for it to be an all out debate between catholics, christians, and jewish religion.

And I also have noticed on the radio they play alot of christmas music. Especially 97.1. It's nonstop all day.


I know I am never posting a thread again that has anything to do with religion. I didn't mean for it to be an all out debate between catholics, christians, and jewish religion.

And I also have noticed on the radio they play alot of christmas music. Especially 97.1. It's nonstop all day.

LOVE that station during these times! I play it at work and have it in my car. Holly Jolly!!