Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:

Which explains why you don't know how it works. :jet:

Indeed, we collect SSNs when a new person is hired, then they are reported to the Maryland New Hire Registry. The purpose of this is to nab people with outstanding child support warrants, and probably also to nab illegal employees. But the official reason is to track deadbeat parents.

Each quarter, I do a MD unemployment report, which breaks down each employee and their wages by SSN. FUTA doesn't ask for individual employee information, but SUI does.

Then, of course, W-2s must be filed at the end of the year with all federal and state reconciliation reports.

For Steve:

Medicare and SS payments are included with federal tax deposits, which get deposited either monthly or semiweekly, depending on your payroll level. Each quarter you file a 941 report, stating the taxes deposited for that quarter and including SS and MED payments.

So if you're going to be busted for illegal immigration, it's more likely the State will get you before the Feds.

...but I'm right about the feds; they don't see a SS # from us until the FUTA is turned in, yes?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

2ndAmendment said:
If you have any suspicion that the documentation is fraudulent, it is your job to verify the documentation with the authorities. Did you miss that?

...I'm not the suspicious type.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
And one more thing:

Only Congress can take a wrong and exacerbate it by committing ANOTHER wrong to supposedly "correct" the original wrong.


I haven't been paying attention - was this Bush's idea???
The guest worker program is Bush's. If he were up for re-election, he would not get my vote. I wouldn't have voted for Kerry. I guess I would have just stayed home. Switzerland or Costa Rica are looking better and better. Most countries' citizens have the gonads to stand up for their country. Our country is full of self hate and self deprivation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As far as I read...

2ndAmendment said:
As angry as I am about them and the kennedys like them, I would be a lot more insulting to the point of being banned if I were not a Christian.

...the rules of the fourm, you can be banned even if you are a Christian.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I haven't been paying attention - was this Bush's idea???
Okay, I'm all "attented" now. Check this picture - HELLO DUMBASS??? Immigration reform and guest worker crap was Bush's idea!!!!!


These friggin' people! Even when Bush supports what they want, they STILL bash him!!!!


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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...the rules of the fourm, you can be banned even if you are a Christian.
I just won't use the language or engage you in a non Christian manner. Your reading comprehension has gone way down. Did you go back to public school?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I'm all "attented" now. Check this picture - HELLO DUMBASS??? Immigration reform and guest worker crap was Bush's idea!!!!!


These friggin' people! Even when Bush supports what they want, they STILL bash him!!!!
To answer the question on the sign, if she is an illegal, yes, she looks like a criminal to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's awful convenient...

2ndAmendment said:
Looks like Larry and Bru are gettng their wish.
So Larry, you and Bru join the ranks of Kennedy, Spector, Milkulski, and Sarbanes. Hope you like the company. Neither of you are liberals in the classic sense nor are you conservatives. I no longer have any idea of what you are, but I do know that .... you are now kennedys. Congratulations. :smack: blame it one me. I've been #####ing about illegal immigration for 10 years, pointing out to my congressman the ills of long term ignoring the growing problem. This thread is about dealing with the problem, not what should have been done 10 years ago.

Once the horse has left the barn there ain't a hell of alot of point in shutting and locking the door, is there?

You proposal would turn us into a Orwellian police state, hunting down illegals and breaking the treasury in the process. That is not sensible. No principle is when it no longer makes sense.

The core of conservatism is to deal with things the way they are, not as one might wish them to be, so, label me as your needs arise. It, like your proposal, does not address the problem. It replaces it with a far worse one, in my ever so humble opinion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you've entirely lost you sense of humor...

2ndAmendment said:
I just won't use the language or engage you in a non Christian manner. Your reading comprehension has gone way down. Did you go back to public school?

...then rasberries for you. I was playing on the verbage you used.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
:killingme :killingme :lmao:

This new legislation makes all of us losers, especially Larry and Bru. They plan to make them all legal citizens. :lmao: What happens to your vast pool of cheap labor? It goes away instantly. Guess what? They don't have to work for cheap wages anymore. They will be legal. They can demand minimum wage; get union representation; get even higher wages. They don't even have to work; they can legally get welfare, health benefits, food stamps, and unemployment. :lmao: What are you guys going to do then, encourage a whole new round of illegal immigration? :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :killingme

You guys and everyone else that thinks of and/or uses illegals as a cheap labor pool just got fooled, and that is saying it nicely. :razz:


vraiblonde said:
Where do you get that I agree with your illegal immigration stance when I've repeatedly stated that I'm for following the law? :confused:

Because, you silly goose, if you would take the time to actually read what I was asking you, I was asking if the fact that a large percentage of people disagree with you means that you're wrong. I wasn't talking about immigration. 2A made the comment that I must be wrong on immigration because a large percentage of people disagree with my view, and I pointed out that a large percentage of people disagree with views on guns that he and I have, so using his logic he and I must both be wrong about guns... and I ventured to guess that he might disagree with that assessment. :whistle:

What I was asking you was not your opinion on immigration, but on the simple point of does the fact that a large percentage of people disagree with you make you wrong, and as I see in your example you agree with my point of view on that point.


2ndAmendment said:
If you are making a profit, you might want to delete your original post and I will delete this quote. I think you are violating the law against manufacture of firearms unless you have a license to do so.

Might want to check your regs. I'm only assembling rifles, which is considered gunsmithing and does not require a class II manufacturing license. I did need to work under a class II back in the 1980s when I was modifying AR-15 frames and rifles into M-16 configurations.


2ndAmendment said:
:killingme :killingme :lmao:

This new legislation makes all of us losers, especially Larry and Bru. They plan to make them all legal citizens.

You guys and everyone else that thinks of and/or uses illegals as a cheap labor pool just got fooled, and that is saying it nicely. :razz:

Gee whiz... you're right! If you're right one more time today you'll catch up with a broken watch. :lmao: Remember back in the 1990s when the illegals got a blanket amnesty and that was suppossed to end the problem, and most people said "sure it will"? I don't see how granting blanket amnesty is going to do a damn thing aside from legalize a bunch of workers, thus making them worthless to slavetraders like Larry and I, and is just going to encourage more illegals to come in, which is exactly what we'll need. It would be much better, and cheaper, to just leave things at the status quo 'cause that's where were going to end up in a few years... we'll just be several million bucks poorer for the effort.


Well-Known Member
Thanks 2A!

From Alliance


Like we feared, the Specter legislation passed through the
Senate Judicary, and could move forward as early as this
week if okayed by Sen. Majority leader Bill Frist.

In the words of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
this new legislation amounts to nothing more "than
blanket amnesty."

In fact, this legislation represents the most sweeping
effort by Congress to grant legal status to illegal
immigrants. In addition to legalizing more than 11
million illegal aliens (we've heard the number may
in fact, be as high 20 million), it would also allow
more than 400,000 foreigners to come to the U.S. to
work each year and put them on a path to citizenship.

And that's not all, if passed into law, it would create
the largest guest worker program since the early 1940s.

And perhaps most disturbing is that the panel voted to
eliminate the provisions that would criminalize
immigrants for living in the U.S. illegally. Adding
insult to our injury, they even drafted an amendment
to protect groups and individuals from being prosecuted
for offering assistance to illegal immigrants.

Why did they adopt such measures?

As the USA Today reported, lawmakers central to the
immigration debate admitted to being swayed by televised
images of thousands of demonstrators waving flags and
marching in opposition of tough immigration legislation.

As Sen. Kennedy described the people who would benefit
from the legislation he said, "They are our neighbors...
churchgoers...the shop owners down the street. They
are the people we know."

Apparently Sen. Kennedy didn't consult with Grassfire's
own Ron De Jong, whose parents, following a morning
raid just a few feet from their home, discovered that
their illegal alien neighbors weren't the shop owners,
or churchgoers that Kennedy described, but rather
wanted members of the terrorist gang MS-13.

This legislation is bad for America on
so many different levels. That is why we are headed to
Washington, D.C., to present your "Secure Our Border"
petition to Sen. Bill Frist--urging him not to allow
this legislation to move forward.

Please take a moment right now to call your Senators
and demand they with hold their support of the Specter

As citizens, we need to hold our leaders accountable,
and demand they do the right thing--not by the illegals,
but by the citizens who vote and pay taxes!

Here's your contact information for:

Sen. Mikulski: 202-224-4654
Sen. Sarbanes: (202) 224-4524

When calling, please identify yourself as a member of Alliance, and be sure to communicate that
you do not support any guest worker, or amnesty plan
that rewards illegal behavior!
Please take action today.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This issue has...

2ndAmendment said:
:killingme :killingme :lmao:

This new legislation makes all of us losers, especially Larry and Bru. They plan to make them all legal citizens. :lmao: What happens to your vast pool of cheap labor? It goes away instantly. Guess what? They don't have to work for cheap wages anymore. They will be legal. They can demand minimum wage; get union representation; get even higher wages. They don't even have to work; they can legally get welfare, health benefits, food stamps, and unemployment. :lmao: What are you guys going to do then, encourage a whole new round of illegal immigration? :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :killingme

You guys and everyone else that thinks of and/or uses illegals as a cheap labor pool just got fooled, and that is saying it nicely. :razz:

...become rather emotional for you, yes?

You're seconding, near verbatim, what Bruz said about the down side of legalizing and yet we some how got fooled and are losers? That makes no sense. I didn't and I can wager he didn't ask congress to do a damn thing about this. We're not the ones seeing criminals in our sleep.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the huge, emotional response against illegals is what compelled Congress to spasm out some ill thought out, 'make it look like your doing something' legislation?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
You know, a lot of other countries gaurd thier borders with the military. Not that I have anything against the Border Patrol, they're doing thier best.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the huge, emotional response against illegals is what compelled Congress to spasm out some ill thought out, 'make it look like your doing something' legislation?
Well, we absolutely agree on that.

What bothers me about what they're doing is the same thing that always bothers me about politics - they're concerned that they might lose forever the chance to have Hispanic voters in their pockets. Proposition 187 really hurt Pete Wilson - and Hispanics haven't been voting Republican since then. Worse, a federal court overturned it. Hispanics are growing at a rate that already makes them the largest minority in this country - within another generation, Blacks will fall far behind Hispanics and possibly Asians as well. Republicans want to take advantage of this - they're dreaming. They've been permanent marked as the white guy's party - minorities will never support them en masse (but they might support them *locally*, as is the case in some parts of Florida).

Of course as DJ earlier noticed, people are angry at *BUSH* in this, even though he's actually ON THEIR SIDE.


Larry Gude said:
...become rather emotional for you, yes?

You're seconding, near verbatim, what Bruz said about the down side of legalizing and yet we some how got fooled and are losers? That makes no sense. I didn't and I can wager he didn't ask congress to do a damn thing about this. We're not the ones seeing criminals in our sleep.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the huge, emotional response against illegals is what compelled Congress to spasm out some ill thought out, 'make it look like your doing something' legislation?

I think what 2A meant was that he and Vrai are losers in this deal because the pols want to offer a gust worker program and (I hate to even say it) amnesty, and we're losers because giving them (and I damn sure well hate saying it twice) amnesty means that we lose the benefits of illegal workers.


SamSpade said:
Well, we absolutely agree on that.

What bothers me about what they're doing is the same thing that always bothers me about politics - they're concerned that they might lose forever the chance to have Hispanic voters in their pockets. Proposition 187 really hurt Pete Wilson - and Hispanics haven't been voting Republican since then. Worse, a federal court overturned it. Hispanics are growing at a rate that already makes them the largest minority in this country - within another generation, Blacks will fall far behind Hispanics and possibly Asians as well. Republicans want to take advantage of this - they're dreaming. They've been permanent marked as the white guy's party - minorities will never support them en masse (but they might support them *locally*, as is the case in some parts of Florida).

Of course as DJ earlier noticed, people are angry at *BUSH* in this, even though he's actually ON THEIR SIDE.

I don't think that's the case. There's 70+% support for this policy on both sides of the Congress, and you just don't see that in an issue that's going to benefit one side or another. If this was a case of a Republican drive for votes the Dems would be dragging their heals all the way to the border. My bet would be that Congress is thinking with it's pocket book rather than the emotions and bigotry that a lot of Americans are using to make their decision.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
My bet would be that Congress is thinking with it's pocket book rather than the emotions and bigotry that a lot of Americans are using to make their decision.
'Bigotry'. So everyone who disagrees with you is a 'bigot'. The overwhelming majority of Americans are clearly, bigots.

Why am I not surprised?