Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This has become futile...

2ndAmendment said:
You miss part of the problem. We either have borders or we don't have borders. If we have borders, protect them. Heck, a bunch of ordinary citizens did a better job than the feds did, and they were just sitting in lawn chairs with binoculars and night vision. If you don't want to protect the borders which includes keeping people from immigrating illegally, then do away with them and call yourself a Canexian.

You keep mis-representing my view point. I'd say we simply disagree but I have no idea, based on your posts, what you understand me to be saying.

The threats you see, both real and imagined, are clear. I get your point, as you see it.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
For what concerns me is that it doesn't matter whether you deport 11 million illegal workers, or you give them all blanket amnesty, the end result is going to be the same to our economy, which is all I care about. The crap jobs are still going to have to be done, so who's going to them, how much more is it going to cost us, and who's going to pay the difference? Given a choice between deportation and amnesty I would prefer deportation as once we offer amnesty we're making a huge addition to our federal spending, and coupling that with the increases in consumer costs is going to make things suck royally.
I've read stats regarding the "crap" jobs. By and large, Mexican illegals have a lot of them - but they are by no means "typical" of your average illegal Mexican. Median wage income for illegal Mexicans approaches 10 bucks an hour. NOt luxuriant - but it is the median. Half of all illegals make more than that.

Second - I still haven't seen anything to suggest we depend so very much on these illegals to support our economy. The proportion of illegals has gone through the roof in the last twenty years - have the numbers of "crap" jobs been added as quickly? How did we get by before the illegal "boom"?

Lastly, now I'm truly baffled - if you're mostly concerned on the impact on the economy, and favor deportation over amnesty because of the consequneces - I'm not following what it is you think would be the best solution. The very worst of those opposed to the illegals might say "kick 'em all out", but you don't appear to differ from that opinion, at least with respect to the bottom line.

They're NOT being kicked out. No country has ever succeeded in deporting that many. Hell, no country has succeeded in outright KILLING that many, and that is a lot easier to do. In this country, you can't even shoot at the police, blow up buildings and sell out to the enemy in time of war without SOMEONE claiming that rights are being violated. Multiply that by 11 million, and it's basically impossible. SOME kind of path to citizenship has to exist. I don't think that reducing the situation to "guest worker" status for most is EVER going to fly, and no politician will risk his career over it. People will fight it; they will want the benefits of full citizenship, and as others have said - you may well kiss those crap jobs goodbye, as full citizens, the illegals won't want them. Crap jobs allow them decent wages while staying off the grid - citizenship takes away a lot of the incentive.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...good for you. Other folks are using the word criminal. You read as clearly as I do.

As far as terror, if we become a police state with walls and fences and roving patrols of 'Blade Runners' hunting down illegals, well, the battle is in killing them where they are and making it too expensive to harm us here, not sacrificing the thing they truly hate; the idea of America.

You're offering realistic ideas, not draconian fear based ideas.


SamSpade said:
Right. We all have a blast on the 5th of May because we 'hate' Mexicans. You're exaggerating. Actually, that's probably putting it mildly.

I can't recall the last time there was nationwide protest - BY the Irish or Italians - protesting US policy. I also can't recall the last time there was an Irish or Italian unity day that was any different from the Mexican equivalent, and anyone objecting to either. Just as we have Black and Asian American History month, we have Hispanic Heritage week - but nothing for those Irish or Italians. Racists!

You must not be old enough to remember the nationwide protests back in the 1980s when the US was going to go up against the IRA. I remember them though. :)


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
You must not be old enough to remember the nationwide protests back in the 1980s when the US was going to go up against the IRA. I remember them though. :)
I'm 45. I guess I just don't remember them, period, and I was living in Boston, then.


SamSpade said:
I've read stats regarding the "crap" jobs. By and large, Mexican illegals have a lot of them - but they are by no means "typical" of your average illegal Mexican. Median wage income for illegal Mexicans approaches 10 bucks an hour. NOt luxuriant - but it is the median. Half of all illegals make more than that.

Second - I still haven't seen anything to suggest we depend so very much on these illegals to support our economy. The proportion of illegals has gone through the roof in the last twenty years - have the numbers of "crap" jobs been added as quickly? How did we get by before the illegal "boom"?

Lastly, now I'm truly baffled - if you're mostly concerned on the impact on the economy, and favor deportation over amnesty because of the consequneces - I'm not following what it is you think would be the best solution. The very worst of those opposed to the illegals might say "kick 'em all out", but you don't appear to differ from that opinion, at least with respect to the bottom line.

They're NOT being kicked out. No country has ever succeeded in deporting that many. Hell, no country has succeeded in outright KILLING that many, and that is a lot easier to do. In this country, you can't even shoot at the police, blow up buildings and sell out to the enemy in time of war without SOMEONE claiming that rights are being violated. Multiply that by 11 million, and it's basically impossible. SOME kind of path to citizenship has to exist. I don't think that reducing the situation to "guest worker" status for most is EVER going to fly, and no politician will risk his career over it. People will fight it; they will want the benefits of full citizenship, and as others have said - you may well kiss those crap jobs goodbye, as full citizens, the illegals won't want them. Crap jobs allow them decent wages while staying off the grid - citizenship takes away a lot of the incentive.

First, you focus on Mexican pay rates, but as I keep repeating... Mexicans aren't the only illegal immigrants. Many of the lowest paying jobs go to Mexicans, but lots go to Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, etc. If all you're looking at is Mexicans you're missing out on about 50% of the big picture.

Second, you need to follow the economy. For every 1,000 high-tech, high-salary jobs that open, there are a couple of thousand low-buck jobs that open up to support them. More good jobs mean more houses, means needing more roads, needs more McDonalds's, means more hotels and rec facilities, etc. As more money enters an area, people are less willing to drive to their healthclub 20 miles away. They want one five miles away, so now you need more cleaners, painters, low-buck drywall guys, etc. As long as the economy is growing, the demand for low-buck labor will be growing faster.

Lastly, the reason that you are baffled is that you haven't been reading my posts. You must be sitting there thinking I'm sympathetic to illegals and feel that its okay for them to be here, and that's not what I've been calling for. I couldn't care less about illegal Mexicans, Chinese, Cubans, etc., who come to this country. You could shoot them all at the border for all I care personally for them. What I care about is the US economy, and while I can do without illegal workers, our economy can't.

The way I see it we have three options: We have the status quo, we have deportation, and we have blanket amnesty. If we maintain the status quo, then we have the illegals here working to our mutual benefit (lower costs for goods and services, lower taxes, etc.). That to me is the best way to go, or the least of the three evils depending on you want to look at it.

If by some government miracle we could deport all of the illegals, that wouldn't change the fact that the jobs they are now doing would still need to be done. Who's going to do them? I don't hear anyone saying they want to change careers and start cleaning public restrooms, be a maid in a hotel, or be out picking cabbage all day. So, if "we're" not going to do the work, who is? As I mentioned earlier, CA has already looked at this issue, and found that even after doubling the advertised salaries of migrant workers they couldn't get anyone legal to apply for the work. So what do we do? Triple the salary? Quadruple the salary? And after we finally get salaries high enough where legal workers will do the work, what's the impact on the consumer end? It's going to be big! And even worse, we'll be forcing companies to compete against very-low wage workers in foreign contries. For the produce industry, where profit margins per unit are usually measured in a penny or two, that would mean the end of a lot of agricultural and small businesses in the US that rely on cheap labor. So, our prices are going to go up, and businesses are going to close down. To me that's not an option, even after putting aside the logistics of deportation.

Now look at blanket amnesty. Once these workers become legal, they have nothing to hide from. They can unionize, they can demand benefits and higher salaries, etc, so you're now going to see the same increases in prices and inflation you would see from deportation. But what's worse is that even assuming that every one of those 11 million workers was suddenly making $15 an hour, they still aren't going to add a nickle to your tax base. They will not be making enough money to escape the poverty level due to the salary level and the fact that most of these jobs are not paying year round (seasonal agriculture, road work, facility maintenance, etc.) So what's going to happen is that they will get back every dime they put into the tax till, PLUS they will be eligible for EITC and child care credits, which will increase their payout by several thousands of dollars that they didn't put into the system. To put this in realistic terms, I knew some folks in MD who had two kids. They worked about 30% of the year doing menial jobs, and put about $250 into the US tax till. When they did their return they got a refund check of a little over $7,500!!! So they got their $250 back, plus $7,250+ of someone else's money. Now take that $7,500 times nine or eleven million per year. Also, those people who don't force benefits concessions will be eligible for medicare and medicaid. While illegal they are afraid to use these services, once legal they'll abuse them just like most legal Americans who get them do. So, where's all that extra tax refund money and medicaid/medicare money going to come from? Answer: You, me, Larry, 2A, Vrai and everybody else who's going to be paying higher taxes.

So, what do I think is the best approach here? Do nothing and maintain the status quo. But given a choice between deportation and amnesty, I have to go with deportation in order to avoid the tax bill. But in either case, getting a handle on the current situation is only half of the problem. The other half is keeping other illegals out. So how do we do that? Bankrupt the coffers by building fences around the country and maintaining armed guards on a 27/7/365 basis? Where's the sense in spending trillions of dollars to fix a problem that's only costing us millions? So, the truth is that whether we deport or give amnesty, we're going to be right back to the point we are now in a few years. The only difference is that we'll be several billion dollars pooer for the effort.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
To put this in realistic terms, I knew some folks in MD who had two kids. They worked about 30% of the year doing menial jobs, and put about $250 into the US tax till. When they did their return they got a refund check of a little over $7,500!!! So they got their $250 back, plus $7,250+ of someone else's money.
Yep - I *did* dozens of those returns. It's basically, welfare shifted to the Treasury Department. And they know how to soak the system - the IRS is cracking down on people who "farm" their kid's SSN's (since you get max credit for two kids, parents who have more lend out SSN's for a 'fee').

Bruzilla said:
The other half is keeping other illegals out. So how do we do that? Bankrupt the coffers by building fences around the country and maintaining armed guards on a 27/7/365 basis? Where's the sense in spending trillions of dollars to fix a problem that's only costing us millions?
I'm not convinced a fence is that costly - the Russians built one around East Berlin - albeit a much smaller one - which did the job easily. Right now, we have miles of completely unprotected borders. (In one stretch of Arizona, the "barrier" is a nearly impassable desert which many have died crossing. When groups maintained "water stops" to provide water for illegals crossing, there was an outcry - and public demand to KEEP them. WTF? People complained it was INHUMANE to not maintain water stops in the middle of this desert - possibly the only desert in the world that has/had them).

Also not convinced that the problem is costing "millions" but will cost "trillions" to stop. I've read that most illegal "crossings" actually occur in the most travelled areas - such as Tijuana. States such as California are being crushed with the weight of taking in so many illegals - a third to half of all illegals remain there.

There is of course the heightened awareness of the problem - right now, we have a high ranking al-Qaeda member claiming a fresh attack is imminent. Is there ANY doubt whatsoever they can get in this country effortlessly? We can't even keep out a half million Mexicans - how can we HOPE to stop terrorists or drug traffickers?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Blah, blah, blah You want me to see that I'm wrong? Fine. Show me one string on this forum about illegal immigrants from Pakistan, China, Lebabnon, etc.? Show me one string about how all these Chinese immigrants are changing the culture of Amewrica? Go on now... go find one.

Now go back to the first post of this string where it reads "What really caught my eye was this... Ok, protesting...fine. Carrying the Mexican flag while trying to argue for staying in the United States... Do they really want to be US citizens or do they just want our money? If it is the latter, I say get the f#*& out!"

When areas have Jewish, or Irish, or Italian unity days, or have protests against US policies towards Sin Fein or some other foreign org that's run afoul of the US, nobody complains. But let some Mexicans do it and oh gosh... light the fires!
Bru, you are proving yourself to be ...

I am not against Mexicans. Where did you get that? Because someone mentioned, maybe me, that some of the demonstrators were carrying Mexican flags? So what? I am against ALL illegal aliens. Got it? ALL! I am not being a bigot or discriminatory. I am against ALL illegal aliens. Clear?


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
Blah, blah, blah You want me to see that I'm wrong? Fine. Show me one string on this forum about illegal immigrants from Pakistan, China, Lebabnon, etc.? Show me one string about how all these Chinese immigrants are changing the culture of Amewrica? Go on now... go find one.

Now go back to the first post of this string where it reads "What really caught my eye was this... Ok, protesting...fine. Carrying the Mexican flag while trying to argue for staying in the United States... Do they really want to be US citizens or do they just want our money? If it is the latter, I say get the f#*& out!"

When areas have Jewish, or Irish, or Italian unity days, or have protests against US policies towards Sin Fein or some other foreign org that's run afoul of the US, nobody complains. But let some Mexicans do it and oh gosh... light the fires!
I didn't see any Pakistani, Chinese, or Lebanese flags :shrug: Did you see any?

Unity days...I understand carrying a foreign flag on "unity" days. I.e. Irish flags on St. Patty's day, Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo. However, if these protests are about unity, it would have to be US unity...people wanting to be in the US and/or US citizens. Carrying a foreign flag hurts that idea of US unity IMO. If you want unity with the US, shouldn't you be carrying a US flag instead of a foreign flag? Many were carrying US flags (smart), but many were carrying Mexican flags (stupid).


Bruzilla said:
First, you focus on Mexican pay rates, but as I keep repeating... Mexicans aren't the only illegal immigrants. Many of the lowest paying jobs go to Mexicans, but lots go to Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, etc. If all you're looking at is Mexicans you're missing out on about 50% of the big picture.

Hold up.

The anti-illegal-alien people are not the ones fixated on Mexicans.

The pro-illegals are forming their arguments based on the fact that immigration laws are bigotted against Latinos, that Latinos do the jobs that we won't do, and Mexicans this and Mexicans that.

Almost all the arguments from Anti-Illegals are against ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS - not undocumented Mexicans.

Carry on.


New Member
A fitting place for this little anecdote...

Four women were driving across the country. Each one was from a different place: Idaho, Nebraska, Texas, and Mexico.

Shortly after the trip began, the woman from Idaho started pulling potatoes from her bag and throwing them out of the window. "What the hell are you doing?" demanded the Nebraskan. "We have so many of these damn things in Idaho, I am just sick of looking at them!"

A moment later, the gal from Nebraska began pulling ears of corn from her bag and tossing them from the window."What are you doing that for?" asked the gal from Texas . "We have so many of these things in Nebraska, I am just sick of looking at them!"

Inspired, the gal from Texas opened the car door and pushed the Mexican out. :jet:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Almost all the arguments from Anti-Illegals are against ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS - not undocumented Mexicans.
Thank you.

It's aggravating when you have an opinion that has nothing to do with race, and someone has to jump in and MAKE it about race.

I'm surprised at you, Bruzilla.


SamSpade said:
Yep - I *did* dozens of those returns. It's basically, welfare shifted to the Treasury Department. And they know how to soak the system - the IRS is cracking down on people who "farm" their kid's SSN's (since you get max credit for two kids, parents who have more lend out SSN's for a 'fee').

I'm not convinced a fence is that costly - the Russians built one around East Berlin - albeit a much smaller one - which did the job easily. Right now, we have miles of completely unprotected borders. (In one stretch of Arizona, the "barrier" is a nearly impassable desert which many have died crossing. When groups maintained "water stops" to provide water for illegals crossing, there was an outcry - and public demand to KEEP them. WTF? People complained it was INHUMANE to not maintain water stops in the middle of this desert - possibly the only desert in the world that has/had them).

Also not convinced that the problem is costing "millions" but will cost "trillions" to stop. I've read that most illegal "crossings" actually occur in the most travelled areas - such as Tijuana. States such as California are being crushed with the weight of taking in so many illegals - a third to half of all illegals remain there.

There is of course the heightened awareness of the problem - right now, we have a high ranking al-Qaeda member claiming a fresh attack is imminent. Is there ANY doubt whatsoever they can get in this country effortlessly? We can't even keep out a half million Mexicans - how can we HOPE to stop terrorists or drug traffickers?

The Soviets (not the Russians) built a wall dividing Berlin. They also manned it with machine gunners with clear orders to kill anyone trying to cross, and mines that didn't need orders. They also controlled all of the territory leading up to the wall. That makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of a wall. Can you imagine US troops or agents being told to shoot on sight anyone they see crossing the wall? How effective would the Berlin Wall have been if there was no active threat of death for crossing it? It wasn't the wall that stopped them, it was the threat of death. Would you be willing to green-light our guys to perform as the Soviets did?

As for public demand to keep watering holes, there's that life and death issue rising it's ugly head again. Not having the water provides that threat of death that's meant to deter, but there are a lot of people who just can't see letting people die as a means to send a message to other people. They feel that saving a human life is more important than any immigration policy. Speaking as a pro-death penalty/pro-abortion person, I have no problem with losing some illegals who get lost in the desert. And based on your "WTF" comment I gather you don't either. But it only takes about 30 seconds of video on the national news of some dead women and their kids (forget the video of the fathers... dead guys mean nothing in our World) and that'll end the water ban faster than you can say "you can't shoot at people on the wall!!!"

You're 100% right about most crossings occuring in specific areas, but human beings are highly adaptive so there will never be a static condition in regards to where illegals are crossing. It will always be dynamic. They cross there now because that's the easiest place to cross. Make these places harder to cross, and they'll migrate to where it's easier. Make things harder there and they'll migrate to where it's easier again. It's like building a dam in the middle of a river and starting from the center. The water will just flow around it until you close off both ends, then it'll build up and flow over it. Like I said with terrorists... all they need to get over a 20-ft high wall is a 23-foot high ladder. And that ladder is a whole lot cheaper than that wall. So it you're going to build a wall, the folks who want to get past it will find a way. That's 100% guaranteed, which mens you're youre going to have to either come up with remote ways of killing intruders (which is fairly cheap) or you're going to have to place a hell of a lot of manpower on it, which is extremely expensive. Also, this is America. We don't do anything cheaply.

But here's another issue that I'm guessing you might have not given much thought to as you didn't make reference to it. In case you haven't noticed the recent protests, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the country who are opposed, for one reason or another, to restricting the flow of Mexicans. These people are not going to view a wall as something they want to see left standing. Also, there are people like me who just find the thought of walling ourselves in offensive (just as I feel about a national ID card.) While I don't view our American identity in cultural or ethnic terms, I do view it terms of openess and freedom of movement. I don't like the idea of being asked for my papers, or the idea of walls around our country. To me they are un-American. Anyway, my point is that there are going to be likely millions of people on this side of the fence who will want to see it fall for one reason or another. So in addition to defending the wall from the outsiders, you're also going to have to protect and defend it from a lot of people on this side.

Lastly, how can we hope to stop terrorists or drug dealers at the border? The answer is YOU CAN'T. Any plan that anyone can develop can be gotten around. That's the nature of the beast. The only way to stop these guys is to be proactive and locate and kill them before they come here.


vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

It's aggravating when you have an opinion that has nothing to do with race, and someone has to jump in and MAKE it about race.

I'm surprised at you, Bruzilla.

Well, I'm glad to say that you don't surprise me. Aside from some Klansmen that I've met down here I've never known a person with bigoted views who ever thought they were actually bigoted. I remember your posts about wanting to go after the Muslims in the SO MD after 9/11; your posts about how Muslim women in FL shoudn't be able to observe their beliefs and have their faces covered in DL photos because they might be terrorists, how you felt that those folks in Dubai must be out to kill us using our ports, your posts about spanish speaking Americans and how dare they demand this or that. Sorry my dear, but you are bigoted and race is playing a big part in this whole controversy (maybe not on your part but certainly on the parts of others across this land.) Wrapping yourself up in the American or anti-terrorism flag and claiming that you're just being pro-American doesn't cover the fact that many in this debate are just pissed about the Mexicanization of America.

You may now open fire with both barrels. :howdy:


Toxick said:
Hold up.

The anti-illegal-alien people are not the ones fixated on Mexicans.

Almost all the arguments from Anti-Illegals are against ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS - not undocumented Mexicans.

Carry on.

Yep... that's what they say. "We're not anti-Mexican, we're against all illegals, wherever they come from!" Yep... I've heard lines similar to that coming from the mouths of every anti-illegal-alien person on TV. But then when you listen further to their points, for some reason the name "Vincente Fox" always comes up. The states of Arizona, New Mexico, and California always come up. The problems of hospitals and schools near the Mexican border always come up. I've yet to hear anyone complaining about the impact of illegal Chinese imigrants on hospitals in central CA, nor the effect on schools of illegal Middle Eastern immigrants in the New England area and NY. Why is that? There are thousands of illegal Pakistanis coming in every year, but I only hear President Musharraf's name mentioned in connection with anti-terrosist efforts - never with anti-illegal immigration efforts. Yet Vincente Fox's name is always mentioned. Now why is that?

And when do we hear about illegal immigration issues the most? Usually after some school district has made the news for offering spanish-speaking classes or wanting to teach Hispanic students in spanish-only classes. Usually after some Mexican imigrants have turned up dead after getting lost in the sand. Definately after Americans dare to march under Mexican flags in protest of US policy. We have hundreds of undocumented Middle Easterners, those most likely to be terrorists, being detained and released at airports and seaports all around out country, who disappear after their release and never return for their deportation hearings, and yet you hear about these folks maybe once for every 100 or so times you hear or read about Mexican illegals. Now why is that?

If you think that most of the anti-illegal-alien crowd isn't focused on Mexicans you're only fooling yourself.


By the way, I've still yet to hear anyone answer the core question of this debate by saying "Yes! I am willing to deal with increased prices for goods and services, and the loss of segments of our agricultural and small business economic sectors, and pay much higher taxes to either give tax credits to immigrants or to build and maintain a wall in perpetuity in order to get rid of illegal immigrants and to keep them out."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
By the way, I've still yet to hear anyone answer the core question of this debate by saying "Yes! I am willing to deal with increased prices for goods and services, and the loss of segments of our agricultural and small business economic sectors, and pay much higher taxes to either give tax credits to immigrants or to build and maintain a wall in perpetuity in order to get rid of illegal immigrants and to keep them out."
Because it's ridiculous, that's why.

Some things are just crystal clear, black and white, plain as the nose on your face - and anyone who can't see it is either suffering from a mental disorder or is being deliberately obtuse.

Illegal immigration is one of them.

It is not unreasonable to want foreigners who come to this country to be documented. If you came here from Sweden to go to college, there would be a paper trail on you, with country of origin, purpose of visit, etc. Hell, if you came here from England to visit NYC for a week, you would be required to have a passport and go through Customs.

So any argument that "requiring Mexicans to be documented is racism and bigotry" is just ignorant. And anyone who spews it is ignorant as well.

Nobody has said that Mexicans shouldn't be allowed to come to this country. (Well, maybe some people have, but it's only out of knee-jerk frustration.) What we've BEEN SAYING is that they should have to do it JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD WHO COMES HERE and provide documentation, purpose, etc. They should not be allowed to just come to this country ILLEGALLY and disappear. That is foolish and dangerous.

So, Bruzilla, your charge of "you're a bigot! :jameo: " rolls right off my back. This issue is crystal clear to me, so the slams of those who are in favor of the foolish and dangerous don't mean a hill of squat to me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I remember your posts about wanting to go after the Muslims in the SO MD after 9/11;
And there have been many instances of Muslim mosques funneling money to terrorists, haven't there? Or do you, like Cindy Sheehan, think that never really happened and it's all a government conspiracy?

your posts about how Muslim women in FL shoudn't be able to observe their beliefs and have their faces covered in DL photos because they might be terrorists,
Because it's so unreasonable to expect people to obey our laws, regardless of their religion, right?

how you felt that those folks in Dubai must be out to kill us using our ports,
Because it's such a great idea to have a foreign country in charge of our shipping and transportation venues, right?

your posts about spanish speaking Americans and how dare they demand this or that.
Because makes perfect sense to expect a country to conform to its immigrants instead of the other way around, right?
So far, Bruzilla, you are in favor of foreigners coming over here, indefinitely and undocumented. You are in favor of letting religion trump law. AND you are in favor of foreign governments that fund terrorism controlling our ports.

I disagree with every single one of those positions, and if it makes you feel smarter to call me a bigot, oh well.


Bruzilla said:
Ah, yes they do contribute through employer withholding. Their problem is that since most of them use phony names, DLs, or SSNs they can't file tax returns so the money that is withheld is retained by the US Government, which is a bonus for us. The employers also pay into unemployment insurance, workman's comp, etc. funds based on these employees but they cannot file claims due to their invalid status, which is another windfall for the government. This is the big issue with making these folks legal as they will then receive back 100% of the money they are now putting into the tax pot but not getting out, but will also be eligible for earned income and child care tax credits that nets them money they didn't put in, i.e., money that you and I put in.

They will not work if you withhold taxes, they just wont do it because John Smith down the street will hire them to do drywall and he will pay them under the table.

My dad has a teeny contracting business and every conversation we have he gripes about illegals. They will not work if you withhold taxes. They band together and compete against legitimate contractors with such cut rate prices that the legitimate companies cannot compete thus putting them out of business. Out of business many of the former legitimate employees end up on welfare and unemployment which costs the tax payers money.

They will put 30 people in a double wide trailer, live off beans and tortillas and send the bulk of the money back to Mexico. They are not buying houses, cars, refrigerators, going to movies, or anything to put the money back into the economy.

Their kids go to school with forged or stolen paperwork. They get free lunches and take up a seat. The school district must hire more teachers, buses, administrators and rent trailers. because they do not pay taxes of any kind all this cost is passed on to the taxpayer.

Next, if they get hurt or sick they will not go to the doctors office. the doctor wants cash or insurance which they don't have. They will instead wait and go to the emergency room where they HAVE to be treated, give a false name or no name at all. That cost is passed off to taxpayers, insurance companies and other patients.

I don't know where you come up with the myth that illegals are coming here and paying taxes and adding so much to our economy. I suppose if you could build a fence around the lettuce and tomato fields and limit them to picking produce for dirt wages it might make sense but that is NOT what is happening at all. Once they get here they infiltrate all aspects of the economy.

My dad hires illegals, because that is what he has to do. He is 63, unprepared for retirement, has to work, and knows nothing else but construction so he does what he has to do to adapt to the atmosphere out there today. Given a choice he would not hire illegals, he admits he hates it but he is now between a rock and a hard place; Hire illegals, pay them $10 an hour and compete and win jobs or hire legitimate legal workers, pay them $15 and not be competitive and not work, eat or make payments.

Illegal immigrants are the rock in the stream disrupting the flow. It needs to be removed.