Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
So what I'm hearing is that someone could provide a completely bogus SSN and the employer wouldn't be aware of it until the end of the year? And probably not even then unless the IRS caught it?
Someone could provide you with a bogus SSN and get away with it indefinitely, if the State/Fed doesn't bust them. When someone hands me a W-4, I have no way of knowing whether the information is correct or not. But I have been notified in the past when an employee is supposed to be having child support taken out of their paycheck, so somebody must be paying attention.

In addition, I used to work at the Nebraska Department of Revenue many years ago, doing data entry. When I entered a tax return and a SSN didn't match up with the name entered, I got an alert and had to then turn over the return to my boss, who did whatever with it.

Most of the time it appeared that someone got married and was filing under their married name, but they were still registered under their maiden name. But occasionally I'd get one that wasn't even close. Those, I assume, were people who were using a bogus SSN.


Well-Known Member
Historical perspective...

Picture the old Black & white movies about unemployment during the depression...
Huge lines for soup men riding the rail looking for work, Okies stranded next to their overloaded Packard.
Truly desperate times.

Imagine what will happen among these 11,000,000 illegal workers with NO job security, minimal education, no fixed addresses...
If we were to get the wrath of Bin Laden ina dirty bomb(s) or germ outbreak.
Yeah...figure out what will happen next.
Americans did NOT give up on America, capitalism, patriotism...dueing the dark days of the Depression. The church helped out, and looting was minimal.

want to try that same scenario in 2006?
Be armed...very armed.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...will give you high blood pressure.

C'mon. Our economy has a huge demand for more labor that, with 5% unemployment, is not being met domestically. So, what to do?

Let me ask you this; If congress passed a law tomorrow saying everyone within our borders, right now, is now legal, would that satisfy you as far as the legality of all of this goes?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Steve said:
My answer is that we don't pay anyone anything other than that prescribed by law (minimum wage) and we let the market find it's own level. If no one wants to clean a hotel room for less than $25 an hour, then the hotel will charge patrons accordingly. If patrons don't want to pay the extra money, they won't use the hotel. Then the need for a $25/hr cleaner goes away.
And I say, do away with the minimum wage as well.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I agree with you 100%, but the ever eroding gun laws in MD were a big reason why I moved to Florida. I just received four more AR-15 lower receivers that were bought at the North Florida Arms Collector's gunshow this past weekend, and I've already built two of them into AR-15A2s for their owners. I like having two AR-15s of my own, an L1A1, and a G3 in my gun rack without having to worry if the law might change tommorrow and I'll have to turn them in. I also love having major gunshows going on just about every weekend within 45 miles of my house.

And I agree with you that Southern Marylanders would poll very favorably in support of firearm ownership... but I also remember how voters just to your north in Glen Burnie banned them.
If you are making a profit, you might want to delete your original post and I will delete this quote. I think you are violating the law against manufacture of firearms unless you have a license to do so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
The question was if you should consider yourself wrong solely because a large percentage of people disagree with you.
A large percentage of the population disagrees with me about speed limits and HOV lane occupancy. I do not care. I know I'm operating within the law and they are not. That makes me right.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...I am now a suspect. We follow all the rules.

I can't vouch for a SS number or drivers liscense, can I? Or am I now an investigator for the state, responsible for the validity of documentation?
If you have any suspicion that the documentation is fraudulent, it is your job to verify the documentation with the authorities. Did you miss that?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...if there was ONE thing I could change about our society it would be that; an individual has to pay his taxes and benefits.

No more witholding.

No more employer paid benefits.

Everything else would fall in place after that because people would pay the hell attention then and class politics would dissapear overnight because no one would tolerate the inequality once it was so blatantly obvious. As it is, it never came out of my pocket; who cares?
I'd support that platform.
I'd like to repeal the "temporary measure" we know as "income tax" which was not legal before the 16th Amendment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
If you have any suspicion that the documentation is fraudulent, it is your job to verify the documentation with the authorities. Did you miss that?
We would never know that because all we do is give them a W-4 to fill out and that's the end of it. We don't have any foreign-borns working here, so I've never seen a green card or anything like that. We don't ask to see their SS card, and I assume Larry would flag a driver's license that looked like it had been forged.

If we had suspicion that any documents were fraudulent, we would certainly notify the authorities. But, again, the only documentation we've ever asked for was a valid Class A or B driver's license for truck drivers.


vraiblonde said:
A large percentage of the population disagrees with me about speed limits and HOV lane occupancy. I do not care. I know I'm operating within the law and they are not. That makes me right.

So you agree with me then. Thanks! :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
So you agree with me then.
Where do you get that I agree with your illegal immigration stance when I've repeatedly stated that I'm for following the law? :confused:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Where do you get that I agree with your illegal immigration stance when I've repeatedly stated that I'm for following the law? :confused:
I'm beginning to think he is related to JPC, Sr..


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Looks like Larry and Bru are gettng their wish.
... the Specter legislation passed through the
Senate Judicary, and could move forward as early as this
week if okayed by Sen. Majority leader Bill Frist.

..., in the words of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
this new legislation amounts to nothing more "than
blanket amnesty."

In fact, this legislation represents the most sweeping
effort by Congress to grant legal status to illegal
immigrants. In addition to legalizing more than 11
million illegal aliens (we’ve heard the number may
in fact, be as high 20 million), it would also allow
more than 400,000 foreigners to come to the U.S. to
work each year and put them on a path to citizenship.

And that's not all, if passed into law, it would create
the largest guest worker program since the early 1940s.

And perhaps most disturbing is that the panel voted to
eliminate the provisions that would criminalize
immigrants for living in the U.S. illegally. Adding
insult to our injury, they even drafted an amendment
to protect groups and individuals from being prosecuted
for offering assistance to illegal immigrants.

Why did they adopt such measures?

As the USA Today reported, lawmakers central to the
immigration debate admitted to being swayed by televised
images of thousands of demonstrators waving flags and
marching in opposition of tough immigration legislation.

As Sen. Kennedy described the people who would benefit
from the legislation he said, "They are our neighbors...
churchgoers...the shop owners down the street. They
are the people we know."

Apparently Sen. Kennedy didn't consult with Grassfire's
own Ron De Jong, whose parents, following a morning
raid just a few feet from their home, discovered that
their illegal alien neighbors weren't the shop owners,
or churchgoers that Kennedy described, but rather
wanted members of the terrorist gang MS-13. ...
So Larry, you and Bru join the ranks of Kennedy, Spector, Milkulski, and Sarbanes. Hope you like the company. Neither of you are liberals in the classic sense nor are you conservatives. I no longer have any idea of what you are, but I do know that .... you are now kennedys. Congratulations. :smack:
Last edited:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Now need to be insulting....:nono:
As angry as I am about them and the kennedys like them, I would be a lot more insulting to the point of being banned if I were not a Christian.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:

Geez...first you call them liberals, then you up the ante and say they must be related to JPC, now you toss out the ULTIMATE insult - kennedy.




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As Sen. Kennedy described the people who would benefit
from the legislation he said, "They are our neighbors...
churchgoers...the shop owners down the street. They
are the people we know."
One might assume that, by this statement, he means immigrants themselves.

But who he REALLY means are rich bastards like him who have grounds to keep up and mansions to clean. Because those are the only people who benefit, in my opinion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And one more thing:

Only Congress can take a wrong and exacerbate it by committing ANOTHER wrong to supposedly "correct" the original wrong.


I haven't been paying attention - was this Bush's idea???


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Geez...first you call them liberals, then you up the ante and say they must be related to JPC, now you toss out the ULTIMATE insult - kennedy.


Calling a spade a spade or shovel a shovel. They took the same position on this issue as Kennedy, Spector, Milkulski, and the rest of the Democrats and cowardly Republicans (looks like it is most of them), so they, to me, are kennedys.