Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide



SamSpade said:
'Bigotry'. So everyone who disagrees with you is a 'bigot'. The overwhelming majority of Americans are clearly, bigots.

Why am I not surprised?

Did I say that everyone was a bigot? Please show me where I said that. If you think that's the case then I would say you're imposing that title on yourself. The truth though is that a lot of this is about bigotry. Once you cut through all the legal BS, and the lack of work BS, and the terrorism BS, and the slave labor BS, etc., etc., etc., you end up with what's really at the root of this for some people, and that's just basic bigotry. Look at the post that started this thread for example. There were people upset about other people marching around and protesting while carrying Mexican flags. It wasn't about terrorists or taxes, it was about behavior that some consider "un-American."

Do you really think that deep in their heart of hearts there aren't a lot of people who are up in arms about illegal immigration because they are upset that they can't buy an item in a grocery store today that doesn't have English and Spanish titling on it? Upset because everyday they see more and more Hispanics walking their streets? Upset because they have this mentality and fear that we're going to lose our sacred American identity to a bunch of Mexicans? Upset because our current culture is going to be taken over by Mexicans?

Am I wrong? I could always be wrong... but I don't see many posts on here raving about the thousands of illegal immigrants who arrive each year from China, Pakistan, India, Lebanon, Haiti, Cuba, etc. Sure, some will read my last statement and proudly say "well, I happen to be against all illegal imigrants!!!", but the sad truth is that the thread histories don't bear out that truth. It wasn't until there was a demonstration under Mexican flags that this thread started, and I think a check of most threads on the topic refers to Mexicans and Hispanics, rarely to anyone else.

I don't feel that because you disagree with my view on immigration that you're a bigot, but I feel that bigotry is driving this issue far more than most folks want to admit to themselves.


Well-Known Member
There's a good sized demonstration under way in a park across the street from my office in Ballston. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
Did I say that everyone was a bigot? Please show me where I said that. If you think that's the case then I would say you're imposing that title on yourself. The truth though is that a lot of this is about bigotry. Once you cut through all the legal BS, and the lack of work BS, and the terrorism BS, and the slave labor BS, etc., etc., etc., you end up with what's really at the root of this for some people, and that's just basic bigotry. Look at the post that started this thread for example. There were people upset about other people marching around and protesting while carrying Mexican flags. It wasn't about terrorists or taxes, it was about behavior that some consider "un-American."
You know, that's why I'm having such a hard time discussing this with you on this thread - you keep 'projecting'. People TELL you why they think what they think, and you keep telling them the REAL reason. "Did I say everyone was a bigot?" "The truth though is that a lot of this is about bigotry" "Bigotry is driving this issue...". You're calling them bigots. No matter how many aspects of this issue get brought up, you're sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "blah-blah-blah, just admit it, you're all a bunch of racists". What a load of crap. A hefty portion of my family are Latinos, my best man and best friend is Latino. You could no more call me bigoted against Hispanics than you could call me 'short'.

Yes, you're saying that the folks who disagree with you on this issue are doing so out of bigotry. Nonsense. If a hundred homeless black folk decided that your front lawn was now their new home, would you be bigoted if you told them to get the hell of their property? No doubt someone would USE that - but it's masking the issue. Hell, it's dodging the issue.

People have been p!ssed over this issue for YEARS. They're just ventilating now because for once, the folks on the Hill are actually TALKING about it. What you're hearing is a lot of pent-up frustration. It's like all the anti-American demonstrations prior to the war - if you heard the people talking, you'd realize they were griping about things that had gone on LONG before Bush was even governor of Texas - it was more than just the war.

Bruzilla said:
Do you really think that deep in their heart of hearts there aren't a lot of people who are up in arms about illegal immigration because they are upset that they can't buy an item in a grocery store today that doesn't have English and Spanish titling on it? Upset because everyday they see more and more Hispanics walking their streets? Upset because they have this mentality and fear that we're going to lose our sacred American identity to a bunch of Mexicans? Upset because our current culture is going to be taken over by Mexicans?
See, this is where I think maybe you need to drink your morning coffee before you post, because people by and large aren't saying any of this. You're putting words in their mouth. I admit, I am a little annoyed by the bilingualism, but it's been around for at least twenty years. I know this, because my little brother - who is married to an Hispanic - has been learning this since he got married twenty years ago. Why is it that "Spanish" gets singled out for such special treatment? How come it gets special treatment, but Italians, Poles etc. got along just fine? Why do they have such resistance to adapting to the language, but persons from all over the globe - from elsewhere - don't seem to have as big a problem with it?

Bruzilla said:
Am I wrong?
Yes, but you're also not listening either - which means, you're not going to see it if you are wrong.

Bruzilla said:
I could always be wrong... but I don't see many posts on here raving about the thousands of illegal immigrants who arrive each year from China, Pakistan, India, Lebanon, Haiti, Cuba, etc.
It's numbers. In Boston, I once read the numbers of Irish illegals number in the tens of thousands. But we get as many as a million illegals or more each year from Mexico alone. *Millions*. And if you're governor of California, Texas or Arizona, it's a big problem to you (for some reason, illegals aren't going to New Mexico). And Mexicans comprise the largest portion of Hispanics, by a very wide margin. I'm sure there are illegal Canadians here, but they're not demanding we do everything in French and wave the maple leaf around.

Bruzilla said:
Sure, some will read my last statement and proudly say "well, I happen to be against all illegal imigrants!!!", but the sad truth is that the thread histories don't bear out that truth. It wasn't until there was a demonstration under Mexican flags that this thread started, and I think a check of most threads on the topic refers to Mexicans and Hispanics, rarely to anyone else.
Two things - and part of it has to do with that it looks like you're just as emotionally attached to this issue as anyone else - and the first is, not everyone who disagrees with you on this subject is all in the same camp, derives their opinions from the same philosophy. It is not logical to assume that all who oppose your viewpoint are necessarily in agreement with each other. That's never the case, but people do it all the time.

The second is something you're not seeing - you're projecting your own interpretation of what people are saying and assigning 'bigotry' when there are other factors involved. It's like calling something cancer when it might just be indigestion - just because it looks bad, it might be a lot simpler.

It's generally my approach to assume the very LEAST amount of malice to someone who disagrees with me. In some of this, it seems like a lot of insults to Americans.

Personally, I think they need to go "to the back of the line" and wait their damned turn. There are people in Pakistan and Iraq and Nigeria and Vietname and China and so on, waiting in INCREDIBLY long lines patiently for their chance to legitimately come to this country. It is unfair to THEM to have to wait behind someone who crossed here illegally, forged fake ID's, dodged taxes, possibly collected benefits - and then cry "foul!" when they were caught.

Personally - I think the terrorism aspect DOES have great merit - and people have a completely legitimate concern - not about "illegals" but about a policy which leaves the back door wide open. You can't hope to keep the country secure from terrorists when you're unwilling to keep tabs on who is entering the country. When it becomes some kind of violation of civil rights to tell people they can't come in here unless they have proper authorization, we might as well put out the door mat for al-Qaeda, because there's just no point.

Let's dispel the idea that this is about Mexicans - it's about all illegals. And let's use the term "illegals" because they are here illegally - you can no more call them "undocumented immigrants" than you can call a burglar an "uninvited guest". I'll grant you that most of the illegals are in fact, Mexicans. I think the thing that griped me about the flag was that some were boasting far and wide about how wonderful and better the great nation of Mexico is. Well if it's so wonderful, why are people risking so much to come and stay here? I don't see throngs of immigrants fighting to go SOUTH of the border. I don't care if they think that - it just seemed insulting to pass judgment on ME.

(I've read up on this - and illegals aren't making slave wages. The median level is lower than your average American - but by far, most are making a LOT more than minimum wage.)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...become rather emotional for you, yes?

You're seconding, near verbatim, what Bruz said about the down side of legalizing and yet we some how got fooled and are losers? That makes no sense. I didn't and I can wager he didn't ask congress to do a damn thing about this. We're not the ones seeing criminals in our sleep.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the huge, emotional response against illegals is what compelled Congress to spasm out some ill thought out, 'make it look like your doing something' legislation?
:dingfriesaredone: :killingme

Bru got it.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Welcome to Canexico! The United States no longer exists since we have no northern and southern borders. :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:'re sense of humor is returning and I missed it?
No. I am saying that your sense of right/wrong has been clouded like a kennedy and your reading comprehension has been much more like Dems than your norm.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
I think what 2A meant was that he and Vrai are losers in this deal because the pols want to offer a gust worker program and (I hate to even say it) amnesty, and we're losers because giving them (and I damn sure well hate saying it twice) amnesty means that we lose the benefits of illegal workers.

...but there is no connection to us that we've been fooled or used because we're not the ones screaming for action with a sky is falling sense of urgency, an urgency that always preceeds Congress doing something knee jerk to make things worse for the sake of looking like they're doing something.

2a and company are the ones who've been used here. Not only is the central problem, as they see it, not addressed, but is, in fact about to be made worse for us all, in all aspects.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

2ndAmendment said:
No. I am saying that your sense of right/wrong has been clouded like a kennedy and your reading comprehension has been much more like Dems than your norm. comprehension. You scream for action, I say things were fine. Congress responds to your concerns and makes problem worse. You say I've been fooled.

My comprehension?


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
Not only is the central problem, as they see it...
Tell me, what is the central problem, "as they see it"?
Larry Gude said:
...not addressed, but is, in fact about to be made worse for us all, in all aspects.
And how is it not addressed and made worse in all aspects?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: comprehension. You scream for action, I say things were fine. Congress responds to your concerns and makes problem worse. You say I've been fooled.

My comprehension?
Yes. Either we have borders and defend them or do away with them. By your standards of who cares about the illegals, why have borders? Lets do away with the border patrol, INS, and the whole farce that we currently play. While we are at it, since we no longer have borders we can cede our territory to Canada and Mexico. Heck, we let them and the Chinese run us anyway.

Like I said, welcome of Canexico.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The 'theys'...

ylexot said:
Tell me, what is the central problem, "as they see it"?
And how is it not addressed and made worse in all aspects? I understand them, see the central problem that illegals are here illegaly and are thus criminals in every sense of the word and thus, as criminals, should not be helped to stay here and get legal as that would be rewarding criminal behavior.

You 'theys' speak for yourselves if I am not representing your position accurately.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: I understand them, see the central problem that illegals are here illegaly and are thus criminals in every sense of the word and thus, as criminals, should not be helped to stay here and get legal as that would be rewarding criminal behavior.

You 'theys' speak for yourselves if I am not representing your position accurately.
You miss part of the problem. We either have borders or we don't have borders. If we have borders, protect them. Heck, a bunch of ordinary citizens did a better job than the feds did, and they were just sitting in lawn chairs with binoculars and night vision. If you don't want to protect the borders which includes keeping people from immigrating illegally, then do away with them and call yourself a Canexian.


SamSpade said:
You know, that's why I'm having such a hard time discussing this with you on this thread - you keep 'projecting'. People TELL you why they think what they think, and you keep telling them the REAL reason. "Did I say everyone was a bigot?" "The truth though is that a lot of this is about bigotry" "Bigotry is driving this issue...". You're calling them bigots. No matter how many aspects of this issue get brought up, you're sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "blah-blah-blah, just admit it, you're all a bunch of racists". What a load of crap. A hefty portion of my family are Latinos, my best man and best friend is Latino. You could no more call me bigoted against Hispanics than you could call me 'short'.

Yes, you're saying that the folks who disagree with you on this issue are doing so out of bigotry. Nonsense. If a hundred homeless black folk decided that your front lawn was now their new home, would you be bigoted if you told them to get the hell of their property? No doubt someone would USE that - but it's masking the issue. Hell, it's dodging the issue.

People have been p!ssed over this issue for YEARS. They're just ventilating now because for once, the folks on the Hill are actually TALKING about it. What you're hearing is a lot of pent-up frustration. It's like all the anti-American demonstrations prior to the war - if you heard the people talking, you'd realize they were griping about things that had gone on LONG before Bush was even governor of Texas - it was more than just the war.

See, this is where I think maybe you need to drink your morning coffee before you post, because people by and large aren't saying any of this. You're putting words in their mouth. I admit, I am a little annoyed by the bilingualism, but it's been around for at least twenty years. I know this, because my little brother - who is married to an Hispanic - has been learning this since he got married twenty years ago. Why is it that "Spanish" gets singled out for such special treatment? How come it gets special treatment, but Italians, Poles etc. got along just fine? Why do they have such resistance to adapting to the language, but persons from all over the globe - from elsewhere - don't seem to have as big a problem with it?

Yes, but you're also not listening either - which means, you're not going to see it if you are wrong.

It's numbers. In Boston, I once read the numbers of Irish illegals number in the tens of thousands. But we get as many as a million illegals or more each year from Mexico alone. *Millions*. And if you're governor of California, Texas or Arizona, it's a big problem to you (for some reason, illegals aren't going to New Mexico). And Mexicans comprise the largest portion of Hispanics, by a very wide margin. I'm sure there are illegal Canadians here, but they're not demanding we do everything in French and wave the maple leaf around.

Two things - and part of it has to do with that it looks like you're just as emotionally attached to this issue as anyone else - and the first is, not everyone who disagrees with you on this subject is all in the same camp, derives their opinions from the same philosophy. It is not logical to assume that all who oppose your viewpoint are necessarily in agreement with each other. That's never the case, but people do it all the time.

The second is something you're not seeing - you're projecting your own interpretation of what people are saying and assigning 'bigotry' when there are other factors involved. It's like calling something cancer when it might just be indigestion - just because it looks bad, it might be a lot simpler.

It's generally my approach to assume the very LEAST amount of malice to someone who disagrees with me. In some of this, it seems like a lot of insults to Americans.

Personally, I think they need to go "to the back of the line" and wait their damned turn. There are people in Pakistan and Iraq and Nigeria and Vietname and China and so on, waiting in INCREDIBLY long lines patiently for their chance to legitimately come to this country. It is unfair to THEM to have to wait behind someone who crossed here illegally, forged fake ID's, dodged taxes, possibly collected benefits - and then cry "foul!" when they were caught.

Personally - I think the terrorism aspect DOES have great merit - and people have a completely legitimate concern - not about "illegals" but about a policy which leaves the back door wide open. You can't hope to keep the country secure from terrorists when you're unwilling to keep tabs on who is entering the country. When it becomes some kind of violation of civil rights to tell people they can't come in here unless they have proper authorization, we might as well put out the door mat for al-Qaeda, because there's just no point.

Let's dispel the idea that this is about Mexicans - it's about all illegals. And let's use the term "illegals" because they are here illegally - you can no more call them "undocumented immigrants" than you can call a burglar an "uninvited guest". I'll grant you that most of the illegals are in fact, Mexicans. I think the thing that griped me about the flag was that some were boasting far and wide about how wonderful and better the great nation of Mexico is. Well if it's so wonderful, why are people risking so much to come and stay here? I don't see throngs of immigrants fighting to go SOUTH of the border. I don't care if they think that - it just seemed insulting to pass judgment on ME.

(I've read up on this - and illegals aren't making slave wages. The median level is lower than your average American - but by far, most are making a LOT more than minimum wage.)

Blah, blah, blah You want me to see that I'm wrong? Fine. Show me one string on this forum about illegal immigrants from Pakistan, China, Lebabnon, etc.? Show me one string about how all these Chinese immigrants are changing the culture of Amewrica? Go on now... go find one.

Now go back to the first post of this string where it reads "What really caught my eye was this... Ok, protesting...fine. Carrying the Mexican flag while trying to argue for staying in the United States... Do they really want to be US citizens or do they just want our money? If it is the latter, I say get the f#*& out!"

When areas have Jewish, or Irish, or Italian unity days, or have protests against US policies towards Sin Fein or some other foreign org that's run afoul of the US, nobody complains. But let some Mexicans do it and oh gosh... light the fires!
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Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
You miss part of the problem. We either have borders or we don't have borders. If we have borders, protect them. Heck, a bunch of ordinary citizens did a better job than the feds did, and they were just sitting in lawn chairs with binoculars and night vision. If you don't want to protect the borders which includes keeping people from immigrating illegally, then do away with them and call yourself a Canexian.
Right. O'Reilly briefly mentioned an analogy last night that I thought he could have/should have taken further. If you have a cut, just cleaning up the blood doesn't stop you from bleeding more. You have to fix the cut (stitches/pressure/whatever) to stop the bleeding. The blood isn't the real problem...the cut is the problem.

...and to take the analogy even further...maybe we, as a country, are anemic and need an infusion (of immigrants) to remain healthy. IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? :lmao:
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Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said: I understand them, see the central problem that illegals are here illegaly and are thus criminals in every sense of the word and thus, as criminals, should not be helped to stay here and get legal as that would be rewarding criminal behavior.

You 'theys' speak for yourselves if I am not representing your position accurately.
"Criminals"? - I wouldn't go that far. If I find a homeless guy camping out in my back yard and eating out of my garden and bathing in my swimming pool, I want him out, but I wouldn't call him a criminal.

I used to know a British guy who overstayed his guest visa here - and *eventually* he got found out - which is actually WHEN I found out about it. They sent him home, and last I heard, he's not *allowed* back. I liked him, mostly. I might have told him "get your azz back to England or they're going to boot your butt back there". Now things are worse for him. See, if he hadn't been an idiot about it, he could still come back.

I think "rewarding" sneaking in here, forging ID's and in some cases, freeloading is grossly unfair to the masses of other persons trying to get here by the rules. It's like those jerks in traffic who zoom down the shoulder to get a few miles ahead of the others. I *cheer* when cops get those azzholes, because besides being illegal and possibly dangerous, it's spitting in the face of law-abiding citizens.

I recognize that deporting 11 million people is nigh unto impossible - I don't care if you make it a felony, it isn't going to work. Hell, if we can't even detain a handful of terrorists without a public outcry for civil rights, can you imagine how hard it will be to return 11 million illegals? So that ain't gonna happen.

This underscores what we already know - we MUST put a stop to the indiscriminate flow of persons into this country - we can't pretend to fight terrorism abroad, but make no serious effort to keep them out of THIS country. Amnesty, guest workers, I don't care - first, we have to put a stop to uncontrolled flow of people over the border. Yeah, some of them are people looking for work or a better life, but right now we can't even tell if they're drug traffickers or not - we're doing too little.

That said, to the illegals - it's inevitable that they be offered a path to citizenship if they want to - but they have to sent back if they don't want ANY kind of citizenship, green card, guest worker status - if they just want to hide here, the answer is no, and no other country would allow it either. What other country would offer free health care, education, driver's licenses and other public benefits to people who just wander in without any identification?


2ndAmendment said:
You miss part of the problem. We either have borders or we don't have borders. If we have borders, protect them. Heck, a bunch of ordinary citizens did a better job than the feds did, and they were just sitting in lawn chairs with binoculars and night vision. If you don't want to protect the borders which includes keeping people from immigrating illegally, then do away with them and call yourself a Canexian.

The last I checked we only have borders on a map, at least to the north. About the only place you see BP folks is at major highway crossing points. Many roads between the US and Canada have a "Welcome to the US/Welcome to Canada" sign as "the border." And are you surprised that civies did a better job intercepting Mexicans than the BP agents? Ever wonder why that is?


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
Go on now... go find one.
Easy - every single one that refers generically to "illegals". You're the one calling them "Mexicans". You're confusing anecdotal arguments with the broader ones. And ignoring the obvious argument that the *overwhelming* portion of illegals are in fact, Mexicans.

I mean, why do we re-check Arabs at sensitive points - would have anything to do with the fact that the overwhelming portion of terrorism against this country has been done by Arabs? Does that make it "racist" - or prudent?


SamSpade said:
I recognize that deporting 11 million people is nigh unto impossible - I don't care if you make it a felony, it isn't going to work.

For what concerns me is that it doesn't matter whether you deport 11 million illegal workers, or you give them all blanket amnesty, the end result is going to be the same to our economy, which is all I care about. The crap jobs are still going to have to be done, so who's going to them, how much more is it going to cost us, and who's going to pay the difference? Given a choice between deportation and amnesty I would prefer deportation as once we offer amnesty we're making a huge addition to our federal spending, and coupling that with the increases in consumer costs is going to make things suck royally.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
When areas have Jewish, or Irish, or Italian unity days, or have protests against US policies towards Sin Fein or some other foreign org that's run afoul of the US, nobody complains. But let some Mexicans do it and oh gosh... light the fires!
Right. We all have a blast on the 5th of May because we 'hate' Mexicans. You're exaggerating. Actually, that's probably putting it mildly.

I can't recall the last time there was nationwide protest - BY the Irish or Italians - protesting US policy. I also can't recall the last time there was an Irish or Italian unity day that was any different from the Mexican equivalent, and anyone objecting to either. Just as we have Black and Asian American History month, we have Hispanic Heritage week - but nothing for those Irish or Italians. Racists!