Because it's ridiculous, that's why.
Some things are just crystal clear, black and white, plain as the nose on your face - and anyone who can't see it is either suffering from a mental disorder or is being deliberately obtuse.
Illegal immigration is one of them.
It is not unreasonable to want foreigners who come to this country to be documented. If you came here from Sweden to go to college, there would be a paper trail on you, with country of origin, purpose of visit, etc. Hell, if you came here from England to visit NYC for a week, you would be required to have a passport and go through Customs.
So any argument that "requiring Mexicans to be documented is racism and bigotry" is just ignorant. And anyone who spews it is ignorant as well.
Nobody has said that Mexicans shouldn't be allowed to come to this country. (Well, maybe some people have, but it's only out of knee-jerk frustration.) What we've BEEN SAYING is that they should have to do it JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD WHO COMES HERE and provide documentation, purpose, etc. They should not be allowed to just come to this country ILLEGALLY and disappear. That is foolish and dangerous.
So, Bruzilla, your charge of "you're a bigot!

" rolls right off my back. This issue is crystal clear to me, so the slams of those who are in favor of the foolish and dangerous don't mean a hill of squat to me.