Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide



I think that aside from Larry you guys are all getting wrapped up around the wrong axles. The issue here isn't about taxes and how they are paid, or the legality or illegality of hiring illegal workers. The issue is the real impact that illegal workers have on the US, and if we are truly willing to get by without them. So what if an illegal is getting paid under the table and not paying any income tax? Would you rather have a legal worker doing that job and paying taxes that are all refunded to him PLUS getting an EIC or childcare credit to boot? If every currently illegal worker became legal, and by some lunacy they chose to keep working those crappy jobs, the US till would be out a couple of billion bucks a year paying just the EIC tab, plus a few more billion paying for medicaid/medicare and SS outlays. Where's all that extra money going to come from? The answer is our wallets, and before we rush to satisfy our emotional needs of not wanting illegals around we had better be damn sure we're willing to take the financial hit to do it.

A question was asked earlier about if I really thought imigrants would continue to do crap work for crap wages if they became legal workers, and the obvious answer to that question is HELL NO! This is why I bring into question how determined should we be to do away with people who will do these jobs, and do we as consumers really want to pay dramatic increases in costs to allow employers to offer a wage high enough to get legal workers to do these jobs? I say that we are not willing to do that. I also ask how willing we are to let large portions of our manufacturing and agriculture industries shut down because of high labor costs compared to foreign operations, and I say that we're not willing to deal with that either. We Americans talk a lot about loyalty to American business, but there's sure a lot of Toyotas, Hondas, and VWs on the road... maybe made in America but the money goes back to Japan and Germany.

To me, the relationship between illegals and the US is the same as that between the remora fish and the shark. The ramora sucks onto the side of the shark, and causes a drag on the fish that makes the shark have to work harder to swim. But, the ramora also cleans the shark and prevents buildups of bacteria and other nasty organisms that would kill the shark. So while the ramora is a drag on the host, the host couldn't live without it. So goes the illegal imigrants.

So what I am saying is not that illegal immigrants should be ignored, or that it's ok for them to be here. My point is that a lot of people in the US are getting all hyped up over emotional cues like people protesting under the Mexican flag, or talk of illegal workers not paying their fair share, or illegals having kids and them becoming US citizens, and not taking a look at the overall situation. There's a solid reason why pols have been dragging their feet on immigration reform, and it has nothing to do with votes. It's due to their realization that too much of the US economy relies on illegal workers and that deporting them or stopping them from coming here would be devastating to the country.

Yes Vrai, I am saying I don't object to having these people in the country using fake IDs, and I don't see the need to toss them any more than I see the need to deport teenagers who use fake IDs.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
NO! You and Larry miss the real issue, Bru. They are illegal! Just like the Brady bunch does not understand the word "infringed", you and Larry don't seem to understand the word "illegal".

Let me repeat it for you. They are illegal! and no argument that you or Larry can offer changes that fact.


2ndAmendment said:
NO! You and Larry miss the real issue, Bru. They are illegal! Just like the Brady bunch does not understand the word "infringed", you and Larry don't seem to understand the word "illegal".

Let me repeat it for you. They are illegal! and no argument that you or Larry can offer changes that fact.

So what? Speeding is illegal, yet we either do it or tolerate it every damn day. Drunk driving is illegal, yet I'll bet that everyone on this board who drinks alcohol has done it at least once and probably more than once. Skimming a bit on your taxes is illegal, yet that's a ordinary thing as well. Carrying small amounts of even hard drugs has become so "illegal-light" that it might as well be legal. Jaywalking, carrying a concealed weapon to protect yourself, going to VA to buy hi-cap magazines during the ban, snipping tags off of mattresses... there's a whole range of things that Americans do every effin' day, and why do we do them? Because they offer the most efficient and benefical means of accomplishing something at the time. So, why would I get my haunches up over illegal immigrant laborers? They keep my cost of living and taxes low, so I don't really give a damn if they're legal or not.

Speaking for myself, I don't want to have to pay 25% more for a head of lettuce, or $25 more for a hotel room, because these businesses have to pay more to find someone to do the job. I don't want to deal with produce shortages because local growers can't find anyone willing to do the work of picking, and don't have the bread to buy high-end machines to do it. I don't want to have my taxes go up 30% to pay EICs and additional medicare and medicaid bills for poor workers. Some may say that's a selfish view, but I'll bet it's one shared by 90% of Americans even if they won't admit to it. So yeah... like speeding, or illegally carrying a weapon if someone feels they are in danger, or exagerating the value of a donation on their taxes, I guess I'll just have to tolerate the existence of illegal workers as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Yes Vrai, I am saying I don't object to having these people in the country using fake IDs, and I don't see the need to toss them any more than I see the need to deport teenagers who use fake IDs.
Poor analogy. Teens with fake IDs have real ones as well - driver's licenses, birth certificates, Social Security cards. Plus...well...there's the little matter of them being citizens of the US and not some foreign country.

Larry and I have been going round and round about this at home. I keep coming back to "What part of 'illegal' is so hard to comprehend???" :confused:

We're supposed to be a nation of laws, and those laws are supposed to mean something. If we just toss them out the window because we find them inconvenient, what next?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Speeding is illegal, yet we either do it or tolerate it every damn day.
Bruzilla! :banghead:

Yes, those things are illegal and if you get caught doing them, you face a punishment. Do you also believe speeding, drugs, drunk driving, theft, tax evasion, etc., should be ignored as well? How about the rest of our laws? Shall we just toss them all out because "they offer the most efficient and benefical means of accomplishing something at the time"?


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla said:
Speaking for myself, I don't want to have to pay 25% more for a head of lettuce, or $25 more for a hotel room, because these businesses have to pay more to find someone to do the job. I don't want to deal with produce shortages because local growers can't find anyone willing to do the work of picking, and don't have the bread to buy high-end machines to do it. I don't want to have my taxes go up 30% to pay EICs and additional medicare and medicaid bills for poor workers. Some may say that's a selfish view, but I'll bet it's one shared by 90% of Americans even if they won't admit to it. So yeah... like speeding, or illegally carrying a weapon if someone feels they are in danger, or exagerating the value of a donation on their taxes, I guess I'll just have to tolerate the existence of illegal workers as well.
So what you are advocating is a subclass of essentially indentured servants to drive America's economic engine? Yes, there are numerous benefits to such an economic system as we can see throughout history; the upper class will always benefit from them. But reliance on that sub-class puts our economy at risk as well. As reliance on them grows, how soon would it be before they could shut down our economy through strike? These protest marches are just the beginning of what we'd see in the future unless we learn to live within our means now and stop relying on illegals to do the dirty work. There will always be legal citizens that will work these jobs even if we have to pay more for them.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
So what? Speeding is illegal, yet we either do it or tolerate it every damn day. Drunk driving is illegal, yet I'll bet that everyone on this board who drinks alcohol has done it at least once and probably more than once. Skimming a bit on your taxes is illegal, yet that's a ordinary thing as well. Carrying small amounts of even hard drugs has become so "illegal-light" that it might as well be legal. Jaywalking, carrying a concealed weapon to protect yourself, going to VA to buy hi-cap magazines during the ban, snipping tags off of mattresses... there's a whole range of things that Americans do every effin' day, and why do we do them? Because they offer the most efficient and benefical means of accomplishing something at the time. So, why would I get my haunches up over illegal immigrant laborers? They keep my cost of living and taxes low, so I don't really give a damn if they're legal or not.
Well it is not legal for the federal government, the state government, or any local government to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms, but they do it. How do you feel about that?

Look, what we do or do not tolerate in terms of legal of illegal with regard to speeding, taxes (I am one of those that don't cheat.), drugs, or anything else does not make those things legal or right.

If we did not have a welfare state, we would not "need" (I don't agree we do) illegals to be cheap labor. I stated before, curtailing welfare and tossing the illegals go hand in hand. But I'll take tossing the illegals first. Then, maybe, the politicians will be willing to tackle the even harder issue of welfare.

You and Larry have your right to your opinion and your right to express that opinion because we are in the U.S., but you are wrong. Illegal is illegal, and when illegal is applied to alien, they have no right to be here, should not have been here in the first place, and should be tossed out of the country along with all their family including their progeny even if born here.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Steve said:
So what you are advocating is a subclass of essentially indentured servants to drive America's economic engine? Yes, there are numerous benefits to such an economic system as we can see throughout history; the upper class will always benefit from them. But reliance on that sub-class puts our economy at risk as well. As reliance on them grows, how soon would it be before they could shut down our economy through strike? These protest marches are just the beginning of what we'd see in the future unless we learn to live within our means now and stop relying on illegals to do the dirty work. There will always be legal citizens that will work these jobs even if we have to pay more for them.
Hey. Why don't we just make them slaves and not pay them at all? :sarcasm: Seems like that is what Larry and Bru are advocating.


vraiblonde said:
Poor analogy. Teens with fake IDs have real ones as well - driver's licenses, birth certificates, Social Security cards. Plus...well...there's the little matter of them being citizens of the US and not some foreign country.

Larry and I have been going round and round about this at home. I keep coming back to "What part of 'illegal' is so hard to comprehend???" :confused:

We're supposed to be a nation of laws, and those laws are supposed to mean something. If we just toss them out the window because we find them inconvenient, what next?

Lord, yet another of the morally and legally perfectos heard from. :lmao: Vrai, I would bet that you have no idea how many laws you break each day, but I'll guarantee you you're breaking a few. We all do, and we do it because we need to in order to meet the demands of the day. When was the last time you stopped before a railroad track, turned down your stereo, lowered you window, and listened for a train before crossing? How many traffic laws a day do you break?

How's about something more substantial. A Maryland woman is told by her ex-husband that he's going to kill her the next time that he sees her. She goes to the cops, who say sorry... nothing we can do. So she worries for her life and asks a friend who knows about guns to help her get one. Since she needs one right away, and could be dead before the ten day waiting period is up, the friend gives her one and shows her how to use it. Two nights later she's getting out of her car with the pistol in her purse, when her ex comes up and starts stabbing her. She gets the gun out and shoots the miscreant dead. The state of Maryland charges the woman and her friend with the illegal transfer of a handgun, and charges the woman with carrying a concealed weapon, having a loaded weapon in the vehicle, brandishing the weapon, and 2nd degree murder of her ex-husband. You're sitting on the jury... do you vote to convict? Does 2A vote to convict? Do I vote to convict? Yeah... when monkeys fly out of our butts we do. Yet this woman just broke a bunch of laws... just did a lot of illegal things... yet do we convict? No.

So let's all get off the moralistic high-horse of we must uphold the law at any costs. We all break laws, we're all willing to accept illegal actions if they serve a purpose, so framing the defense of your views around law and order is a bit disingenuous.


Enjoying life!
2ndAmendment said:
Hey. Why don't we just make them slaves and not pay them at all? :sarcasm: Seems like that is what Larry and Bru are advocating.
Because of that damn 13th Amendment, slavery is illegal now. Hey! Could we ignore that law too? :yay:


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla said:
So let's all get off the moralistic high-horse of we must uphold the law at any costs. We all break laws, we're all willing to accept illegal actions if they serve a purpose, so framing the defense of your views around law and order is a bit disingenuous.
Your example actually bolsters our argument. The woman would be arrested and charged even if ultimately a jury finds her innocent. The problem with illegal immigrants is that no one is arresting them! Maybe a jury would find them innocent of breaking immigration laws. Maybe it would go all the way to the Supreme Court which may overturn our immigration laws as a violation of human rights or some other happy horse s---. But right now, it is illegal and they should be arrested and deported, as the law dictates, until such time as the law is changed.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Time will tell. A very large percentage of Americans disagree with you, Bru. But OK, I accept that you and Larry are liberals and will go on with my life without posting another word to you about this subject. But don't bother me with your drivel about Second Amendment rights or other legalities in the future. TIA.


2ndAmendment said:
Hey. Why don't we just make them slaves and not pay them at all? :sarcasm: Seems like that is what Larry and Bru are advocating.

Hmmm... I like the way you think! :whistle: Bring back slavery... nice idea but isn't slavery when someone is forced to do a master's wishes for nothing more than the master providing them with just enough subsistence to stay alive but never to make themselves free? Sorry, but I think the Democrats done beat us to it.

But seriously, there is a huge difference between illegal workers and slaves, that being one is forced to be there and can't leave and the other is completely free to come and go. If somone is willing to work long hours, at a crappy job, for below-legal wage, then more power to them. Better them than I or my kids. And if they decide they don't want to do it anymore and go back home to Mexico, then more power to them as there's plenty of others who will take their place. Just for the record, slaves tended to get hung or shot if they decided they'd had enough and left.
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Steve said:
Your example actually bolsters our argument. The woman would be arrested and charged even if ultimately a jury finds her innocent. The problem with illegal immigrants is that no one is arresting them! Maybe a jury would find them innocent of breaking immigration laws. Maybe it would go all the way to the Supreme Court which may overturn our immigration laws as a violation of human rights or some other happy horse s---. But right now, it is illegal and they should be arrested and deported, as the law dictates, until such time as the law is changed.

You're right of course. Maybe a jury would find the laws to be faulty, maybe they wouldn't. Maybe space aliens could come to Earth, zap us with brain waves, and make us all think like Earthlings rather than Americans and Mexicans. Anything is possible, but I prefer to deal with reality, and the reality of the situation is that the US economy needs illegal workers to survive, and many people are thinking about these illegals emotionally rather than realistically. They're wanting to get rid of illegals without thinking about what the effects would be if they did that, and the people who are yelling the loudest now would probably be the ones crying the loudest when their cost of living and taxes jumped. They are the ones who would rather spend billions every year erecting, maintaining, and guarding fences rather than just millions providing services to illegals, i.e., being pound wise and penny foolish. What would be best would be not have to spend anything, but the reality of the situation won't allow for that, so that is what we have to deal with.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I accept that you and Larry are liberals
The ultimate insult :lmao:

Bru, you can ask Larry - I'm a rule follower, not a rule breaker. I don't speed, I don't steal, I don't even drive in the friggin' HOV lane when it's just me in the car.

And, somehow, I manage to get through my day in an efficient manner, without the benefit of illegal activity. Just because YOU are a lawless desperado doesn't mean everyone is. :lol:


2ndAmendment said:
Time will tell. A very large percentage of Americans disagree with you, Bru. But OK, I accept that you and Larry are liberals and will go on with my life without posting another word to you about this subject. But don't bother me with your drivel about Second Amendment rights or other legalities in the future. TIA.

That's true... a lot of Americans do disagree with the position that I'm taking on this issue. But to be fair, a lot of Americans also disagree with the position that we both take on issues such as firearms... so are those who disagree with us on firearms issues as right as those who disagree with me on illegal immigrant issues??? Should you guys in Maryland be forced to give up your guns because a large percentage of Marylanders don't like people having guns? Too bad you've decided to clam up as I would love to hear your defense of that philosophy. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Should you guys in Maryland be forced to give up your guns because a large percentage of Marylanders don't like people having guns?
Being a law abider rather than a law breaker, I do not own an illegal firearm. What I DO do is petition my Congressman to get the law changed, rather than just disregard it.


vraiblonde said:
The ultimate insult :lmao:

Bru, you can ask Larry - I'm a rule follower, not a rule breaker. I don't speed, I don't steal, I don't even drive in the friggin' HOV lane when it's just me in the car.

And, somehow, I manage to get through my day in an efficient manner, without the benefit of illegal activity. Just because YOU are a lawless desperado doesn't mean everyone is. :lol:

Vrai! How can you sit close enough to your computer with your nose growing that long! You've never speeded? Not even 2-3 MPH over the limit when coming out of a light? I must toss the :bs: flag on that one! Do you ever stop closer than the legal limit to a school bus picking up kids? I'll bet you have! Have you ever crossed the street at an unmarked crossing? I'll bet you have! I'll also bet that you're breaking laws everyday that you have no idea you're breaking unless you spend your time reading every page of the MD codes. Did you ever buy or smoke cigs before you were 18? Drink booze before age 21? Be honest now!!!

But more importantly, and I do adore you for making this point, you said "...somehow, I manage to get through my day in an efficient manner, without the benefit of illegal activity." Do you? Do you really get through each and every day without benefit of illegal activity? Is your family naked? If they aren't, and unless you're having your family's clothes made by a local tailor, you're benefitting from some illegal activity as those clothes were probably made by people working in illegal conditions. Do you eat salads to maintain your wonderful figure? There's a huge probablility that lettuce was picked as a result of illegal activity. How's about tomato on your burger? That tomato was likely picked by an illegal. How about that tobacco that's in your beloved cigs? How many laws do you think were broken getting those cigs into your fingers? How about every item in your house that was purchased from some store? How many laws were broken to make, deliver, and destribute those items?

So, you're not a law breaker right? That may be right, but that's not the same as saying you don't benefit from illegal activity. We all benefit greatly from it without even realizing it. But we will realize just how much we benefit from it if it ever goes away, which is the point we want people to think about before we get all high & mighty about doing away with illegal workers.
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vraiblonde said:
Being a law abider rather than a law breaker, I do not own an illegal firearm. What I DO do is petition my Congressman to get the law changed, rather than just disregard it.

I'm not talking about illegal firearms, I'm talking about legal ones. Every poll I've ever seen taken in MD shows that a large percentage of Marylanders are against any private gun ownership, so does that mean that you should give up your legally owned gun, or that you're wrong for supporting the positions of firearms owners?


Lem Putt
Bruzilla said:
I'm not talking about illegal firearms, I'm talking about legal ones. Every poll I've ever seen taken in MD shows that a large percentage of Marylanders are against any private gun ownership, so does that mean that you should give up your legally owned gun, or that you're wrong for supporting the positions of firearms owners?
I'd love to see that poll. Can you back it up? Brady numbers don't count, it should be from a reputable source. TIA.