Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla said:
Hmmm... I think a majority of those in the poll favor banning every tyoe of firearm that they are asked about is pretty telling. I guess I could dig some more and find polls where a large percentage of Marylanders favor banning hunting arms, shotguns, sling shots, bows & arrows, etc, but what would be the point? Of course I guess the best poll would be the majority of anti-gun legislature members there are in MD, all voted in by a majority that apparently shares their outlook on guns.
Your 2nd link concerns "military-style semiautomatic weapons". I'll agree that most want those banned even though it still isn't right to blame a weapon and not the criminal, but it makes the sheeple happy.

Your first link has me curious though. I'll see what I can find. I'll start a poll here too, although I think the Southern Marylanders might be for private gun ownership. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Solid reasoning?

vraiblonde said:
Nobody is saying that. You're just losing your argument to solid reasoning and now you're yanking out silly extremist scenarios.

No one has suggested illegals be put to death, as if they committed murder or some other violent crime.

No one has suggested that they be imprisoned for any length of time.

We are merely stating that, if they are in this country illegally, they should be deported. That is a perfectly reasonable punishment that fits the crime.

It's the law!

It's the law!

That's all I'm getting. No one seems to care about the economic impact. No one seems to care about the cost of processing these folks.

But, oh, the law!


Enjoying life!
Larry Gude said:
C'mon. Our economy has a huge demand for more labor that, with 5% unemployment, is not being met domestically. So, what to do?
The illegals are not accounted for in the labor numbers. Maybe if they all went home, these 5% looking for work could find it. :shrug:


Steve said:
And no one is saying that they shouldn't be allowed to enter legally and work for the same $2.00 an hour. But if they were here legally, they'd expect at least $5.15 an hour, benefits, etc. and no one wants that, do they?

I don't know that you can say nobody wants that. I think a more appropriate answer is most people don't need that. I think it would be GREAT for everyone in the country to be making good money, but the reality is that this can never be the case unless you want to jack up the costs of everything we consume, which then leads to runaway inflation... all things that are pretty bad for most of us. But you're 100% right in saying that if an illegal worker becomes legal they're going to want benefits, tax benefits, SS payments, more pay, unions, etc., that they aren't getting now, and all these things drive up costs considerably. And those jobs that they are doing that nobody else wants to do still have to get done, so who's going to do them? Do we pay someone $25/hour to clean rooms or pick lettuce, and pay the higher price on the retail end? Do we use prisioners to do the work? So... once again... just how willing are we to endure these pains just for the sake of making sure everyone is legal? That's the only question that really needs to be answered.


Enjoying life!
Larry Gude said:
It's the law!

It's the law!

That's all I'm getting. No one seems to care about the economic impact. No one seems to care about the cost of processing these folks.

But, oh, the law!

You're in the business of growing things. Do you have any "possible" illegals working for you?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I cannot believe you just said that...

Steve said:
The illegals are not accounted for in the labor numbers. Maybe if they all went home, these 5% looking for work could find it. :shrug: you honestly know of ANYONE who is looking for work that can't find it?

I need three people right now.

Greenhouse labor $8 an hour
Truck driving $12.50

time and a half for over 40 hours

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You gotta keep up...

Steve said:

You're in the business of growing things. Do you have any "possible" illegals working for you?

...not one single person who works here has a green card.

You are not the first person in this thread who feels that ulterior motives trumps reason.


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla said:
I don't know that you can say nobody wants that. I think a more appropriate answer is most people don't need that. I think it would be GREAT for everyone in the country to be making good money, but the reality is that this can never be the case unless you want to jack up the costs of everything we consume, which then leads to runaway inflation... all things that are pretty bad for most of us. But you're 100% right in saying that if an illegal worker becomes legal they're going to want benefits, tax benefits, SS payments, more pay, unions, etc., that they aren't getting now, and all these things drive up costs considerably. And those jobs that they are doing that nobody else wants to do still have to get done, so who's going to do them? Do we pay someone $25/hour to clean rooms or pick lettuce, and pay the higher price on the retail end? Do we use prisioners to do the work? So... once again... just how willing are we to endure these pains just for the sake of making sure everyone is legal? That's the only question that really needs to be answered.
My answer is that we don't pay anyone anything other than that prescribed by law (minimum wage) and we let the market find it's own level. If no one wants to clean a hotel room for less than $25 an hour, then the hotel will charge patrons accordingly. If patrons don't want to pay the extra money, they won't use the hotel. Then the need for a $25/hr cleaner goes away.


I bowl overhand
Steve said:
The illegals are not accounted for in the labor numbers. Maybe if they all went home, these 5% looking for work could find it. :shrug:
When you have unemployment in the single digits (especially below 5%) then you really have jobs for EVERYONE except those 5% that don't want one. If all the illegals left today, and left 10,000 jobs in St Mary's county, unemployment would STILL be at 5%, and there would be 10,000 unfilled vacancies.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would you accept changing...

vraiblonde said:
Nobody is saying that. You're just losing your argument to solid reasoning and now you're yanking out silly extremist scenarios.

No one has suggested illegals be put to death, as if they committed murder or some other violent crime.

No one has suggested that they be imprisoned for any length of time.

We are merely stating that, if they are in this country illegally, they should be deported. That is a perfectly reasonable punishment that fits the crime.

...changing the law?


Steve said:
Your 2nd link concerns "military-style semiautomatic weapons". I'll agree that most want those banned even though it still isn't right to blame a weapon and not the criminal, but it makes the sheeple happy.

Your first link has me curious though. I'll see what I can find. I'll start a poll here too, although I think the Southern Marylanders might be for private gun ownership. :biggrin:

I agree with you 100%, but the ever eroding gun laws in MD were a big reason why I moved to Florida. I just received four more AR-15 lower receivers that were bought at the North Florida Arms Collector's gunshow this past weekend, and I've already built two of them into AR-15A2s for their owners. I like having two AR-15s of my own, an L1A1, and a G3 in my gun rack without having to worry if the law might change tommorrow and I'll have to turn them in. I also love having major gunshows going on just about every weekend within 45 miles of my house.

And I agree with you that Southern Marylanders would poll very favorably in support of firearm ownership... but I also remember how voters just to your north in Glen Burnie banned them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't forget...

Bruzilla said:
I agree with you 100%, but the ever eroding gun laws in MD were a big reason why I moved to Florida. I just received four more AR-15 lower receivers that were bought at the North Florida Arms Collector's gunshow this past weekend, and I've already built two of them into AR-15A2s for their owners. I like having two AR-15s of my own, an L1A1, and a G3 in my gun rack without having to worry if the law might change tommorrow and I'll have to turn them in. I also love having major gunshows going on just about every weekend within 45 miles of my house.

And I agree with you that Southern Marylanders would poll very favorably in support of firearm ownership... but I also remember how voters just to your north in Glen Burnie banned them.

...Takoma Park. Commie bastards banned nuclear weapons within the city limits.



Enjoying life!
Larry Gude said:
...not one single person who works here has a green card.

You are not the first person in this thread who feels that ulterior motives trumps reason.
So all of your employees are citizens. Would you pay an illegal if you could find some to fill your open positions?


Enjoying life!
itsbob said:
When you have unemployment in the single digits (especially below 5%) then you really have jobs for EVERYONE except those 5% that don't want one. If all the illegals left today, and left 10,000 jobs in St Mary's county, unemployment would STILL be at 5%, and there would be 10,000 unfilled vacancies.
I know. :biggrin: I was going in a different direction with my comment.


itsbob said:
When you have unemployment in the single digits (especially below 5%) then you really have jobs for EVERYONE except those 5% that don't want one. If all the illegals left today, and left 10,000 jobs in St Mary's county, unemployment would STILL be at 5%, and there would be 10,000 unfilled vacancies.

But once again... who would fill them? Citing again the study that was done in CA, even with the advertised salaries for migrant farmers doubled they couldn't get legal workers to apply for the jobs. So, do you want to volunteer yourself for this work? How about your kids? Your wife? How about the guys who clean out the crappers at rest stops? You want a career change to that field? Of course not, nor does anyone else, but that doesn't mean that the work doesn't need to be done. So if you don't have illegals who will do anything for a few bucks, then the only way you staff these jobs is to price them at a point that people will do them, and at that point you've probably bankrupted yourself.

It's like the guy who goes into a bathroom and sees a quarter laying at the bottom of a urinal, so he pulls a $20 out of his wallet and throws it in. The guy next to him says "why did you do that?", and the first guy says "you don't think I'm going to reach in there for a quarter!"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not knowingly...

Steve said:
So all of your employees are citizens. Would you pay an illegal if you could find some to fill your open positions?

...and if I suspected someone, I'd have to get on the state web site to find out what I am supposed to do before I screw up and all you witch and heretic burners come after me.

Illegal immigration is not a major problem around here.


Larry Gude said:
...Takoma Park. Commie bastards banned nuclear weapons within the city limits.


Some people have no respect for the miracle that is nuclear fission!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You got me thinking Steve...

Larry Gude said:
...and if I suspected someone, I'd have to get on the state web site to find out what I am supposed to do before I screw up and all you witch and heretic burners come after me.

Illegal immigration is not a major problem around here.

...I wonder if I'd be exposing myself to racial profiling charges?


Enjoying life!
Larry Gude said:
...and if I suspected someone, I'd have to get on the state web site to find out what I am supposed to do before I screw up and all you witch and heretic burners come after me.

Illegal immigration is not a major problem around here.
But you would know because they should all have SSNs for tax filing. Unless you pay under the table...then how would you know if they are illegal or not.