Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide



MMDad said:
I'd love to see that poll. Can you back it up? Brady numbers don't count, it should be from a reputable source. TIA.

If I go to the trouble to back it up will you agree that I'm right on this count, that being that just because a large percentage feel that...?


Lem Putt
Bruzilla said:
If I go to the trouble to back it up will you agree that I'm right on this count, that being that just because a large percentage feel that...?
Show me the numbers, then we can discuss. I don't believe the numbers are there.


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla said:
If I go to the trouble to back it up will you agree that I'm right on this count, that being that just because a large percentage feel that...?
Yes, please do. And I'll also wager that by "large percentage" you mean a double-digit percentage like 22% or maybe even 27%, but by no means do you mean a majority. I'll stand extremely corrected if you find some survey that shows a majority of Marylanders are against private gun ownership!


Enjoying life!
vraiblonde said:
Being a law abider rather than a law breaker, I do not own an illegal firearm. What I DO do is petition my Congressman to get the law changed, rather than just disregard it.
Vrai said "do do". :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is a fundamental core...

2ndAmendment said:
I am thinking the same thing about you.

...of EVERYTHING that is being an American to go forth and to try and find a better life, to pursue happiness.

Rules and bueracracies followed pioneers, not the other way around. It is nothing more than an 'I got mine, screw you' and NIMBY to be all exercised about people coming here to work. They didn't follow the rules therefore they are CRIMINALS!!! BOO!!!!

No one on here (that I'm aware of) left everything they know to move to a foreign nation to try and find a better life.

Our idiotic welfare systems are being abused, quite naturally so. Set out a sign at your front door; 'Free lunch and stuff' and see how many new friends you make.

As for the rest, if a man picks up a shovel and works, he has value. He stole nothing from no one. That shovel was their before and no one could be bothered to pick it up. Refer back to our idiotic welfare system.

See France? See the riots? That's us without immigrants willing to remind us who we were, how we became great. France has immigrants BUT they instantly become part of the social welfare lunacy that is Western Europe today.

Our illegals are not marching in the street; a whole bunch of high school kids are skipping class in LA, not workers. The workers are...working. Not standing in some line that would make the DMV look like 7-11. Not filling out some papers that will make THEM part of the system. Working.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well that saddens me...

2ndAmendment said:
Time will tell. A very large percentage of Americans disagree with you, Bru. But OK, I accept that you and Larry are liberals and will go on with my life without posting another word to you about this subject. But don't bother me with your drivel about Second Amendment rights or other legalities in the future. TIA. you do so well without name calling. I'd thought that beneath you!

If you mean classic liberal, I'll take that as a compliment. I'll take that every day over a strict regulatory state.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

2ndAmendment said:
We already have the INS; it is their job. If employers break laws now, they can wind up behind bars just like anyone who breaks the law, so what is different? Yes, if the employer breaks the law, hefty fine first time, behind bars second time.

Maybe Atta did, but were they on file at a government agency? Could they be checked? Would they pass? If an instant check can be done for gun purchases, and instant check can be done for employment.

The numbers according to Larry are in dispute. If I were an illegal, it would not take me long to figure out I needed to claim enough exemptions on my W-4 to have little or no withholding, the only thing I would be paying is the 7.65% FICA. So the employer pays another 7.65%. By your way of figuring, that 15.3% is free money. OK. No one is going to claim it ... except the "progressives" want to give Social Security and all the other freebies to illegal aliens. So where does the "free" 15.3% go? Up in smoke with the "free" education for their kids, "free" health care, "free" meals for the underprivileged; "free" meaning paid for by real taxpayers. And odds are, the illegals are being paid under the table and no taxes are being paid at all. Heck, that is done all the time for U.S. born and raised citizens.

Part of my plan is: at random the INS shows up at a job site and checks everyone for SS cards and green cards or work visas (better be the right type; not usually issued for construction jobs). At the same time, the IRS shows up at the office of the company. Employment records please. Oops. They don't match. Somebody is going to the slammer and somebody is going back where they came from.

A police state; presumption of guilt. Prove you are innocent. That would work.

No one has yet addressed this simple equation:

If a guy is making $10 an hour, he's gonna spend it some where in the US.
If an illegal is costing $10 in what is 'lost' in SS, fed and state witholding and so forth, that makes in $20 an hour times 10,000,000 illegals times 2,000 work hours per year.

Worst case, he makes ten, sends it all home (totally unlikely) and takes ten is social welfare costs and that totals us some $400 billion a year.

That costs us about $1 an hour each per year.

And what of the work that gets done?

And what of the 5% unemployment?

When all the illegals are gone, who is going to do the work?

What is the value of this lost work?

How many dollars in taxes is going to be collected on work that isn't being done?

This is not a zero sum game. The 5% we have unemployed are not going to go to work. Not for $10, not for $20.

So, the work illegals do goes undone.

In the meantime, our new police state costs some X of billions of dollars and X amount of business' go OUT of business as they have no workers AND they're going to jail anyway.

And the law is satisfied! The economy is on a shambles, but the rules were followed!
Last edited:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Say these words to me:

2ndAmendment said:
What don't you understand about the word "illegal"? You are arguing like a Democrat.

"All crime is equal in it's negative impact and must, therefore, be equal in it's punishment."

And I'll have no more questions for you.

Let's see just what it is that I don't understand about the word 'illegal'.


Well, I'm at work so I can't dedicate a lot of time to reserach, but here are a couple of polls that popped up straight away...

Md. voters favor ban on selling handguns
'Surprising finding' comes in survey of legislative priorities

By William F. Zorzi Jr.
Sun Staff

More than half of likely Maryland voters favor banning the sale of handguns in the state, according to a poll released yesterday.

Survey respondents were read the following question: “As you may know, a federal law banning military-style semiautomatic assault weapons is due to expire this September. Would you favor or oppose Maryland legislators passing a law this session banning military-style semiautomatic assault weapons in Maryland?” Statewide, 74% say that they favor legislators passing a law banning assault weapons in Maryland, 21% oppose it, and 5% offered no opinion. Seventy-seven percent of Democrats favor legislation banning assault weapons, 66% of Republicans are in favor, along with 79% of independents.

And these show a majority, which wasn't even the case in point, but I can't say as that I find these polls surprising.


Larry Gude said:
...of EVERYTHING that is being an American to go forth and to try and find a better life, to pursue happiness.

Rules and bueracracies followed pioneers, not the other way around. It is nothing more than an 'I got mine, screw you' and NIMBY to be all exercised about people coming here to work. They didn't follow the rules therefore they are CRIMINALS!!! BOO!!!!

No one on here (that I'm aware of) left everything they know to move to a foreign nation to try and find a better life.

Our idiotic welfare systems are being abused, quite naturally so. Set out a sign at your front door; 'Free lunch and stuff' and see how many new friends you make.

As for the rest, if a man picks up a shovel and works, he has value. He stole nothing from no one. That shovel was their before and no one could be bothered to pick it up. Refer back to our idiotic welfare system.

See France? See the riots? That's us without immigrants willing to remind us who we were, how we became great. France has immigrants BUT they instantly become part of the social welfare lunacy that is Western Europe today.

Our illegals are not marching in the street; a whole bunch of high school kids are skipping class in LA, not workers. The workers are...working. Not standing in some line that would make the DMV look like 7-11. Not filling out some papers that will make THEM part of the system. Working.

I can't argue with you there. I would gladly trade 100 welfare recipient Americans for 100 illegal Miexicans who will work anyday!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
"All crime is equal in it's negative impact and must, therefore, be equal in it's punishment."
Nobody is saying that. You're just losing your argument to solid reasoning and now you're yanking out silly extremist scenarios.

No one has suggested illegals be put to death, as if they committed murder or some other violent crime.

No one has suggested that they be imprisoned for any length of time.

We are merely stating that, if they are in this country illegally, they should be deported. That is a perfectly reasonable punishment that fits the crime.


Enjoying life!
America today is not like pioneeringing America of 200 years ago. We cannot continue to nonchalantly absorb whatever immigrant decides to walk across our borders.


vraiblonde said:
Let's repeat that, shall we?

I'm not getting you. What's to repeat? The question is if a large percentage says you shouldn't have a gun, does that mean you are wrong for having a gun and should get rid of it?


Lem Putt
Bruzilla said:
Well, I'm at work so I can't dedicate a lot of time to reserach, but here are a couple of polls that popped up straight away...

Md. voters favor ban on selling handguns
'Surprising finding' comes in survey of legislative priorities

By William F. Zorzi Jr.
Sun Staff

More than half of likely Maryland voters favor banning the sale of handguns in the state, according to a poll released yesterday.

Survey respondents were read the following question: “As you may know, a federal law banning military-style semiautomatic assault weapons is due to expire this September. Would you favor or oppose Maryland legislators passing a law this session banning military-style semiautomatic assault weapons in Maryland?” Statewide, 74% say that they favor legislators passing a law banning assault weapons in Maryland, 21% oppose it, and 5% offered no opinion. Seventy-seven percent of Democrats favor legislation banning assault weapons, 66% of Republicans are in favor, along with 79% of independents.

And these show a majority, which wasn't even the case in point, but I can't say as that I find these polls surprising.

Your original claim:
large percentage of Marylanders are against any private gun ownership

is not what you show.


vraiblonde said:
We are merely stating that, if they are in this country illegally, they should be deported. That is a perfectly reasonable punishment that fits the crime.

And on the initial question I agree with you 100%. But then I have to look at what the outcome of such an action would be, and the results are all disasterous. I would also say that speeding is illegal and that all speeders should be ticketed, but I'm also enough of a realist to know that there are times when I need to speed, so I have to say that maybe that's not such a great idea.


MMDad said:
Your original claim: large percentage of Marylanders are against any private gun ownership

is not what you show.

Hmmm... I think a majority of those in the poll favor banning every tyoe of firearm that they are asked about is pretty telling. I guess I could dig some more and find polls where a large percentage of Marylanders favor banning hunting arms, shotguns, sling shots, bows & arrows, etc, but what would be the point? Of course I guess the best poll would be the majority of anti-gun legislature members there are in MD, all voted in by a majority that apparently shares their outlook on guns.


Enjoying life!
vraiblonde said:
We are merely stating that, if they are in this country illegally, they should be deported. That is a perfectly reasonable punishment that fits the crime.
And no one is saying that they shouldn't be allowed to enter legally and work for the same $2.00 an hour. But if they were here legally, they'd expect at least $5.15 an hour, benefits, etc. and no one wants that, do they?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And getting all exercised and using red letters...

2ndAmendment said:
NO! You and Larry miss the real issue, Bru. They are illegal! Just like the Brady bunch does not understand the word "infringed", you and Larry don't seem to understand the word "illegal".

Let me repeat it for you. They are illegal! and no argument that you or Larry can offer changes that fact.

...will give you high blood pressure.

C'mon. Our economy has a huge demand for more labor that, with 5% unemployment, is not being met domestically. So, what to do?

Let me ask you this; If congress passed a law tomorrow saying everyone within our borders, right now, is now legal, would that satisfy you as far as the legality of all of this goes?

Right and legal are two different words.