Individual rights vs Ebola Quarintines


Unto dust we shall return
Well, you are coming around. Two cases were cured (the docs that volunteered in Africa) with the only experimental (tobacco) vaccine. The two nurses were cured with plasma from one of those docs. The case in NY, I am not sure how they are treating him. I am not sure why Mr. Duncan died. Seems strange. But, do you really think if there is a horribl outbreak here, that we can handle it? You are sadly mistaken. I think the MSM keeps a lot from us, but I believe them when they say we are not prepared for such a horrible epidemic. Even our gov/CDC says there are not enough isolation units in place. This is the modern era, not Medieval times. There should have been a block in place for incomings from the beginning. Thank you, Obama. Way to lead!

I'm amazed you aren't running the CDC yet.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because you can't stop them all, you're solution is to stop none? Since we can't catch all illegal aliens, we shouldn't catch any? Since we can't catch all bank robbers, we shouldn't catch any? There are lots of metaphors against your argument, but I can't think of one that agrees with it.
One thing I learned in biology class years and years ago which has stuck with me because it just seemed wrong is that virus's aren't alive. They lack the biological processes to be considered living.

Why do people do that; all or nothing? I mean, we all do it so, this isn't about you. My argument, clearly, is about the fact that we are WAY over reacting, it is not very contagious, while at the same time acknowledging how deadly the thing is, very infectious, and you response is to make up something I didn't say, do nothing, as opposed to what I did say, a response based on science and medicine as opposed to one based on politics.

I mean, it is no wonder, over the years, why our politics are the sad mess they are, over reactions and under reactions but, it's just a reflection of how we, the people think and react.

In any event, no, I didn't even begin to suggest to do nothing. I was pretty clear; deal with it from a position of science and medicine and not politics.

Simply amazing. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because you can't stop them all, you're solution is to stop none? Since we can't catch all illegal aliens, we shouldn't catch any? Since we can't catch all bank robbers, we shouldn't catch any? There are lots of metaphors against your argument, but I can't think of one that agrees with it.
One thing I learned in biology class years and years ago which has stuck with me because it just seemed wrong is that virus's aren't alive. They lack the biological processes to be considered living.

And yet, doctors, people who KNOW about the virus, have volunteered in the 100's to go over their specifically to deal with it. There are lots of metaphors that don't agree with that because the metaphors you're thinking of are based on fear, emotion and irrationality. The metaphors that agree with you are the ones like 'crying wolf', 'chicken little', 'fear of the dark', all very normal, all very useful to describe the public desire for reactionary, thoughtless responses and all very silly.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...we have been bringing them here all year. Apparently we have several effective treatments here in the US which is wh we don't have numerous dead nurses and doctors.....

And we have the 'Death Plane' (you watch, it will be a made for TV movie by the end of next week) has not resulted in 1,000's or 100's or even dozen's of cases. So far, the only cases have been, *gasp* people who directly handled the guys bodily fluids. Not people who were sneezed on, breathed on, looked at funny, by the victim.

How can that be???? I mean, other than the medical research that has said, for decades, that's what's to be expected. :jameo:
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Maybe but, what about the next one and the one after that? This isn't a zero sum game where you can move one piece and it doesn't affect anything else. This is biology and everything is trying to live and nothing can live without consuming something else. Harmony is simply a temporary condition where the weak have been consumed for a time by the strong for a time until the next strong comes along. Nature.

Why do people do that; all or nothing? I mean, we all do it so, this isn't about you. My argument, clearly, is about the fact that we are WAY over reacting, it is not very contagious, while at the same time acknowledging how deadly the thing is, very infectious, and you response is to make up something I didn't say, do nothing, as opposed to what I did say, a response based on science and medicine as opposed to one based on politics.

I mean, it is no wonder, over the years, why our politics are the sad mess they are, over reactions and under reactions but, it's just a reflection of how we, the people think and react.

In any event, no, I didn't even begin to suggest to do nothing. I was pretty clear; deal with it from a position of science and medicine and not politics.

Simply amazing. :buddies:
I did it because it was what was in your opening line, we should not try to keep this disease out of the US while we can because we probably can't keep out the next one or the one after that. According to the chart in post 18 it appears about as easy to get as the seasonal flu, how many people do you know that have had the flu? Now you can explain how you interpret a three week quarantine as a political response.


PREMO Member
How U.S. Troops React to Mandatory Quarantine is a Powerful Lesson in What Public Service Looks Like

Before she proceeds with her lawsuit against the State of New Jersey for isolating her after concerns she had Ebola, Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was placed in mandatory quarantine in New Jersey after aiding patients with the virus in Western Africa, might consider taking a tip from our troops formerly-stationed in the area.

The nurse has become somewhat of a celebrity in the news media since officials in New Jersey put her in quarantine over the weekend. She appeared on CNN with Candy Crowley, for example, although it seems to be lost in the conversation that Hickox is an epidemiologist with the CDC.

On Sunday, New Jersey and New York officials announced that individuals, such as Hickox, with potential exposure to the virus, will be allowed to return home to complete their quarantine once they become asymptomatic.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I did it because it was what was in your opening line, we should not try to keep this disease out of the US while we can because we probably can't keep out the next one or the one after that. .

Where did I say we should not try to keep it out? We should but, it should be done by logic and reason and facts and not psychos like Blasio and Christie


aka Mrs. Giant
I have a hard time remembering things, so maybe someone else can help me out....but I remember the conspiracy nuts were always saying that we'd all be sent to FEMA concentration camps or the like, right? We'd all be rounded up like sheep and go willingly because we would have reached a point where we had given up so much of our individual rights/liberties/etc.

It doesn't seem that they were that far off track after all. It just won't be FEMA camps, it will be CDC camps.

I'm beginning to think that this disease and the type of play/coverage it is getting in the American media only, is just a tactic being used in order to manipulate even more of us into sheeple.

Sure - round them all up. We're scared, so they - those people - need to be locked away for our protection. :ohwell:

I suggest all of you stop watching the American news.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have a hard time remembering things, so maybe someone else can help me out....but I remember the conspiracy nuts were always saying that we'd all be sent to FEMA concentration camps or the like, right? We'd all be rounded up like sheep and go willingly because we would have reached a point where we had given up so much of our individual rights/liberties/etc.

It doesn't seem that they were that far off track after all. It just won't be FEMA camps, it will be CDC camps.

I'm beginning to think that this disease and the type of play/coverage it is getting in the American media only, is just a tactic being used in order to manipulate even more of us into sheeple.

Sure - round them all up. We're scared, so they - those people - need to be locked away for our protection. :ohwell:

I suggest all of you stop watching the American news.

But, again, if all this hysteria were based on anything resembling a medical fact, we would now have 100's, if not 1,000's of cases from that one plane ride. We don't because the medical facts do not support such a fear. Ebola is VERY infectious. It is NOT very contagious. Obviously.

However, we get led around like hysterical sheep because we like it. I guess. "Someone must DO something! Anything!!!! :jameo: "

So, TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, TARP, ACA...on and on...


New Member
But, again, if all this hysteria were based on anything resembling a medical fact, we would now have 100's, if not 1,000's of cases from that one plane ride. We don't because the medical facts do not support such a fear. Ebola is VERY infectious. It is NOT very contagious. Obviously.

However, we get led around like hysterical sheep because we like it. I guess. "Someone must DO something! Anything!!!! :jameo: "

So, TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, TARP, ACA...on and on...

and once we give the government the power to do "something": TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, ACA...and on and on.... the government never gives that power back willingly. The same people who scream that the evil Obama administration is out to ruin this country are also screaming for the same administration to do "something" about this "terrible plague" that has killed fewer people in AFRICA this year than we lose from accidental deaths in this country in a year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
and once we give the government the power to do "something": TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, ACA...and on and on.... the government never gives that power back willingly. The same people who scream that the evil Obama administration is out to ruin this country are also screaming for the same administration to do "something" about this "terrible plague" that has killed fewer people in AFRICA this year than we lose from accidental deaths in this country in a year.

There it is. :buddies:

Don't say that out loud. Makes them defensive and cranky.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Where did I say we should not try to keep it out? We should but, it should be done by logic and reason and facts and not psychos like Blasio and Christie

It has very sound reasoning - the incubation period is three weeks, if you're asymptomatic after this time you are free to go.


New Member
It has very sound reasoning - the incubation period is three weeks, if you're asymptomatic after this time you are free to go.

OK, now let’s take the power you just gave the government and take it to its next logical step: There are anonymous threats posted about violence being committed against a public institution or group of citizens. You are a known sympathizer with groups that are against that group or institution. The government should, in the interest of public safety of course, place you in quarantine along with like-minded individuals in order to ensure that the threatened violence does not occur. You are not arrested or detained, simply in quarantine.


b*tch rocket
It has very sound reasoning - the incubation period is three weeks, if you're asymptomatic after this time you are free to go.

Exactly. It's not like the US gov't is rounding up the general population and sending them to GITMO. :rolleyes: Although, someone should waterboard that shrill nurse pissing and moaning about not being able to leave her house.


b*tch rocket
OK, now let’s take the power you just gave the government and take it to its next logical step: There are anonymous threats posted about violence being committed against a public institution or group of citizens. You are a known sympathizer with groups that are against that group or institution. The government should, in the interest of public safety of course, place you in quarantine along with like-minded individuals in order to ensure that the threatened violence does not occur. You are not arrested or detained, simply in quarantine.

Really? :rolleyes: And I thought I was a crazy conspiracy theorist. I bow down to your superiority. :notworthy: :wink:


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
The nurse has become somewhat of a celebrity in the news media since officials in New Jersey put her in quarantine over the weekend.

She should probably parlay her notoriety into demanding free birth control. It would probably get her a speaking gig at the 2016 Democrat convention.