

But wait, there's more...
RoseRed said:
They are probably all discussing today's front page story on the Enterprise. It also states that his is to have no contact with minors privately, or professionally (well :duh:) and that the office is closed until further notice.
Is the Enterprise online at all? :confused:


Well-Known Member
A quote from article in The Enterprise

Police detectives charged Lindemann with physical child abuse and committing a third degree sexual offense through a statement of probable cause alleging that sometime last September or October he touched the girl's genitals with his hand three times in an inappropriate manner. "During an interview with the defendant, he admitted touching (the child) in that manner," according to the charging documents filed by detective Steven B. Koch of the St. Mary's Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

Sounds to me like he's guilty since he admitted it. :shrug:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
Sounds to me like he's guilty since he admitted it. :shrug:
Devil's Advocate...

Perhaps he did in order to spare her the additional trauma of having to testify. :shrug:

Either way, he will lose his license.


professional daydreamer
sockgirl77 said:
Police detectives charged Lindemann with physical child abuse and committing a third degree sexual offense through a statement of probable cause alleging that sometime last September or October he touched the girl's genitals with his hand three times in an inappropriate manner. "During an interview with the defendant, he admitted touching (the child) in that manner," according to the charging documents filed by detective Steven B. Koch of the St. Mary's Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

Sounds to me like he's guilty since he admitted it. :shrug:

Oh, but he's such a good doctor! He couldn't have possibly done this horrible thing! He must have been coerced! They beat a confession out of him! Yeah, that's it!


elaine said:
Oh, but he's such a good doctor! He couldn't have possibly done this horrible thing! He must have been coerced! They beat a confession out of him! Yeah, that's it!
My guess is that if chosen to be in the jury pool for his trial you will be one of the first ones excused :lol:


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
My guess is that if chosen to be in the jury pool for his trial you will be one of the first ones excused :lol:

What are you talking about? I know nothing about this case. :shrug:


Ugly women send me karma.
elaine said:
What are you talking about? I know nothing about this case. :shrug:
First intelligent thing I’ve heard from you.
I’m sure it’s also the last.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


professional daydreamer
POOH said:
First intelligent thing I’ve heard from you.
I’m sure it’s also the last.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

You're just jealous because you haven't had as many intelligent things to say as I have.


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
But it seems you sound like you have pre-determined the verdict.

What am I supposed to do, tell him that his cofession is no good to me?

"I don't care what you've confessed, sir! You're a good doctor and I don't believe you are capable of doing this horrible thing! What's wrong with you, man?"


crabcake said:
I read her post as sarcasm :shrug:
I did too, but there seems to be a common tone throughout all the posts.

I am not saying she is wrong or that she has pre-determined in her mind innocence or guilt, just observing. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
Wait a minute, here! It's okay to hang Scott Peterson before he's tried, but not this character? What am I missing?


But wait, there's more...
elaine said:
Wait a minute, here! It's okay to hang Scott Peterson before he's tried, but not this character? What am I missing?
If you're not on call for jury duty, I'll share my rope with ya. :yay:


elaine said:
Wait a minute, here! It's okay to hang Scott Peterson before he's tried, but not this character? What am I missing?
Ease up babe, I just said it sounded like you were already convinced, even before the revelation of his confession.

You are missing nothing :shrug: I never advocated hanging Peterson before he was convicted :shrug: I just find it disturbing these days of the "trial by media" and wild public speculation have to in some way taint the fair trial guarantee.

Think about it, Petersons trial had to be moved several counties way because the media hype had tainted the jury pool. Problem is it was the national media and that tainted the pool in a much wider area than just Modesto. Now, given that Peterson is a convicted murderer, what if he got off on appeal because the hype and sensationalism was so widespread they determined the jury pool in the other county was tainted and he did not receive a fair trial? That would be a travesty.

Also, knowing how the media could screw up simple a birthday announcement I think they do a horrible disservice to the judicial process as do the people who “leak” or provide details of the case/investigation.

I don’t know if this guy is innocent or guilty. I do know that he has the right to a fair trial and that can only be done if an unbiased jury of his peers are allowed to see compelling evidence and they are free from implicit or explicit pressure to convict or acquit. That cannot happen if everyone is whipped into frenzy before the trial date is set.

I like our legal system, it provides for a fair trial, puts the burden of proof on the prosecution and requires a capable and adequate defense. If I am ever faced with a trial, I want it to be the one I am guaranteed in the constitution and not one that was argued in the media and pre-judged by the jury members based on what they saw on Dan Rather’s newscast.


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
Ease up babe, I just said it sounded like you were already convinced, even before the revelation of his confession.

I'm just being an azz. If I were selected to be on the jury I'd be fair, per the guidelines set forth. But since I won't be...HANG HIM.