Is It Acceptable


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not taking this "personally", I am just presenting another point of view. I know this is the stupid arse forums but where do you draw the line? Do you really think I give a crap what anybody on here thinks of me? :eyebrow: Seriously?

The real question is...where do you draw the line? And the comments received back on here where "oh if he's / she's my friend then I feel I can make fun of his/her religion" - Then that implies it is real life interactions not just the net. Then the question is "Did you ever ask him or her if it's offensive?" and the reply is "No", so how is that acceptable behavior? :shrug: Maybe I've made one person think about their interactions with others...maybe not. And you are right I can just go about being an ostrich with my head buried in the sand, or I can say something about it and maybe make a difference, whether it's the "internet", at work or in real life. maybe not.
My god!!

STOP THE MADNESS!!!! :jameo: :banghead: :whack:


aka Mrs. Giant
I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, but I don't understand why you don't understand that the ones making fun of his religion don't care. They know what buttons they are pushing and push them just the same. Until Beta speaks up and says, "Hey, bucko... you've pushed the wrong button" the line is not going to be drawn. It's human nature... you can't draw the line for others. :shrug:

This actually isn't about Beta. Some have chosen to make it about him. He's not the only Jew in the world. He's not the only non-Christian. It's about drawing a line and saying this won't be tolerated, regardless of whom it's being addressed to. :shrug:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
This actually isn't about Beta. Some have chosen to make it about him. He's not the only Jew in the world. He's not the only non-Christian. It's about drawing a line and saying this won't be tolerated, regardless of whom it's being addressed to. :shrug:
otter said:
I wish he were the only Jew in the world! :burning:
Oh, otter...:sigh:
This actually isn't about Beta. Some have chosen to make it about him. He's not the only Jew in the world. He's not the only non-Christian. It's about drawing a line and saying this won't be tolerated, regardless of whom it's being addressed to. :shrug:

Well then that makes it even more simple. You're now trying to draw the line for humanity regarding religions of all natures and that just isn't possible. Who's definition of "offensive" do you plan to use? Yours, mine, his, hers? My level of tolerence on any given subject is a personal thing. So is yours.


I love Texas Road House
i was noticing the same thing. He's an MPD ffs, why does he care what people think of his MPD? :lmao:

I'm not gay and I don't want people to get a false impression of me. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people started callign you gay.


My god!!

STOP THE MADNESS!!!! :jameo: :banghead: :whack:

I find that offensive. Don't think for a minute i didn't notice you used the "little g" which means you were being insensitive and insulting to agnostics everywhere.

THIS MUST STOP and I wont tolerate it!



aka Mrs. Giant
Well then that makes it even more simple. You're now trying to draw the line for humanity regarding religions of all natures and that just isn't possible. Who's definition of "offensive" do you plan to use? Yours, mine, his, hers? My level of tolerence on any given subject is a personal thing. So is yours.

Yours, mine, everybody's. If you hear something offensive in your presence...offensive to you and your own set of values and you say something or pretend you didn't hear it? I say something. :shrug: Why? Because as a society we need to take action to not tolerate bad behavior. That's the point.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Yours, mine, everybody's. If you hear something offensive in your presence...offensive to you and your own set of values and you say something or pretend you didn't hear it? I say something. :shrug: Why? Because as a society we need to take action to not tolerate bad behavior. That's the point.

Maybe you consider your audience and stop :banghead: :smile:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8100/4.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/102)

K_Jo said:
What time are we meeting at Jake & Al's?

:howdy: Now, I'm saving a seat for you.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Yours, mine, everybody's. If you hear something offensive in your presence...offensive to you and your own set of values and you say something or pretend you didn't hear it? I say something. :shrug: Why? Because as a society we need to take action to not tolerate bad behavior. That's the point.

And that's why this country is now so freaking politically correct, it's to the point of ridiculous. :cds:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I find that offensive. Don't think for a minute i didn't notice you used the "little g" which means you were being insensitive and insulting to agnostics everywhere.

THIS MUST STOP and I wont tolerate it!


Your offendedness offends me. Why be ugly and call things "little"? Do you think that g doesn't have feelings?

Insulting bastage :burning:lol