It's TrimSpa, Babeeee!



vraiblonde said:
I I've been eating less and better for the last week and a half or so.
Hey Vrai, sometimes when you eat less, your body thinks it is starving and actually starts storing fat, which can keep you from losing weight. Are you eating enough throughout the day?


sleuth said:
Is 1200 the appropriate amount for you?
Could be your body is slipping into starvation mode... :confused: ...conserving food... ya know.

Nevermind my previous post, Vrai. I guess I should have read all of the threads before posting. :dork:


vraiblonde said:
Hell if I know. Someone once told me that the appropriate amount of calories per day is your ideal weight, then add a zero at the end. Want to weigh 120 pounds? Eat 1200 calories a day.


1200 sounds way to low. I ate 1000 calories a day for 3 days, and hated life royall.

If you are exercising and only eating 1200 calories a day, your body is in starvation mode and is fighting to keep every ounce of fat that it can.

Why did you quit weight watchers? It was working for you wasn't it, other then the cravings right?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Katie said:
Why did you quit weight watchers?
Because I suck. :frown: Like any new thing, I was all gung ho about it (WW) and lost weight. Then we went on our RV trip and it was REALLY hard to eat a plate of broccoli when everyone else was having burgers on the grill. I tried to have a bowl of cereal and not eat the hashbrowns and eggs I was making for everyone else but it was a no-go.

Once off the wagon, I was a goner. TrimSpa seems to be helping because it makes food unappealing and it does something to my olfactory so that nothing even smells good. Plus it more motivated to get on the treadmill. If I were a better person I'd quit smoking, eat only healthy foods, give up caffeine and run without drugs - but I'm not.


WW allows me 20 pts per day, plus 35 flex points per week. This is about 1000 calories per day, then another 1700 calories divvied up throughout the week. So I shouldn't be in starvation mode at 1200 per day, I wouldn't think.


Go Braves!
I started taking the TrimSpa and Vrai hit the nail on the head with the way it make's you feel:yay: I have a little extra giddy in my giddy up but I don't feel like I need to tear the house down and rebuild it in a day:banana: So far so good:banana:


Set Trippin
CMC122 said:
I started taking the TrimSpa and Vrai hit the nail on the head with the way it make's you feel:yay: I have a little extra giddy in my giddy up but I don't feel like I need to tear the house down and rebuild it in a day:banana: So far so good:banana:
Looks like it swolled your avatar up too...:lol:


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Here's what's in it (from their website):

Glucosamine (Gloo-ko-so-meen) is an ingredient, patented by TRIMSPA for weight loss, that actually prolongs the amount of time glucose (or blood sugar) stays within the bloodstream after eating. This delay means that any extra insulin can be used directly by the muscles for energy, instead of being transferred too quickly to the "warehouse," or fat cells.

How do they get away with saying they patented Glucosamine HCI (Label) when it's been on the market for years? I take 1500 mg. daily and Bear gets half that amount. I've never heard their claim for it's use before either.

In fact, read a review HERE (about the glucosamine) because it won't let me copy and paste it.


Sharon said:
How do they get away with saying they patented Glucosamine HCI (Label) when it's been on the market for years? I take 1500 mg. daily and Bear gets half that amount. I've never heard their claim for it's use before either.
Giving Bear Glucosamine?? :confused: Why?


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Vince said:
Giving Bear Glucosamine?? :confused: Why?

It's good for his joints. A few years back when he wasn't able to jump into the truck anymore, the vet thought he had bad knees (hind legs) and would probably need an operation. I had serious doubts about that and started him on glucosamine. He seemed to get better and I've kept him on it ever since. He's 9 years old, walks everyday and plays ball just like a puppy (though not as long considering his age). :lol:


Sharon said:
It's good for his joints. A few years back when he wasn't able to jump into the truck anymore, the vet thought he had bad knees (hind legs) and would probably need an operation. I had serious doubts about that and started him on glucosamine. He seemed to get better and I've kept him on it ever since. He's 9 years old, walks everyday and plays ball just like a puppy (though not as long considering his age). :lol:
That's great! I think I need to up my dosage.


Yo Gabba Gabba
You've talked me into it Vrai, I just ordered a bottle off of ebay. It should be here this week.


Go Braves!
mainman said:
Looks like it swolled your avatar up too...:lol:
I figured I'm paying for it I might as well use it:roflmao:

Back on the TrimSpa, there is alot of chocolate in my house right now and I have absolutely no desire to eat any:banana:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CMC122 said:
there is alot of chocolate in my house right now and I have absolutely no desire to eat any:banana:
Isn't that weird? I bake bread for the family and I really have no desire to eat any of it. It smells funny now. Now if I could just find a pill that made beer abhorrent, I'd be in business.


Go Braves!
I even made pumpkin bread the other day and went ahead and put it in the freezer, I had no desire to eat it. I couldn't even eat my dinner tonight. I had 3 bite's and that was it, I was done:shrug:


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Isn't that weird? I bake bread for the family and I really have no desire to eat any of it. It smells funny now. Now if I could just find a pill that made beer abhorrent, I'd be in business.
I don't remember the name of it, but there is a pill for that too.. anytime alcohol touches your system you throw up violently.. Remember some guys being put on it in Germany, and they would STILL try to drink..


vraiblonde said:
I want to be a skinny zoner chick. :lol:

Cocaine is more expensive than trimspa, but you'll get the results you want if you get yourself a nice expensive habit.

vraiblonde said:
I don't want to weigh more and have muscles.

Then stop with the treadmill. If you eat less than you did, but still don't exercise, you'll still lose weight. It'll take longer since you're not burning the calories as quickly, but at least you'll shrink and you won't gain muscle mass.

Walking, jogging, running, whatever, really beefs up the muscles in your legs, back and abs. You're probably not going to turn into Chyna by running, but you'll develop the muscles there, and initially that'll put a couple pounds on teh scale.

My advice - throw the friggin' scale away. Eat what you know is good for you. Do the exercises you know are good for you, and screw the numbers.

Honestly, what good is it to know you weigh 100 pounds other than to be able to say, "I weigh a hundred pounds"?

When I was in the best condition of my life, running, pumping iron, and looking like a pro-rassler, I was shocked and horrified when I jumped on the scale and saw what my real weight was.


Football addict
Toxick said:
Cocaine is more expensive than trimspa, but you'll get the results you want if you get yourself a nice expensive habit.

Then stop with the treadmill. If you eat less than you did, but still don't exercise, you'll still lose weight. It'll take longer since you're not burning the calories as quickly, but at least you'll shrink and you won't gain muscle mass.

Walking, jogging, running, whatever, really beefs up the muscles in your legs, back and abs. You're probably not going to turn into Chyna by running, but you'll develop the muscles there, and initially that'll put a couple pounds on teh scale.

My advice - throw the friggin' scale away. Eat what you know is good for you. Do the exercises you know are good for you, and screw the numbers.

Honestly, what good is it to know you weigh 100 pounds other than to be able to say, "I weigh a hundred pounds"?

When I was in the best condition of my life, running, pumping iron, and looking like a pro-rassler, I was shocked and horrified when I jumped on the scale and saw what my real weight was.
What do you recommend for me? And how is life in the desert?


Go Braves!
Toxick said:
My advice - throw the friggin' scale away. Eat what you know is good for you. Do the exercises you know are good for you, and screw the numbers.

Honestly, what good is it to know you weigh 100 pounds other than to be able to say, "I weigh a hundred pounds"?

When I was in the best condition of my life, running, pumping iron, and looking like a pro-rassler, I was shocked and horrified when I jumped on the scale and saw what my real weight was.
:yeahthat: 120 for one person is totally different for another person! I prefer to go by the size of my clothes:lol:


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I read somewhere that the ideal weight for a woman 5' in height is 100 lbs. and then add 3-5 lbs. for every inch taller. So if a person is 5'5" their ideal weight would be between 115-125 lbs.