I can't Believe ya'll are taking Trim -Spa just because some dingy blonde
says it works for her. ALL Diet pills Are dangerous!!! As a personal trainer and having lost 50 pounds myself..... I'll Tell you
1. After taking ANY DRUG every day over and over again... your body will become use to it and it will be non-effective in the " good" way you want.
2. The one and ONLY way to "diet" is eat healthy!! Several times a day!!
So hearing ya'll say you couldn't eat or stomache anything is just NASTY!!
Don't you realize you get your vitamins and minerals from your food you EAT!!
So you'd rather be "skinny" with your teeth and hair falling out! OOOOKAY!!
3. AFTER you come off this " magic" pill What do you think will happen? You will just magically learn how to eat healthy and keep off the weight?
Nice thinking... lol
4. How many diet pills were "safe" for the first couple years on the market?? Then BAM next thing you know people are having health problems left and right. Next thing the "safe" pill is banned and off the market.
5.If you have the will power to pop a pill several times a day... why can't you have the will power to eat a carrot.. or ride a bike?