Jennifer @Red Robin


Adopt me please !

(6 cookies = serving size) Predominantly made up of 23 grams of straight-line sugar.

Chocolate is the LAST ingredient listed on the label which means chocolate is the least of the ingredients. 370 empty calories with almost no nutritional benefits, you could eat 2 whole chicken breasts for the same amount of calories! 6 cookies have 12 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat and 40 carbs ... more than 50% of your daily carbohydrate allowance in only 6 cookies.

Oreo cookies will set you up for craving more sugar within 3 hours or less. "Natural flavours" are manufactured chemicals to make Oreos taste like great chocolate cookies.

Highly processed foods have these flavour enhancers which are nothing more than carcinogenic chemicals with no natural flavours of their own. High sugar content. Sugar depletes our immune system, creates lots of inflammation and free radicals in the body.

Whatever happened to Hydrox cookies? I like those better than Oreo's ......