Jennifer @Red Robin


Registered User
I bawled my eyes out when I received blades for my food processor as a gift.


My husband is usually the worst when it comes to picking out gifts for me. I like practical gifts that serve a purpose. Items I need and want but too cheap to buy for myself.

A few years back my husband truly demonstrated to me that he actually does pay attention to our conversations and what I want. Throughout one year I named off items that I really wanted, industrial size food processor, meat slicer, and some other kitchen items. For Christmas that year I got them. I started crying when I opened the industrial size meat slicer because he actually listened to what I wanted. He scored major brownie points!


aka Mrs. Giant
My husband is usually the worst when it comes to picking out gifts for me. I like practical gifts that serve a purpose. Items I need and want but too cheap to buy for myself.

A few years back my husband truly demonstrated to me that he actually does pay attention to our conversations and what I want. Throughout one year I named off items that I really wanted, industrial size food processor, meat slicer, and some other kitchen items. For Christmas that year I got them. I started crying when I opened the industrial size meat slicer because he actually listened to what I wanted. He scored major brownie points!

I didn't want food processor blades.

I wanted flowers and dinner and something pretty.

To me, food processor blades said, hey, I only keep you around to feed me.

I cried for two days.

I'm sort of over it now.

We don't do gifts anymore.


Registered User
I didn't want food processor blades.

I wanted flowers and dinner and something pretty.

To me, food processor blades said, hey, I only keep you around to feed me.

I cried for two days.

I'm sort of over it now.

We don't do gifts anymore.

Awww Shame on Him! :huggy: He should have listened to what you wanted.


I didn't want food processor blades.

I wanted flowers and dinner and something pretty.

To me, food processor blades said, hey, I only keep you around to feed me.

I cried for two days.

I'm sort of over it now.

We don't do gifts anymore.

For Christmas one year from my boyfriend, I got a clay pigeon thrower because "it was something we could do together". :ohwell:

If you know me, you know I'm not the clay pigeon type. At all.
I do. That's the rule now, no gifts. :neener:


I'm big on cards. So if we're talking Mothers Day here (I haven't read back to see what 'holiday' you guys are talking about), give me a card, have us all go out to eat and I'm a happy camper :smile: (though one day I'd like to have something with mine and our littles birthstones on/in it :biggrin:)
That would suck worse. Because then there was no thought at all.


Then thank him for the clay pigeon thrower and wanting to do something with you/together :yay: and maybe put a bug in his ear on what you might really, really like for next year. Maybe you could say "Oh so and so got a beautiful XXX for Mother's Day" or "So jealous, so and so got to spend the day at the spa for Mother's Day"...something like that :smile:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Back in the day when I was married, my husband was an awesome gift giver. And he usually went over the top. In turn, he got to buy a new Harley. :lol:


Throwing the deuces

I'm big on cards. So if we're talking Mothers Day here (I haven't read back to see what 'holiday' you guys are talking about), give me a card, have us all go out to eat and I'm a happy camper :smile: (though one day I'd like to have something with mine and our littles birthstones on/in it :biggrin:)

I got a family ring from my husband one year. It has all our birthstones in it (mine, husband's and two son's). I love it. I'm not a jewelry person so the only things I wear are that ring and my engagement/'wedding ring.

My husband is not good at buying things. He listens but either gets the wrong size (get a petit and I'm 5'10 so it looks like I'm wearing kids clothing) or the wrong type of item that I wanted. Now it's just easier for me to buy my own stuff. I make up a list of things I want throughout the year and he gets to pick which ones I buy that will be from him and the rest will be just normal purchases.

The only time my husband gave me a gift that was completely his own idea was my engagement ring which I got for our 10th anniversary. We met and married within 3 months so I never got an engagement ring. He promised me that on our 10th anniversary, he'd get me one. I had long since forgotten about it but he hadn't. It was really special that he remembered after all those years.
I got a family ring from my husband one year. It has all our birthstones in it (mine, husband's and two son's). I love it. I'm not a jewelry person so the only things I wear are that ring and my engagement/'wedding ring.

My husband is not good at buying things. He listens but either gets the wrong size (get a petit and I'm 5'10 so it looks like I'm wearing kids clothing) or the wrong type of item that I wanted. Now it's just easier for me to buy my own stuff. I make up a list of things I want throughout the year and he gets to pick which ones I buy that will be from him and the rest will be just normal purchases.

The only time my husband gave me a gift that was completely his own idea was my engagement ring which I got for our 10th anniversary. We met and married within 3 months so I never got an engagement ring. He promised me that on our 10th anniversary, he'd get me one. I had long since forgotten about it but he hadn't. It was really special that he remembered after all those years.

:lol: I sent my husband to the store to get me nude panty hose... I am 5'6'' ~140-145 pounds and he got me size "Q" panty hose... in jet black. :ohwell: It was adorable. I still get tickled thinking about it. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
my ex tried really, really hard one year to give me a nice gift. He bought me matching earrings and a necklace. It was very pretty. WHen I opened it, he said you know what that is? Yes, it's garnet, it's very pretty. He said, that's our daughters birthstone. I said no, her birthstone is blue. He said, no it's her birthstone. Then we argured about it. She was due in January, but was born in December. He asked the sales lady what birthstone was January. That was the one and only nice gift he ever tried to give me. :lol: