Jennifer @Red Robin



Then thank him for the clay pigeon thrower and wanting to do something with you/together :yay: and maybe put a bug in his ear on what you might really, really like for next year. Maybe you could say "Oh so and so got a beautiful XXX for Mother's Day" or "So jealous, so and so got to spend the day at the spa for Mother's Day"...something like that :smile:

I now send emails with the subject line of "Gift Idea". :smile:

He is a practical gift giver and I'm a fan of anything fun, romantic, and the opposite of practical.


Maybe if you ladies spent more time cooking and cleaning you would get better gifts. And you also need to be quicker when we ask for a beer.:coffee:
I just received the most RANDOM text from my husband:

"How many bras do you have? Round about?"


Tell him, "Let's just say I probably have more shoes than bras but by all means, feel free to change that. You know my size and where I shop, have fun and be creative :wink:"



My wife's birthday is December 24th and I thought I was pretty smart with our anniversary being December 26th, but she corrected me pretty quick. For our first anniversary/birthday/Christmas, I got her three of her favorite books, signed first editions or limited editions. She loved it. A couple years later I took the first book she published on Kindle and had it printed and made into a physical book and got a local bookstore to put it on the shelf. Knocked it out of the park. Only problem is, I don't know if I will ever be able to top that.


Jam out with ur clam out

what a great weekend!!!!

got my new fence up!!!! OMG its so nice!!!! Im blessed to have amazing people in my life to help!!!