Jesus was the Sun, Not the Son of God


New Member

I loved your post on p. 2. You are right, too. We are all entitled to voice and have our opinions and I don't expect anyone to accept mine. Sure, I would like to see people know and love God, but this is not really the "forum" for that. I don't want to "convert" anyone to anything-that is something we each have to do ourselves in our own way.


New Member
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Watch the first part of this movie using the link above and see for yourself, logically speaking exactly where things origionated. Religion generally sways away from Logic and I can understand that since it makes no sense what-so-ever. It's money, power and control religion wants. If you need guidence that bad here is some advice that has worked well for me and will make a difference:

Always treat others as you would have them treat you.

That's all you need. It covers everything and you don't need a money hungry organization sucking every penny they can out of you. They use that money to cause division, termoil, death and distruction anoung the population and the world. Wake up people to the real truth for that truth will set you free.

:lalala: Don't be like this guy!

I cant believe you! You know I didnt want this trash getting out here to confuse people. Question your motives my friend, this isnt like you this is Satans work! For you to go out of your way to hunt this forum down??


New Member
You tell me I'm in your prayers like I care one way or another.

What do you pray? I hope that guy I argue with (that I really only know the vaguest things about) sees the light?

As for wanting to know god, I've put forth the effort. I'm a pretty open guy. Ball is in his court.

I pray for you and others to know the Peace of God and Salvation that He promised to anyone who places faith in the Atoning Blood of His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach. Your sincere desire to know the Truth will be answered. Try to be open about Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) and, in your heart and sincerity, call upon God to show you what is Truth.


New Member
Anyone who practices religion believes that they are right and that others are wrong. That's the problem and as long as this insanity goes on we get closer and closer to distroying each other. After all my god is the true god and all others are wrong. They should be converted to the right belief or be murdered in the name of god (which one? does it matter?). And our murder will be justified in the name of god. So what's wrong with this picture? RELIGION!


New Member
I pray for you and others to know the Peace of God and Salvation that He promised to anyone who places faith in the Atoning Blood of His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach. Your sincere desire to know the Truth will be answered. Try to be open about Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) and, in your heart and sincerity, call upon God to show you what is Truth.

you can take me out if you want. The only person who will convince me (odds are) is the big guy himself.

also, you never answered me who you seem to have knowledge that only god can know. Or so you say.


New Member
I tried to accept the challenge to watch the movie, but you don't seriously expect people to take almost two hours watching what is the very antithesis of what we believe, do you??
How about summing up the major points that you think proves God does not exist?? We'll take it from there.


New Member

I see many of you refuse to watch the movie. Have you been brain-washed to the point where nothing else but what you believe can not even be viewed? By the way I did say the "REAL" truth in my set you free statement.

Out of respect for you, and against my wishes I watched this movie.
It is clever and decietfull, but NOT well done its utter garbage. Its undocumented and uses no refrences for its wildly ANTICHRIST claims.
There will be many in the last days and this is just another!


New Member
There are good people in the world of all beliefs. Fact is, the majority of people are good. But the key word is people not religion. Religion is a weapon used again others who believe differently than them. This difference has caused more death and distruction than any other cause in the world. I cringe at the thought of a religious person in the White House. They will base their decisions on a belief system that is flawed. If they base their decision on inspiration from god then they should be instutionalized for having voices in their heads. If you take the bible as the word of god then shouldn't we be killing our doctors, nurses, police officers, etc. for working on Sunday? So much of the bible actually condones putting others to death. It's nothing I'd ever want to live with in my heart. To those of you who refuse to even look at the movie it only shows how afraid you are about logical thought. The belief in god only represses logical thought. Too bad for you. Here's another link from the show West Wing. Perhaps you can pass on this one also.

YouTube - The West Wing - bible

The law proves to use by Gods standards, by which we will be judged there are no good people!
Take the test
You are about to embark on a truth experience.

It could alter your view of yourself and eternity

The Good Person Test


New Member
Biblical Prophecy is unfolding as we speak through what is occuring throughout the world today

Are people making these things unfold because of their beliefs? If we think we know the end result we can do things to effect the believed conclusion. The cart is pushing the horse. We must be careful here to see the true cause for the result. The only thing we know id that result is not good. Thanks Religion!

We cant change Gods Timming or his will! He will come when the last soul is saved and he's good and ready.


New Member
you can take me out if you want. The only person who will convince me (odds are) is the big guy himself.

also, you never answered me who you seem to have knowledge that only god can know. Or so you say.

Matter of fact, Xaquin, it took "The Big Guy" Himself to convince me as I have shared in my previously posted testimony. I once doubted the importance of Yeshua and believed I would be OK as long as I tried to live as clean of life as possible. The Holy Bible declares that it is NOT possible for that we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.

Mankind needs a Saviour; I pray that you will come to know that God's Plan of Salvation is through Yeshua HaMashiach. Only God can change our heart and only He knows what is in our heart. If you are sincere in wanting to know the True God of Salvation, He will not disappoint you and will help convince you in a way that you will know without a doubt that He has answered the desire of your heart to know the Truth.


New Member
I'm just trying to spread the word not to attack anyone Marie. Is this you MJ? I did not conspire to attack anyone. The simple fact that you didn't want logic to get out on the net proves to me that those who believe what you do are not akind to any logic. As far as searching out this place to attack you personally that thought is crazy. I am attacking religion as a falsehood and to bring sanity back into the world. Now that I know who you are I shall start reading some of your posts. I am sure they will really be enlighting. Do you mind if I comment on them as you commented on my string?


New Member
You tell me I'm in your prayers like I care one way or another.

What do you pray? I hope that guy I argue with (that I really only know the vaguest things about) sees the light?

As for wanting to know god, I've put forth the effort. I'm a pretty open guy. Ball is in his court.

For Someone like Janye or JPC I pray that the Holly Spirit will lay his hand of conviction upon them, That he will break that heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh and that they will come to know Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior!

Please do the same!


New Member
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Watch the first part of this movie using the link above and see for yourself, logically speaking exactly where things origionated. Religion generally sways away from Logic and I can understand that since it makes no sense what-so-ever. It's money, power and control religion wants. If you need guidence that bad here is some advice that has worked well for me and will make a difference:

Always treat others as you would have them treat you.

That's all you need. It covers everything and you don't need a money hungry organization sucking every penny they can out of you. They use that money to cause division, termoil, death and distruction anoung the population and the world. Wake up people to the real truth for that truth will set you free.

:lalala: Don't be like this guy!
This is a pastors opinion on the clip from a personal E-mail!

This is an amazing load of bunk! It is full of unproven and undocumented assertions and comparisons. While it spits out some things which may be facts about some ancient religions, it takes great leaps by asserting that Judaism and the Christian faith are dependent upon them. I’ve never heard of a number of these supposed facts. Biblical scholars and comparative religion scholars have studied for centuries without making the comparisons and assertions made in this undocumented video.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Several things should be noted quickly:<o:p></o:p>
The date of Christmas is probably not Dec. 25<SUP>th</SUP>. We just celebrate it then out of tradition, not conviction. We celebrate the birth of Christ which was probably in the spring. <o:p></o:p>
Easter is not dependent upon the Spring equinox, but upon the Jewish Passover.<o:p></o:p>
Early Christians drew a fish in the sand as a cryptic greeting. The greek word for fish is icthus which points to the first letters of the words Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior—not pices, not zodiac stuff asserted!<o:p></o:p>
The historian Josephus- refers to Jesus. This is contra to what the video asserts that no historians mention Jesus<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The Romans developed crucifixion. I would like to see documentation for the assertion of all these prior crucifixions and resurrections.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
This has all the characteristics of a conspiracy theory. It is impossible to argue effectively unless their sources can be checked- they provide none!<o:p></o:p>
I think this is an amateurish invention full of numerous unproven assumptions.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I recommend The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity (Paperback)<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I also have a number of apologetics texts that you may borrow.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I would suggest you challenge your friend to get documentation for the video. Biblical Christianity has been studied for centuries by believers and unbelievers alike- the documentation of the OT and NT Scriptures is extensive. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Comparing Christianity to any other religion (or corruption of Christianity) demonstrates that all others are the story of man seeking God(s). The revealed faith of the Scriptures is about God’s grace in seeking fallen man. It does not surprise me that false religion exists since man is a spiritual being. What is marvelous is that God continues to reach out to the world in grace. This fact should lead Christians to love their neighbor and show them the Savior. There have been terrible things done in the name of religion, even in the name of Christianity. We are ashamed of these things. But that does not negate the truth of our message. The message of Christ has done more to bring blessing and peace to the world than can be described briefly.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>


New Member
Care to share anything logical concerning your belief system? You watched the movie and it concerned you to the point of going to others to help disprove any of it. Look how religion has treated your oun grandmother. As soon as she stopped giving the almightly dollar they forgot her and her works of her long life. Can't remember the last time that someone from her church came to see her.

As far as a two hour movie goes watch Part 1 which may be 30 minutes or so. If you waste your time reading the bible you can take 30 minutes to see where it origionated from.


New Member
For Someone like Janye or JPC I pray that the Holly Spirit will lay his hand of conviction upon them, That he will break that heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh and that they will come to know Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior!

Please do the same!

Hi Marie,
I join you in intercessory prayers for God's Love and Peace to bring them to the Saving Grace that He freely offers to mankind. It is up to each individual to accept God's Plan.

Logging out for now.


New Member
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Watch the first part of this movie using the link above and see for yourself, logically speaking exactly where things origionated. Religion generally sways away from Logic and I can understand that since it makes no sense what-so-ever. It's money, power and control religion wants. If you need guidence that bad here is some advice that has worked well for me and will make a difference:

Always treat others as you would have them treat you.

That's all you need. It covers everything and you don't need a money hungry organization sucking every penny they can out of you. They use that money to cause division, termoil, death and distruction anoung the population and the world. Wake up people to the real truth for that truth will set you free.

:lalala: Don't be like this guy!

Here is some helpful writing, well documented (unlike the video)


  • Doc1.doc
    78 KB · Views: 85


New Member
So now you quote your religious leader. I'm sure he knows more than anyone else after all it's his business. Why are you worried about the movie getting out and being seen? Because it logic proves the bible to be a personification of astrology. Religion hates logic and science. Why, because it proves the falsehood of religion, that's why!


New Member
I am sorry but I won't ready your long winded document. If any of it is based on the bible it'd flawed frm it's very foundation. A bettr read would be "The Three Little Pigs"!


New Member
This has all the characteristics of a conspiracy theory. It is impossible to argue effectively unless their sources can be checked- they provide none!
I think this is an amateurish invention full of numerous unproven assumptions.

These are the words of your leader.

Prove anything to me that god exists and please don't use the bible to do that because I consider that a fictional story book, nothing more. Zeitgeist exists just as your bible does. The only difference is the Zeitgeist is logical.