There are good people in the world of all beliefs. Fact is, the majority of people are good. But the key word is people not religion. Religion is a weapon used again others who believe differently than them. This difference has caused more death and distruction than any other cause in the world. I cringe at the thought of a religious person in the White House. They will base their decisions on a belief system that is flawed. If they base their decision on inspiration from god then they should be instutionalized for having voices in their heads. If you take the bible as the word of god then shouldn't we be killing our doctors, nurses, police officers, etc. for working on Sunday? So much of the bible actually condones putting others to death. It's nothing I'd ever want to live with in my heart. To those of you who refuse to even look at the movie it only shows how afraid you are about logical thought. The belief in god only represses logical thought. Too bad for you. Here's another link from the show West Wing. Perhaps you can pass on this one also.
YouTube - The West Wing - bible
Here is a fact in which you seem to be oblivious. The vast majority of the world’s population believes in a deity. But you claim this has no credibility; that your voice (the minority voice) is valid and everyone else’s is not. This is the height of arrogance and ignorance. You demand believers open their eyes to their blind allegiance to their God while you refuse to open your own. This argument is a two-way street but you are hogging both lanes.
Here is the bottom line… you don’t have to believe. You will be hard pressed to convince believers (like me) to not believe. I have experienced too much evidence to be compelled otherwise. You can cite all the corruption in the churches, the killings ordered by God, use of religion in politics, etc, etc… but none of this minimizes who God is to a believer. So coming into this forum, posting a video that you claim has evidence that God doesn’t really exist only does one thing, does unto others that you wouldn’t want them to do unto you.
Practice what you preach friend!