Jesus was the Sun, Not the Son of God


There are good people in the world of all beliefs. Fact is, the majority of people are good. But the key word is people not religion. Religion is a weapon used again others who believe differently than them. This difference has caused more death and distruction than any other cause in the world. I cringe at the thought of a religious person in the White House. They will base their decisions on a belief system that is flawed. If they base their decision on inspiration from god then they should be instutionalized for having voices in their heads. If you take the bible as the word of god then shouldn't we be killing our doctors, nurses, police officers, etc. for working on Sunday? So much of the bible actually condones putting others to death. It's nothing I'd ever want to live with in my heart. To those of you who refuse to even look at the movie it only shows how afraid you are about logical thought. The belief in god only represses logical thought. Too bad for you. Here's another link from the show West Wing. Perhaps you can pass on this one also.

YouTube - The West Wing - bible

Here is a fact in which you seem to be oblivious. The vast majority of the world’s population believes in a deity. But you claim this has no credibility; that your voice (the minority voice) is valid and everyone else’s is not. This is the height of arrogance and ignorance. You demand believers open their eyes to their blind allegiance to their God while you refuse to open your own. This argument is a two-way street but you are hogging both lanes.

Here is the bottom line… you don’t have to believe. You will be hard pressed to convince believers (like me) to not believe. I have experienced too much evidence to be compelled otherwise. You can cite all the corruption in the churches, the killings ordered by God, use of religion in politics, etc, etc… but none of this minimizes who God is to a believer. So coming into this forum, posting a video that you claim has evidence that God doesn’t really exist only does one thing, does unto others that you wouldn’t want them to do unto you.

Practice what you preach friend!


Red Karma Coward Alert!

Jesus was the Sun, Not... 02-12-2008 07:52 AM blah freaking blah, you would think no responses to three posts in row would tell you to shut up

There are those that post because they have the courage to say what they believe, out in the open. There are others that are cowards that cast empty and mindless garbage in the dark.

You are the latter. But.................. whatever makes you feel good about your pathetic self.
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New Member
There are those that post because they have the courage to say what they believe, out in the open. There are others that are cowards that cast empty and mindless garbage in the dark.

You are the latter. But.................. whatever makes you feel good about your pathetic self.

Hi PsyOps

I Just thought I let you know that Jaynes on travel without access to a pc, thats why you havent gotten any response to your post.


New Member
But watching it only confirmed that there is a supreme creator. Evolution makes no sense. The odds of one species (humans) evolving into the higher thinking animal above all the other billions of species makes no sense. Humans were the only animal created in the image of some creator. The Bible is just a compilation of books written by Jewish people in ancient times, the Old Test being mostly history, genealogy and laws. And the New Testament, Jews that wrote their interpretation of a man named Jesus and his beliefs and ideals. Stories passed down through generations, such as the flood story which probably came from the Sumerian story of the flood of Gilgamesh. Modern day Christians have adopted this Jewish text as their Holy Book. Sadly, but a slim, very slim percentage actually adhere to it. While they quickly dismiss any other theory, they seldom follow Jesus Christs actually teachings.
Ive read the Bible, and what I gather from Jesuss teachings is that of a peace maker. He would not condone murder, war or hatred. I cant tell you how many Christians send me email about hating Muslims, liberals, Jews, Mexicans, etc..they love to send those patriotic war emails with little pictures of Jesus and crosses all the while speaking of war and how God is blessing America. I wonder what percentage of Christians actually follow Christs teachings??
BTW I do believe in a creator, I will not pretend to understand what it is. I personally believe we are somehow a part of it, could be an energy source for all we know. But I refuse to have one religion or another tell me, this is the answer, this is the way and all others are wrong and doomed. This causes prejudice and hatred of fellow mankind. We are all the same. Seems to me religion is used to divide each other into groups of who's "in" with God and who's "out"


New Member
I do not preach about god since there is no god. I don't force my beliefs on others with the threat of hell and eternal damnation. I need not prove the non-existance of god. However, there is not shread of proof that god ever existed. The belief came from the worship of the sun as god not the son of god. Religion sells an insurance policy to the believers which will never pay off when you finally put in your claim. It's too late for a refund since you are dead. False hopes for an after-life only because people are afraid to die. I'm not because I know it's nature. So believing as I do I live my life as a good person and try to help others when I can. The only thing of value in life is what you carry in your heart. The rest is just stuff that clutters your life and things you leave behind when you die.


New Member
But watching it only confirmed that there is a supreme creator. Evolution makes no sense. The odds of one species (humans) evolving into the higher thinking animal above all the other billions of species makes no sense. Humans were the only animal created in the image of some creator. The Bible is just a compilation of books written by Jewish people in ancient times, the Old Test being mostly history, genealogy and laws. And the New Testament, Jews that wrote their interpretation of a man named Jesus and his beliefs and ideals. Stories passed down through generations, such as the flood story which probably came from the Sumerian story of the flood of Gilgamesh. Modern day Christians have adopted this Jewish text as their Holy Book. Sadly, but a slim, very slim percentage actually adhere to it. While they quickly dismiss any other theory, they seldom follow Jesus Christs actually teachings.
Ive read the Bible, and what I gather from Jesuss teachings is that of a peace maker. He would not condone murder, war or hatred. I cant tell you how many Christians send me email about hating Muslims, liberals, Jews, Mexicans, etc..they love to send those patriotic war emails with little pictures of Jesus and crosses all the while speaking of war and how God is blessing America. I wonder what percentage of Christians actually follow Christs teachings??
BTW I do believe in a creator, I will not pretend to understand what it is. I personally believe we are somehow a part of it, could be an energy source for all we know. But I refuse to have one religion or another tell me, this is the answer, this is the way and all others are wrong and doomed. This causes prejudice and hatred of fellow mankind. We are all the same. Seems to me religion is used to divide each other into groups of who's "in" with God and who's "out"

Watch these proof enough!
The Case for Atheism
The Case for Atheism - part 2
The Way of the Master Radio
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New Member

I see many of you refuse to watch the movie. Have you been brain-washed to the point where nothing else but what you believe can not even be viewed? By the way I did say the "REAL" truth in my set you free statement.

I took the time to watch and it was indeed an educational experience among many. I am not brainwashed, though some may consider me rather brain dead, but hey, this America and they are welcome to their opinion.
Thank you for taking the time to share.
There are many paths to God, and all of them contain a measure of the truth. It is only when we try to limit those paths ... do we stray.


New Member
well Jesus did say the path to the father was through him, which is what I believe...there are many paths that one could follow that is true (till I was saved there was no relligion in my life), to me the teaching of Jesus Christ is the right, the truth and the only path...... I hope you find his words as I did (didn't get saved till I was 33)


I do not preach about god since there is no god. I don't force my beliefs on others with the threat of hell and eternal damnation. I need not prove the non-existance of god. However, there is not shread of proof that god ever existed. The belief came from the worship of the sun as god not the son of god. Religion sells an insurance policy to the believers which will never pay off when you finally put in your claim. It's too late for a refund since you are dead. False hopes for an after-life only because people are afraid to die. I'm not because I know it's nature. So believing as I do I live my life as a good person and try to help others when I can. The only thing of value in life is what you carry in your heart. The rest is just stuff that clutters your life and things you leave behind when you die.

I can’t force my beliefs on you any more than you can force yours on me. So that statement is pointless. As far as proof is concerned, life is all the proof that I need. Why, you ask? Consider the egg cell of a human (we wont even talk about the thousands of other species that exist). How does a single cell divide in half, then divide again, and again, and again, over and over, place all the fingers, toes, legs, arms, organs, etc in the exact location they belong just by splitting in half over and over? How can an arbitrary process result in something that is a complete working machine; all parts working in unison? Then add on top of that our capacity to think, solve problems, reason, have emotions, etc… How can an arbitrary process have such purposeful results? The only explanation for me is it’s not an arbitrary process; but rather an intelligent one. But what is the intelligence? Who or what is controlling that process?

What you call a false hope, we Christians call reality. We look at the universe around us and don’t see it as some random, chaotic phenomenon spinning around without purpose. And believing doesn’t come out of fear of dying. It’s what compels us to realize there is more beyond this “here and now”. For Christians there is no death… for folks like you it ends when you stop breathing.

I can’t think of anything that clutters the mind more than to believe we are just a result of a random chemical process occurring in space. It leads to an end that doesn’t explain how it got there. And it’s not that we needed to create some explanation for our existence. We believe it was already there.


New Member
Satan has been known as a liar from the begining. He's also known as the deciever. Did you notice none of the so called facts were documented?
Oh its has a great presentation in its smoothness sounding factual while avoiding the truth.

For an unbeliever Satan already has there soul by default nothing is required of them to go straght to hell. That movie was created to place doubts in week and unlearned believers those still on the milk to try to get them to turn there back on their faith.

It truely is a numbers game for souls, and Satan will stoop to any level to take one more with him to be tourmented for all eterinity.

There are all kinds of non Christian historical refrences not only of Christ life but also of his resurection that have been posted here before!

Flavius Josephus (37-97 AD), court historian for Emperor Vespasian:
Cornelius Tacitus (55-120 AD), "the greatest historian" of ancient Rome:
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillas, chief secretary of Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD):
Pliny the Younger, Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor around 112 AD:
Emperor Trajan, in reply to Pliny:
Emporer Hadrian (117-138 AD), in a letter to Minucius Fundanus, the Asian proconsul:
The Jewish Talmud, compiled between 70 and 200 AD:
Lucian, a second century Greek satirist:
Mara Bar-Serapion, of Syria, writing between 70 and 200 AD from prison to motivate his son to emulate wise teachers of the past:

Just do a google search on
non biblical historical references of Christ

The nature of Christ's salvation is woefully misrepresented by the present-day evangelist. He announces a Savior from hell rather than a Savior from sin. And that is why so many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of Fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnality and worldliness."
A.W. Pink<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
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New Member
The only thing we have to fear from Satin is smooth glossy surfaces and comfort.

I will take on Satin in my bed. EVERY NIGHT IF I HAVE TO!

my wife will aid me.
To Funny LoL, Ill fix it trying to multi task and spelling isnt my Spirtual Gift!


New Member
When asked about the Lost Indian tribe (in South America) I could have sworn your answer was this :Having problems keeping your hatred straight? :eyebrow:

And who's version of Sins? The Incans version of Sin is different than your own, will they go to Hell for your version of Sins or their own?

Are the Incans going to Hell? :shrug:

Actually the statements are not contradictory.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Because of mans Adamic nature he is born a sinner and will die one unless he repents and puts his faith in trust in God. His fate is death unless...<o:p></o:p>
The Indian doesn’t go to hell because he never heard a name he goes to hell for his sin and needs a payment for that sin.<o:p></o:p>
The same God that makes the Law, paid the fine but requires you to trust in him, and believe that and not in your self or your good deeds. That YOU repent of your sin and admit it and turn from it. Asking forgiveness is not enough its repentance and faith.<o:p></o:p>

How about what God declares to be sin. I am willing to bet the Incans know right from wrong, just like you do. The concious is the same in everyone. Some heed it some dont!

So rather than give me the red hearing response and who was Cains wife questions.
Id be exaiming my own life. What's this world have to offer thats worth going to hell over? Are you truely so self confident that your willing to bet your life on it.

If God judges you by the 10 commandments his laws are you going to be innocent or guilty ( a hint were all guilty)
Is he going to send you to heaven or hell (remeber you broke the law your guilty)
God is Just and is Holy he cant do anything but send you to hell as he cant tolerate sin.
You need someone to pay your fine 2000 years ago a legal transaction took place.
God in the form of a man Jesus Christ died on the cross and took that sin upon him so you wouldnt have to.
Only God can satisify that debt because he is the only one thats perfect.
But you need to surrender your will to him and die to self
Think about your sins
Think about the cross
and it should break your heart!
Turn from your sins, repent of them, ask for forgivness of them, then put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ like you currently do to yourself.
You dont get saved because your affraid of going to hell but because you apericate that God was so good, to go to the cross and pay your debt with his lifes blood.
Id say its pretty loving, not hatred to keep coming back and making an appeal to the lost. Putting up with the snide remarks, harressment and giving of my time so I can see you in eternity. Hatred would be turning my back when I have something you need (the Good News) and ignoring you. Seeing you in danger of pershing and not warning you of the impending danger! How is caring about you and where you spend eternity hatred? If I truely believe what I say I beleive, how could I not tell you that would be hatred!
Think about your sins, then think about the cross!
If you become born again God will give you a new heart with new desires
you will love the things you now hate (mainly him), and hate the sin you currently love.


New Member
Whether an Incan believes in the law of gravity or not if he jumps off a cliff, he's going to drop like a rock. My point is you dont have to believe it, It's still true!
Gods version of sin applys to all creation universally.
Were all childern of Adam any anyone born since is under the curse whether they know it, believe it or not.
The Indians do know of OUR God through Creation and through their concious, the concious is universal if you ask a canabal if its wrong to sleep with anothers wife he will afrim it.
God dosent tell us everything, he tells us what we need to know.
He tells us to go into all the world preaching and teaching the gospel.
What provisions for those that never heard if any we dont know. Even as you said there tribe has some version of god.
Remember there is only one true God and hes got a lot of names in scripture.

But unlike the Incian you my friend, have heard, time and time again. I went into great detail laying it out for you so you could understand it, and understand it clearly and you call it nonsense?

So rather than dwell on the Incian, when are you going to examine yourself?


New Member
go dryclean some satin.

seriously though, this "The Indians do know of OUR God through Creation and through their concious" makes no sense in any way.

They have their own creation myths they attribute to a god that is not your god. This is not a difficult concept to grasp. Not even a little bit.



these are (a very few) gods (before your god too just fyi) that had their own myths and creation stories and none were ever 'god' as you know him now.


New Member
You’re mixing a tangible thing with an intangible, apples to oranges.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
How do you square this with the religions that were around, before New Testament, that had other creation accounts?<o:p></o:p>
M>>If you look at a timeline of history, we have Adam, who had Direct communication with God, Abraham ETC. so there may have been other religions just like there are Chevys and Fords But the God of the Bible has been around since creation.<o:p></o:p>
Actually no they don’t know of YOUR God. They knew of, worshipped, idolized their OWN Gods, who were not the same as YOUR singular God.<o:p></o:p>
M>>Again there is only one, so if it wasn’t the God who created the universe it was a false god or an idol. <o:p></o:p>
You’re being purposely obstinate if you try to portray it differently.<o:p></o:p>
M>>Perhaps, but there is either right or wrong, truth and untruth.<o:p></o:p>
Ask a Cannibal if its ok with HIS God to Eat a Human, what will his answer be?<o:p></o:p>
M>> He will say its wrong, but he does it anyway we saw this with the Waodani Tribe. Indians have and suffer from PRIDE too!<o:p></o:p>
Ask a Mormon if its ok with HIS God to have Multiple Wives, what will his answer be?<o:p></o:p>
M>> If they would really say that, which I doubt, if you press them they would say its something they practice or it was something that was implemented by someone like Joseph Smith, by just cracking open the bible you could clear that up in a heartbeat its not something that can be twisted or misunderstood.<o:p></o:p>
But why waste your time with that? Give them the Gospel instead and get them saved and that will take care of the sin of Multiple wives. Go to the heart of the matter.<o:p></o:p>
Ask a Roman if it’s ok with HIS God to throw Christians to the Lions, what will his answer be?
M>>Probably they would say no, but there boss told them too <o:p></o:p>
Ask a Nazi if it’s ok with HIS God to throw Jews into Concentration camps, what will his answer be?
M>> It was a russ that Hitler thought of himself as a Christian and some Nazi's did repent, or committed those crimes struggling with conscious<o:p></o:p>
Are the Gods described the same as your own (actually one of them is) ?
M>> God of the scriptures, other gods, notice the change of case?<o:p></o:p>
Those are just some examples of different Societies and their versions of Right and Wrong. Those same Societies justified Right/Wrong based on different things including Gods. <o:p></o:p>
Society makes the determination (for the most part) of Right and Wrong, and it is NOT universal.
M>> no I respectfully disagree, I actually had Philosophy & the Law at CSM, societies base there laws off the moral laws that are written on their hearts and the 10 commandments that’s not just US. For grins, if you’re bored read Thomas Aquinas.<o:p></o:p>
Actually you’re wrong; there are MANY God's as shown in my example above. <o:p></o:p>
The Indians may have followed A God, but it was definitely not the same as your own.
>> Ok so lets be mean for a minute, we all ready know they don’t go to hell for not hearing, but for their sin, but regardless. If I buy two sandwiches eat one and through the other out, I paid for them. So worse case scenario lets say there is no provision for those that worship a creator God and lived as morally as they knew and repented and confessed their sin. If God choose to destroy them it would be just. He created them; they are his to do with as he wishes. We know the attributes of God, He cant sin, He's Just, He’s sovereign, he's Holy, so how could he be wrong in any decision he makes, and he’s perfect?<o:p></o:p>
You really need to learn to answer a question; we're still waiting for you to tell us
M>>I can’t speak for God, or second guess him. Nor will I spout others comments based on opinion that their may be a provision for them. I have scripture alone and there isn’t a what if chapter.
Will the Indians go to Heaven?

M>>God will do what is just, and what is right, that’s your answer.<o:p></o:p>


New Member
"If you look at a timeline of history, we have Adam"


you can stop right there Nucklesack.

Dinosaur bones were put here to test our faith.


New Member
"If you look at a timeline of history, we have Adam"


you can stop right there Nucklesack.

Dinosaur bones were put here to test our faith.
So your saying that you dont believe that man and Dinosaurs coexsisted?
We have scriptural evidence that they did.