John Fetterman Is a Weirdo


Well-Known Member
150 a month. Because Braddock is a town of about 1700 people.
Think Solomon's Island - except four times smaller in size.
This is a job he held for 13 years and evidently had no other employment.
He did however buy a 70,000 loft from his sister - for a dollar.

The guy is all image. He's against fracking, soft on crime - he's Sanders Lite. Like Sanders, with the exception of his job as Lt Governor, never had a real job in his life.
About 1/3rd the size of leonardtown.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Corporations receive tax cuts and expand their businesses which in turn creates new jobs for people who pay taxes on the income from those same jobs. Why is this so ****ing hard for these "tax the rich" liberals to understand?


Well-Known Member
Man you really are not a bright individual.
Thank you so very much. A cursory read of my posts for the past twenty five years might surprise you.

You are living in denial if you think a Billionaire has the best interest of the lower and middle class in mind. Do you think he has ever even met someone from those tax brackets?

Which ones, the lowest or the highest? I've never met a billionaire, but I've lived my fair share living with very little.

Middle class people pay taxes despite what you may believe.
But it is trivial. Math-wise, it's a kid chucking his quarter for the tip while Dad pays for dinner.
His tax cuts also cut the corporate tax rate and tax rate for millionaires and billionaires.
They do pay FICA - that I never dismissed. They also pay state income taxes where they are collected, and state sales tax. But the President and Congress largely can't do a thing about those, so they are irrelevant. Between benefits and low tax rates and deductions, around 43% pay no federal income tax at all. MOST of those are elderly.

So it is impossible to give a TAX CUT to someone not paying federal income tax - you can't take a lesser percent of zero. It's always going to be someone that PAYS it. The middle quintile - this is the middle portion of returns, not what is earned - making between 52 and 85k AGI - pays around 14% of total federal income tax revenue.
So if by your logic lower and middle class people don't pay taxes and now the taxes on the rich have been cut where exactly do you think tax revenue is coming from:?
The lowest tax quintile pays nothing - in fact, they have a negative rate with the additional benefits they collect, at least, at the federal level.
So if you're trying to say that people who pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX are carrying the tax burden of billionaires, you just don't get the math.

And thank god we did cut the corporate rate. Corporate taxes are, more or less - a pass through tax to consumers. It mostly appears in the cost of products, because when you heavily tax corporations, they just pass that cost on. Lowering corporate tax does a great job for making companies to want to do business HERE. Prior to Trump, we had almost the highest in the world.


PREMO Member
Corporations receive tax cuts and expand their businesses which in turn creates new jobs for people who pay taxes on the income from those same jobs. Why is this so ****ing hard for these "tax the rich" liberals to understand?

It is IMPOSSIBLE when the progressives HATE Certain Business .... others favored are given ' breaks '


Well-Known Member
Hardly. With Trump Republicans became the party of the elites. Oz is merely another version of Trump.

Just ask yourself who benefited from the only piece of legislation Trump passed during his time in office.

"in fact, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The measure also slashed the corporate tax rate by 40%."

By any chance do you realize how stupid you sound? The tax cut bill reduced personal tax rates by about 1.5% for most individuals and just about doubled the standard deductions. Who cares about what corporate taxes did since businesses don't pay tax anyway, their customers do.


Well-Known Member
Hardly. With Trump Republicans became the party of the elites. Oz is merely another version of Trump.

Just ask yourself who benefited from the only piece of legislation Trump passed during his time in office.

"in fact, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The measure also slashed the corporate tax rate by 40%."

Trump republicans being the part of the elite if they are as uneducated and deplorable as the left makes them out to be? Which is it? Are they elite or uneducated deplorable?


PREMO Member
Trump republicans being the part of the elite if they are as uneducated and deplorable as the left makes them out to be? Which is it? Are they elite or uneducated deplorable?

yeah 30,000 people in a Stadium to see Trump are elitists


Well-Known Member
Trump republicans being the part of the elite if they are as uneducated and deplorable as the left makes them out to be? Which is it? Are they elite or uneducated deplorable?
The Dems speak of Republicans and Trump voters the way Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life" referred the "riff-raff" and "garlic-eaters" that lived in his slums.

Maybe once it was the "party of the little guy" but those days are long gone. They sneer at the people who "cling to their guns and their religion".

You know what I liked about Bill Maher? Oh he's still an obnoxious ass. But during the pandemic, he spent a lot of time in "flyover country". And he basically found that all that GOP, conservative riff-raff were fun, kind, generous people - not at all the Neanderthals the left portrays them. That's the kind of talk you get, from urban elites.


PREMO Member
💉 As I describe this next story, I want you to try to remember if anything like this has ever happened in American politics before. Yesterday, CBS News aired a remarkable interview with hoodied Pennsylvania Senate candidate and jab victim John Fetterman about his ‘health status’ — presumably meaning his stroke and his mysterious neck lump — and to ask whether he can assure voters he is up to the job.

The interview probably didn’t go quite like Fetterman’s handlers hoped it would. It’s the first time they’ve let him be interviewed since his stroke early this year. For what became obvious reasons.

The segment started with somber lead anchor Lester Holt briefly interviewing perky blonde reporter Dasha Burns, who had interviewed Fetterman. Out of the gate, Lester’s first question was, “this was not the normal interview, was it Dasha?”


Burns explained that Fetterman used close captioning for the interview, because he’s having problems hearing things right. His ears aren’t working. But his eyes — his reading — are better. Burns told Lester that during small talk before the interview, it felt like Fetterman had no idea what she was saying.

Hearing just those facts, I wondered, do we REALLY need we go forward with this embarrassing interview? Isn’t the Senate all about TALKING and LISTENING? If he wins, won’t Fetterman need some kind of frantic, error-prone real-time transcription to keep up? And what about all the dealmaking on the side?

In other words, doesn’t Fetterman’s auditory processing disability suggest he should sit this one out, focus on his recovery, and THEN run for the Senate next time around after he gets better? He’s a young guy. He has plenty of time. Why do THIS?

Apparently nobody agrees with me, and the interview kicked off, with casually-dressed Fetterman sitting slightly behind a large iMac, his thick hoody covering the back of his neck. Each time Burns asked questions, Fetterman paused, turning to the monitor to read what she’d just said, and then give short answers.

His answers were mostly coherent, but they suffered in two ways. He sometimes stumbled over his words; once, he tried three times to come up with the word “empathetic.” But more significantly, he didn’t answer the critical questions about his health.

At one point, Burns asked, why won’t he release his medical records. Why haven’t voters seen anything from his doctor for six months? If he’s recovering, as he claims, why not document it? Fetterman’s quick answer was, let the voters decide whether medical records are important or not.

Um. That’s a TERRIBLE answer. The reason to release reassuring medical records BEFORE the vote is to persuade the voters who are on the fence. The ones who are wondering if giving Fetterman the job would be a train wreck.

Anyway, you can watch it for yourself. It’s painful. But the question is: when have you EVER, in your entire life, seen a candidate persist after a stroke that plainly damaged his cognitive and sensory abilities? I certainly can’t remember anything like this before. Is it the ‘new normal?’

I wish Dana Burns would’ve asked Fetterman about the jabs. He be already packing his bags for D.C. right now, if it weren’t for the shot.

Oh. And she didn’t ask him about the neck lump.



Well-Known Member
To be perfectly honest as a Democrat in the Senate all he has to do is recognize a signal from Chuck the Schmuck when to raise his hand. It's not rocket science. His aides would do any research that needed to be done and inform him at the Congressional barber shop or the Congressional dining room when to sit and when to stand at the meeting----just like they do for all of the rest of the democrats who vote in lock step.

And of course we must remember that mental handicaps such as strokes and dementia and slurred speech do not keep Democrats from voting foe a person. They already proved that with Joe Biden who had 2 strokes and has dementia. Lack of intelligence is another thing that doesn't bother democrats they picked Kamala for VP.


Well-Known Member
To be perfectly honest as a Democrat in the Senate all he has to do is recognize a signal from Chuck the Schmuck when to raise his hand. It's not rocket science. His aides would do any research that needed to be done and inform him at the Congressional barber shop or the Congressional dining room when to sit and when to stand at the meeting----just like they do for all of the rest of the democrats who vote in lock step.

And of course we must remember that mental handicaps such as strokes and dementia and slurred speech do not keep Democrats from voting foe a person. They already proved that with Joe Biden who had 2 strokes and has dementia. Lack of intelligence is another thing that doesn't bother democrats they picked Kamala for VP.

I can see that. Him on his laptop with messages of, vote yes, vote yes.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Last-Minute Entrant 'Head Of Cabbage' Surges To Lead In Pennsylvania Senate Race

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Despite both candidates facing issues with voter enthusiasm, the race for the open Senate seat in Pennsylvania has narrowed in recent weeks. Polling was showing Dr. Mehmet Oz catching up to John Fetterman until a head of cabbage entered the race and exceeded both candidates in popularity.

"We've seen ‘dark horse' candidates upset Senate races at the last minute, but this was something special – only these two could face an inert head of cabbage as a serious challenger just weeks before the election," said political analyst Dan Greenfield on his daily podcast. "An upset victory of a head of cabbage would be a barrier-breaking first for vegetables being elected to the Senate. To be fair, however, this would also be the result if Fetterman won."
