Supposedly this morning's talking heads at CNN and MSDNC were saying of Lurch's performance, ooofff... that wasn't good.
Supposedly this morning's talking heads at CNN and MSDNC were saying of Lurch's performance, ooofff... that wasn't good.
WTF, Pennsylvania??
In a party filled with terrible candidates Fetterman is in a category all his own.
He might have gained a few votes if he had put a light bulb in his mouth .![]()
Well, they are democrats...Jill Biden let her husband run with Dementia, and now this guy's wife is politicking to put her husband in office when she and anyone with a brain can see he is fried.
WTF is wrong with these women?
How this guy got anywhere in politics is unbelieveable. The party must have been cheating for this guy forever.
Newsflash when half of the population is just plain stupid you don't really need to cheat.It's the only way they win and they have been cheating a long time.
While it’s typical to release health records in presidential elections, it’s not for Senate races. But even if it was, this is a good opportunity to point out that the narrow concept of being “fit to serve” in the way it’s being used in the Fetterman-Oz race is premised on a deep-rooted ableist definition of health that labels disability as invalidating.
If having a stammer or a hearing impairment disqualifies someone from running or holding office, are we living up to the promise of democracy and government by the people? President Joe Biden’s stutter has been the subject of ridicule and has been used to discredit him, but don’t we want children with speech challenges to grow up knowing they can aim for any job, even the presidency?
Disabled Americans have the right to be represented, and most importantly, to work, and that includes working for the U.S. government. An employer wouldn’t be allowed to refuse to hire a person because they have a hearing or speech difference, so why is it acceptable when it comes to holding office?
What Are the Odds? Burned Fetterman Sign Was on Farm of DNC Speaker
The woman who took the photo, Jane Switzer, is a self-described Fetterman donor who lives next door to the farm where this took place. She shared four photos to her Facebook page: one of the sign mid-burn (which is the one Fetterman shared widely on Saturday), one with firetrucks in the distance, and two of the scene the next day.
But that wasn’t what it read originally. Obviously, Switzer went back to edit the post to add additional photos, but she also added the photo location. The edit history details the updates.
A few things were immediately curious. How does one happen to snap a close-up photo of the sign mid-burn, in which it’s burned almost exactly to the point where the burning stopped (as evidenced in the next day’s photo), at 1:30 a.m., and how was the sign not completely engulfed by the time two firetrucks arrived to a rural area? How is it that only a few blades of grass were singed? How is it that the fire department put the fire out at the same time in the burn that Switzer’s photo was snapped – and if they were busy putting the fire out, how was Switzer ALSO there?
Staged .![]()