JP for Governor.



This Forum has a large number of mindless Republicans, and they talk big and vote in the polls but I am a Democratic Party candidate, and the vote is only in the Democratic Party primary so their Republican votes do not count.

After my primary victory THEN it will be the Republicans that get crushed under the call for reform.


Hey JP - beware of who you call mindless Republicans. Please allow me to quote something from your own Myspace page:

About me:
Very conservative. A Christian but like other religions too. A vegetarian but no one else is. Quiet but not shy. Very well read.

So, you are Conservative yet you are running a liberal agenda as a Democrat?? You also mention that you are a "Christian" yet you have supported and defended the Muslim religion much more than you have Christianity.

Historic 1980 Ford Bronco, rocks! (Mr. James Cusick) | MySpace

I found this to be hilarious!!!

Who I'd like to meet:
Woman that likes me.

As I am a literal person and interpret what people write verbatim...Am I to understand that all you want to do is to meet ANY woman that can stand you?? Does this mean EVERY woman you ever met hates you??? Could that be because of your stance on child support???


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I found this to be hilarious!!!

Who I'd like to meet:
Woman that likes me.

As I am a literal person and interpret what people write verbatim...Am I to understand that all you want to do is to meet ANY woman that can stand you?? Does this mean EVERY woman you ever met hates you??? Could that be because of your stance on child support???

It is meant to be funny.




It is meant to be funny.



I am seeing a trend...when someone calls you out and proves that you are full of horse doodie (trying to keep it clean) - then you were only kidding about the original subject.

Edit: Is this the way you will approach the media if you were to win the Governor's seat? Reform Child Support??? I was only kidding!!!!

What a crock of crap!!!!!!!
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J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I am seeing a trend...when someone calls you out and proves that you are full of horse doodie (trying to keep it clean) - then you were only kidding about the original subject.

I appreciate you keeping it clean, as apparently that is too great of a restraint for some posters.

I did not say I was kidding, just because it is funny does not make it as wrong or dishonest, and what I said is still true that the word is spoken the exact same all over the planet earth in every language, and that is both funny while being true and accurate.

Being funny by me does not mean that I am being dishonest as I try to always be truthful in every way.

Edit: Is this the way you will approach the media if you were to win the Governor's seat? Reform Child Support??? I was only kidding!!!!

I am not kidding and that is not a joke even if aspects of it is funny.

It is comical that parents and the law will steal children (as Custody) and then demand cash payments as "Child Support" to pay them that stole the child, and that is one really big joke indeed, but mine will be the last laugh.

What a xxxxx of xxxx!!!!!!!

And here comes back the dirty words in the same post that you declare some attempt to keep it clean.

This is really disappointing.



I am seeing a trend...when someone calls you out and proves that you are full of horse doodie (trying to keep it clean) - then you were only kidding about the original subject.

Edit: Is this the way you will approach the media if you were to win the Governor's seat? Reform Child Support??? I was only kidding!!!!

What a crock of crap!!!!!!!


Lots of naughty and bad words there!!!! Will your ears bleed if I use the real words I want to use????


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

xxxxx xx xxxx - xxxxx xx xxxx - xxxxx xx xxxx - xxxxx xx xxxx

Lots of naughty and bad words there!!!! Will your ears bleed if I use the real words I want to use????

Your simply have a dirty and perverted sense of humor.

Others will laugh along with you, but not I.



Your simply have a dirty and perverted sense of humor.

Others will laugh along with you, but not I.


Here is the dilemna - I found it to be quite funny!!!!

Kind of like you and the "funny" things you said during our little debate!!! you never have broached the subject - when caught blowing smoke, you claim things were said in jest...or you were trying to be funny.

Why not admit it - you were called out and got caught blowing smoke!!!!


New Member
You should read how he feels about "Sex Offenders".

James P. Cusick, "If I was convicted of such an offense whether I was guilty or not guilty, then I would not submit to the registry myself, and I surely would turn to violent crime before I would submit to such a public pillory."

Relief for Sex Offenders

There's more if you care to read.


JP's Favorite Heckler
The Obsessive Heckler

uh oh, looks like JP is waking up from his drunken stupor.

He's delusional, in every sense of the word. Maybe you haven't interacted with him enough to see that. :shrug:

I feel certain that any person of decent (or INdecent) character reading these postings will see that your head is so far up your azz that the only thing YOU see is crap of your own making.

Quit hating on Americans. If government control is your panacea, you should probably move to a totalitarian state where everyone else will think just like you.

It’s idiotic statements like, “The Mom clearly made a big mistake”, which clearly defines just how little some care about the smallest victims of senseless child abuse.

In response to the idiotic claim that the act committed by this piece of trash, and unbelievably defended by at least one, is not “child abuse”, perhaps you need a better understanding of just what Maryland law states “child abuse” is.

Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you a clear example of a mentally malfunctioning, attempt at confabulation.

Please, just save your sanity and walk away. :rolleyes:

Rebecca Himes, your escort to the mental evaluation is ready.

You see James? It's not just me. I went the entire day without commenting and there are plenty of people doing just as I do. I don't need to keep commenting because so many others are keeping the mission alive. But if you don't like me calling you out for things you say, wait and see what happens when I keep quiet. The silence will be deafening.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

This Forum has a large number of mindless Republicans, ...
Why not admit it - you were called out and got caught blowing smoke!!!!

I said "mindless" and that was not accurate and not nice and not true as they do have "minds" and I just wish they would use theirs minds in better ways.

I was wrong for saying that, and it was not a truthful statement, and here I confess my wrong.

It really is difficult to be factually truthful even when giving great effort to the task.

You got me and I do admit it.



I said "mindless" and that was not accurate and not nice and not true as they do have "minds" and I just wish they would use theirs minds in better ways.

I was wrong for saying that, and it was not a truthful statement, and here I confess my wrong.

It really is difficult to be factually truthful even when giving great effort to the task.

You got me and I do admit it.

Thank you for finally admitting you were wrong.


JP's Favorite Heckler
J P Cusick on the issues

What are your qualifications for the office of Governor?

J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: No one else has the fortitude and determination nor the understanding of the Child Support and Custody law reform issues as I will bring to the office of Governor which makes me as the best candidate for the job. The reforms needs to be done right and I am the best one to do it.

What are your running mate's qualifications for the office of Lt. Governor?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD. University of Maryland 3 masters degrees in Computer Science, Psychology and in Advanced Mathematics. 6 years US Marine Corp, served in Korean conflict. Retired civil service. Naval Aviation Logistics, Pax NAS, Computer Analyst GM 17.

ENERGY: How should Maryland address its future energy needs?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: To increase the use of nuclear power and wind power generation and decrease petroleum fuel usage. We could try to start getting our Maryland petroleum fuels from other American States.

EDUCATION: How should state government work with local governments to solve the crisis in funding for public K-12 education.
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: I would be open to new ideas and new strategies. The State could allocate resources by the individual Counties criteria. We can gain school funding by the reforms for the Child Support and Custody laws and by releasing such non violent prisoners throughout Maryland.

ECONOMY: What measures to stimulate Maryland’s economy would you propose?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: Maryland economy is already stimulated a plenty, and the latest reports show Baltimore as the #15 in ranking of American cities which is well placed for our largest city. So we could create new legislation requiring employers to hire more and to lay off less as that is the bottom line.

BUDGET: Even accounting for the beginnings of an economic recovery, the projected budget shortfall for next year is $1.5 billion. What are some of the specific spending cuts or revenue increases you would support to balance the budget?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: We do not want revenue increases for employees, but I would cut the unneeded spending on Child Support enforcement and grant release for non violent prisoners. Raise the taxes only on the very financially capable is an option, as like stopping businesses from passing the tax on to the customers.

CHESAPEAKE: What more can/should be done by the state to protect the Chesapeake Bay system and its resources?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: We could stop the exploitation and harvesting of the sea life in the Bay as then the crabs and oysters and assorted life can flourish and the sea life will help to clean the waters. These things can be done through artificial environments on shore.

TRANSPORTATION: What are your transportation priorities, and how should they be funded?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: I would like to see an end to all toll ways and toll fares throughout Maryland. We need to start having the funding before the priorities. Seek federal transportation funds. We could require having fully adequate infrastructure before permitting new growth.
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What are your qualifications for the office of Governor?

J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: No one else has the fortitude and determination nor the understanding of the Child Support and Custody law reform issues as I will bring to the office of Governor which makes me as the best candidate for the job. The reforms needs to be done right and I am the best one to do it.

What are your running mate's qualifications for the office of Lt. Governor?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD. University of Maryland 3 masters degrees in Computer Science, Psychology and in Advanced Mathematics. 6 years US Marine Corp, served in Korean conflict. Retired civil service. Naval Aviation Logistics, Pax NAS, Computer Analyst GM 17.

ENERGY: How should Maryland address its future energy needs?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: To increase the use of nuclear power and wind power generation and decrease petroleum fuel usage. We could try to start getting our Maryland petroleum fuels from other American States.

EDUCATION: How should state government work with local governments to solve the crisis in funding for public K-12 education.
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: I would be open to new ideas and new strategies. The State could allocate resources by the individual Counties criteria. We can gain school funding by the reforms for the Child Support and Custody laws and by releasing such non violent prisoners throughout Maryland.

ECONOMY: What measures to stimulate Maryland’s economy would you propose?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: Maryland economy is already stimulated a plenty, and the latest reports show Baltimore as the #15 in ranking of American cities which is well placed for our largest city. So we could create new legislation requiring employers to hire more and to lay off less as that is the bottom line.

BUDGET: Even accounting for the beginnings of an economic recovery, the projected budget shortfall for next year is $1.5 billion. What are some of the specific spending cuts or revenue increases you would support to balance the budget?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: We do not want revenue increases for employees, but I would cut the unneeded spending on Child Support enforcement and grant release for non violent prisoners. Raise the taxes only on the very financially capable is an option, as like stopping businesses from passing the tax on to the customers.

CHESAPEAKE: What more can/should be done by the state to protect the Chesapeake Bay system and its resources?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: We could stop the exploitation and harvesting of the sea life in the Bay as then the crabs and oysters and assorted life can flourish and the sea life will help to clean the waters. These things can be done through artificial environments on shore.

TRANSPORTATION: What are your transportation priorities, and how should they be funded?
J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: I would like to see an end to all toll ways and toll fares throughout Maryland. We need to start having the funding before the priorities. Seek federal transportation funds. We could require having fully adequate infrastructure before permitting new growth.

All I can say is, "WOW!!!"

1. Reforming child support will be the key to all Maryland's problems??? JPC - it has been asked of you numeroue times and I will repeat - How much money will the state save by reforming Child Support? Do not just state numbers (even I can do that) - show some pertinent facts to support your numbers. How many prisoners can be released - how much does it cost to house and feed those prisoners - how much money will the State save by cutting xx number of jobs in the Child Supoprt Division - etc. Failure to do so will lead me to believe you are blowing smoke up my backside AGAIN (as it has already been proven by me and admitted by you in a previous post)!!!
2. Stop all harvesting in the Ches Bay??? What will the fishermen and crabbers do for an income not to mention all the charter fishing crews and restaurants that DEPEND on the Bay for their livelihood? How about the weekend crabbers and fishing people? Will you also stop them from simple family enjoyment (picnic and fishing on the Bay)?
3. So you want the State that is 1.5 BILLION in the hole to mandate to successful money making companies how to run their business? Does this really make sense to you? The State is bleeding money - Corporations are making money and you want the State to dictate to them how to allocate their money?
4. Cut out all toll roads and make sure the infrastructure is in place before new building and construction? Where in God's name do you think the money comes from for road construction? Tolls (amongst other places)!!!!! So you want the State to be MORE dependent on the Federal Government when John Q. Public is crying for a smaller Government????

You are a serious NUTBAG!!!!!


New Member
CHESAPEAKE: What more can/should be done by the state to protect the Chesapeake Bay system and its resources?

J. P. Cusick | Michael W. Lang Jr.: We could stop the exploitation and harvesting of the sea life in the Bay as then the crabs and oysters and assorted life can flourish and the sea life will help to clean the waters. These things can be done through artificial environments on shore.

Exactly how is this suppose to help clean up the Bay waters, JP ?

So you think stopping people from harvesting crabs, oysters and fish is going to clean the Bay up.
Apparently you don't know why there's been a on going fight to clean up the Bay water.

I have to ask, How's that "Self Education" working out for you, Not to good ha. I can tell.


Methodically disorganized
Typical baseless Leftist rhetoric: no facts or proof to support anything, just a lot of talk showing how he thinks he knows how to run your life better than you.

I think Marylanders would be rudely surprised that, even if killing CS were to save some money, it would be far offset once he would ease regulations on illegals and increase welfare entitlements worse than they already are.

The state loses $1.3 billion+ to illegals each year and this loser would dig the hole deeper. Note that getting rid of them, on the other hand, would nearly take care of the budget shortfall in of itself.

I couldn't vote for somebody like that even as a joke.


THUNDER, HVP and all - JPC never came out to play with us today...:cds:


Methodically disorganized
JPC never came out to play with us today...
:confused: Post 710. You responded to it. :shrug:

No worries, I imagine that despite saying he enjoys spreading his crap, even he gets tired of talking about this stuff endlessly. Gives him more of a chance to hang around the online dating sites...


:confused: Post 710. You responded to it. :shrug:

No worries, I imagine that despite saying he enjoys spreading his crap, even he gets tired of talking about this stuff endlessly. Gives him more of a chance to hang around the online dating sites...



:confused: Post 710. You responded to it. :shrug:

No worries, I imagine that despite saying he enjoys spreading his crap, even he gets tired of talking about this stuff endlessly. Gives him more of a chance to hang around the online dating sites...

I felt I owed it to the buttmunch...I had been calling him out for days and he admitted he was wrong. The least I could do was acknowledge his admittance.