JP for Governor.


Methodically disorganized
Gives him more of a chance to hang around the online dating sites...
He's been gone for a while now. Maybe he found a clueless hottie to hook up with.

Or he's bound by the feet and ankles, bare naked in a hotel room in Lex. Park waiting for someone to find him.

What a great moment in his political "career" that would be. :clap:


He's been gone for a while now. Maybe he found a clueless hottie to hook up with.

Or he's bound by the feet and ankles, bare naked in a hotel room in Lex. Park waiting for someone to find him.

What a great moment in his political "career" that would be. :clap:

Unfortunately he posted in the religion forums this morning, no such luck that he's gone. I was really hoping he was locked up again.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Unfortunately he posted in the religion forums this morning, no such luck that he's gone. I was really hoping he was locked up again.

Could he have finally come to his senses and now sees how the only thing his writings do is help him make a fool of himself? I seriously doubt that and I hope he hasn't. I have so much fun watching the show and posting the reviews.

Maybe he is pouting and hoping we miss him.

Maybe he got arrested.

Maybe somebody ran over his "internet wire" with a lawn mower again.

Maybe he fell asleep and got locked in the library for the weekend.

Maybe he got flown to California to be on the Jimmy Kimmel show like Basil Marceaux


Methodically disorganized
Could he have finally come to his senses and now sees how the only thing his writings do is help him make a fool of himself?
Nah. He hasn't yet, therefore he never will.

Maybe he got flown to California to be on the Jimmy Kimmel show like Basil Marceaux
:lmao: At least he didn't come across like a drunk who stumbled in from the street that time. I think he looked more presentable.

Jimmy... nothing could make him more presentable. Or sane.

Maybe we should all send Jimmy Kimmel his name and platform and tell him to invite JPC on his show. :killingme


Well, it has been 3 days or so since JPC came out to play with us in this forum - yet he has posted in the Religions forum. My guess is, we have become too tough for him to handle and he is retreating - licking his wounds along the way (at least that is what I am hoping he is licking).

If he thinks we are tough - what the Heck does he think will happen if he were to win the nomination and the Right Wingers get a hold of him and his record???


JP's Favorite Heckler
Cusick's Real Goal

You just have to read this. It is Cusick in a nutshell and what he wishes would happen to him.

"I hate to say this, but I set the Internet up," he said. "I set the Internet up so they would talk bad about me because it's the only way to get hits."

Basil Marceaux was one step further. For a public exhausted by politics-as-usual, he offered not only an outlandish ad but an outlandish persona, so beyond reason that he demanded attention. His popularity happened at lightning speed, taking just days rather than the years most political candidates require -- and those are the fortunate ones who rise from obscurity at all.

In Thursday's election results, Marceaux won only half a percent of the final count -- but that still represented more than 3,000 people who used their only vote to support a man who said he would prioritize ending "traffic-stop slavery."

Basil Marceaux lost his race, but on Web he won place in public imagination


Methodically disorganized
You just have to read this. It is Cusick in a nutshell and what he wishes would happen to him.
I don't know what Jimmy would do if he ever actually won anything. His head may literally explode.

It would be entertaining to see him on national t.v. going on about the evil laws for a couple minutes, but I think it's a safe bet he will never gain notoriety outside SoMD. :lol:


New Member
Well, it has been 3 days or so since JPC came out to play with us in this forum - yet he has posted in the Religions forum. My guess is, we have become too tough for him to handle and he is retreating - licking his wounds along the way (at least that is what I am hoping he is licking).

If he thinks we are tough - what the Heck does he think will happen if he were to win the nomination and the Right Wingers get a hold of him and his record???
Aren't you glad he's not posting? He just said the SOS day after day.
He has over 30 different threads just on this forum with the SOS.

There are some people in this world that love attention. Whether it's positive or negative.
I believe he's one of those kind of people. He knows he doesn't have a chance of winning.


Aren't you glad he's not posting? He just said the SOS day after day.
He has over 30 different threads just on this forum with the SOS.

There are some people in this world that love attention. Whether it's positive or negative.
I believe he's one of those kind of people. He knows he doesn't have a chance of winning.

Nawwww - I miss the joker and the "SOS" that he's fun to read through his feces laced posts (see how I kept it clean JPC?) and poke holes in his story and prove to him how much he stretches the truth to conform to what he thinks he believes - and to what he thinks we all should believe.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Aren't you glad he's not posting? He just said the SOS day after day.
He has over 30 different threads just on this forum with the SOS.

There are some people in this world that love attention. Whether it's positive or negative.
I believe he's one of those kind of people. He knows he doesn't have a chance of winning.

I posted the questionnaire on all of the sites he posts on. Quite a few responses were posted about it. Unfortunately for us, the Sun deleted the thread and all of the posts without even an explanation or moving it to the "Are you going to vote for JP" thread.

So there was/is plenty for him to respond to. I think that we have won and he has realized that he can't be ridiculed if he keeps quiet. I posted several quotes from other people where he was being ridiculed or chastised to prove that I wasn't the only one doing it and that I didn't need to do it because everyone else would keep it alive. He only posted a few comments since then. He must have been overwhelmed when confronted with his statements. Maybe he is putting together his responses.
See my big picture on the Baltimore Sun = Maryland governor: candidates seek governor's mansion.

And I hear that it was a front page story.

You guys could never take the heat as I can.

Obviously, he can NOT take the heat. Obviously he can NOT stand by his own words.

I think he should reflect on his prior endorsement of Martin O'Malley for Governor:

"The best method now available in my opinion would be to elect Martin O'Malley as the next Governor of Maryland to get better sense in the State's budget." J PCusick Endorses Martin O'Malley


Methodically disorganized
He must have been overwhelmed when confronted with his statements. Maybe he is putting together his responses.

Obviously, he can NOT take the heat. Obviously he can NOT stand by his own words.
You do know he's been holding this same position, at least on here, since 2006, right? I'm not sure why he shut up so abruptly, and he may be doing it as some sort of 'strategy', but it's not because we've "won" anything against him. If anything, he seems to have gone more off the deep end, and in these past couple election cycles has taken to posting on more forums. He's like Jason or Michael Myers: you can impale him on a pole or put a shotgun slug through his head (with facts, that is :lol:) but he'll keep coming back. :coffee:


You do know he's been holding this same position, at least on here, since 2006, right? I'm not sure why he shut up so abruptly, and he may be doing it as some sort of 'strategy', but it's not because we've "won" anything against him. If anything, he seems to have gone more off the deep end, and in these past couple election cycles has taken to posting on more forums. He's like Jason or Michael Myers: you can impale him on a pole or put a shotgun slug through his head (with facts, that is :lol:) but he'll keep coming back. :coffee:

I wonder if his silence is due to a lawn mower and a wireless router again. Maybe he fell into the crapper (and thus the reason why he is so full of feces). Maybe he had an extra 20 bucks and went to the "No Tell Motel."


JP's Favorite Heckler
You do know he's been holding this same position, at least on here, since 2006, right? I'm not sure why he shut up so abruptly, and he may be doing it as some sort of 'strategy', but it's not because we've "won" anything against him. If anything, he seems to have gone more off the deep end, and in these past couple election cycles has taken to posting on more forums. He's like Jason or Michael Myers: you can impale him on a pole or put a shotgun slug through his head (with facts, that is :lol:) but he'll keep coming back. :coffee:

Yes, I do and I believe that I have read EVERYTHING he has posted everywhere since 2005. And I do also so believe that this is a new strategy. He is still posting in a new child support thread on the Sun. I don't think he can stand not sounding off for too long. He recently said he got depressed about not being able to post as much when the lawnmower man cut his "internet wire". So far he hasn't been here since the 8th and he may not have seen my post about us having won. I don't think he can let my comment get by unchallenged. We all have our strategies. It's also possible that he just got tired of us specifically and is taking a short break. I know he'll start up again. Even after he finished admitting that he couldn't deal with Jrob in the Sun Forum and that he never came across anyone like him , he still came back the next day for more punishment.He has no control over himself and that is why he thinks he can control others. As he said before and as you probably already read,
"I try to get people angry as my way of CONTROLLING others and I say you are correct in this case. That is not my only means of extending control but it is one way. "
He's like Jason or Michael Myers: you can impale him on a pole or put a shotgun slug through his head (with facts, that is :lol:) but he'll keep coming back. :coffee:
Yeah, but neither Jason nor Michael Myers, nor Freddie Kreuger ever filed for disability for their injuries they were ultimately responsible for.

Something for him to think about is that a lot of people have said that they LIKE Basil Marceaux and they enjoy watching him. Even though many people laugh at him, they don't dislike him.

Most people laugh at and get irritated by J P Cusick and many people dislike him.


Methodically disorganized
Yes, I do and I believe that I have read EVERYTHING he has posted everywhere since 2005.
Stalker. :twitch:

:lol: I don't know how you've been able to track him down, especially when he uses another alias. Once he begins spouting whatever junk, he's easy to spot no doubt.

We all have our strategies. It's also possible that he just got tired of us specifically and is taking a short break. I know he'll start up again.
I think it's funny that after retiredweaxman began posting, JPC said he could not resist engaging the new opponent; yet, he only responded to him a few times. I wonder if he is not misunderstanding how the Intardnet works, and thinks that if he does not post for a while it will make it harder for people to search and find stuff on him. :lol:

Yeah, but neither Jason nor Michael Myers, nor Freddie Kreuger ever filed for disability for their injuries they were ultimately responsible for.
Well, as somebody told me a day or two ago: if an analogy was a perfect facsimile, you would merely be saying the same thing twice.

Something for him to think about is that a lot of people have said that they LIKE Basil Marceaux and they enjoy watching him. Even though many people laugh at him, they don't dislike him.
Important difference there. People could not imagine Basil as their governor, but at least they thought he was entertaining. Jimmy's child support stance is irritating, but what really makes him detestable IMO is his unending defense of everything Islamic and his willingness to bash America. That's why I could not place even a joking vote for him.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Thunderclapp's secrets revealed!

Yeah, I'm an obsessive heckler too.

:lol: I don't know how you've been able to track him down, especially when he uses another alias. Once he begins spouting whatever junk, he's easy to spot no doubt.

I think that once someone mentioned that he wrote a book, I did a search on "Cusick Codependency" and that is how I found Booky. I just started following every link after that. He had an entire page full of his favorite links on his book website and I found more of him through those. He deleted the page after I had mentioned it. He also deleted all of his info on the daily strength site. The more I found, the more pissed I became because of the different experts he poses himself as. The Daily Strength forums are the worst because in order to push his book, he tried to come across as an expert psychiatric counselor . He's just like a pervert giving candy to little boys and girls.

I think it's funny that after retiredweaxman began posting, JPC said he could not resist engaging the new opponent; yet, he only responded to him a few times.

Yes, I was wondering what happened with that idea.

I wonder if he is not misunderstanding how the Intardnet works, and thinks that if he does not post for a while it will make it harder for people to search and find stuff on him. :lol:

Yeah, you would think he would know that from all of his superior self-education. I have found 3 different emails that he has used.

Funny thing happened. I think the Google Toolbar learns and remembers what you search for and one day I just started to type "Ja" and the first suggestion in the dropdown list showed his real address that was listed on a site. When I clicked on it, it showed his address AND a google earth type picture of his house with his Bronco parked on the street. It was an absolute total accident. He uses a Post Office box as his official address but there are some publicly available pdf files that show his address in court documents. He thinks I'm obsessed with him, but everything was extremely easy to find and most of it I found by accident.

Yeah, right. Stuff disappears if people don't use it.

But he will say that all of that stuff is beneficial to him.

Sorry that I just went on and on about this. But now it's hear for all to see. Or now it's here for all to sea. Or whatever he might type.

Rock and roll!