If the world were only black and white. From growing up with my brother, I have a better understanding of the impacts of a disabled child. If I were in the market and someone with a disabled child came along, I couldn't give a yes or no answer based solely on that. Some wouldn't be a problem, but some would be a deal killer.
I dated someone with two kids long ago. When I called it off, she blamed it on her kids when in fact I didn't mind her kids. I just didn't like her.
The wants in a relationship are usually just that - wants. They are rarely absolutes that can be weeded out easily. Smoking would be one of my absolutes, but even that I could ease off of if she was a considerate smoker.
We all learn that we have to compromise. I know that my wife will never be a 25 YO hot body with a great job that pays well. Unfortunately, I also know that if I dump her it will cost me a lot of money, pain, and grief, and I'll never find that 25 YO I want. For some strange reason guys my age who aren't rich are not a hot commodity for hot girls.