Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


PREMO Member

According to Fox 59, Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, was arrested on a preliminary charge of intimidation. A level 5 felony if the threat is to commit terrorism. Allegedly she had planned the attack on the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge. There's just one problem: the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge is a sect of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a well-known antisemitic hate group.

For those who remember, this was the same group who was harassing the Covington School kids several years ago. A viral video showed Nick Sandmann and a group of his peers attending the March for Life on January 18, 2019 when they were approached by a Native American man beating a drum. It was the Smirk Seen 'Round the World. But it turns out that the Black Hebrew Israelites had been harassing the kids to begin with as they were waiting for their bus AND the kids weren't harassing the drummer.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It’s really astounding(but not really), the amount of caricatures and negative stereotypes there are of Christians in movies and shows. Really a stale, overused, tired trope. You’d think it would get old, but it reappears w dreary regularity.

It reappears because Hollywood is filled with narcissistic, perverted ####bags trying desparately to influence others to think and behave exacctly like them.


PREMO Member

Palestinian Media Darling Ahed Tamimi: “What Hitler did to you was nothing. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls.”

One-time darling of western media and activists because of her flowing blond hair and ability to cry and scream on cue for the Tamimi media propaganda operation, continues to live up to her “Shirley Temper” nickname.

It has been a long time since we last wrote about Ahed Tamimi or her father, Bassem Tamimi, not to mention cousin Janna Jihad Tamimi.

There was a time when the Tamimi clan was featured here frequently because they were promoted by the media, including the NY Times, for their ‘peaceful’ resistance to Israel in the town of Nabi Saleh. Their most aggressive promoter was Ithaca, NY, anti-Israel Activist Ariel Gold, formerly of the non-Jewish anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace.

In reality, the clan was drenched in terrorism and blood. The mastermind of the Sbarro Massacre was a Tamimi clan member, Ahlam Tamimi, who has been indicted by the U.S. because Americans were killed in the bombing, but Jordan refuses extradition.


PREMO Member

‘Hamasurrection’ – Anti-Israel Rioters Assault White House, Scale Gates, Deface American Monuments

“Are they going to the DC gulag for solitary confinement and will the FBI be raiding their homes for years while the DOJ prosecutes them endlessly? Or will they be let off like Antifa and BLM?” – Rep Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.)

Undoubtedly, the photos and videos that came out of Washington, D.C. Saturday evoked memories of 1939 for many in America especially in the Jewish community as pro-Hamas demonstrators took to the streets to call for “intifada” and accuse President Joe Biden, as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) did Friday, of genocide because of his stated support for Israel.

As you can see from clips earlier in the day Saturday, it was a large crowd – and one that would get far more incendiary as the day wore on:



PREMO Member

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Blockade Tacoma Port to Delay Ship Headed to Israel (Update)

A pro-Palestinian protest group numbering between 100 and 300 gathered this morning at the Port of Tacoma in an attempt to prevent the loading and departure of a US military vessel believed to be heading for Israel.

They’re picketing at Terminal 7, where they have blocked gates and lanes of traffic.
They’re trying to delay the US military supply ship Cape Orlando that’s bound for Israel.
“Confidential sources say that the vessel will be loaded with weapons and military equipment in Tacoma, with a final destination in Israel,” a news release from the Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) said.

This is phase two of a protest that started a couple days ago in Oakland. That’s where the Cape Orlando left from. Protesters showed up there and at least three of them were able to cling to a rope ladder which prevented the ship from leaving for several hours. Eventually those three protesters were arrested and the ship departed for Tacoma.

Protesters should not have been able to get inside the port, onto the dock and nearly onto the ship. This looks like a pretty big security failure by someone.

Coming back to this morning, the ship was scheduled to dock in Tacoma for loading before setting off for Israel. It appears the protesters weren’t able to get to the ship itself this time so they are settling for trying to prevent union dockworkers from getting inside to load it.

Protesters are using their cars to block the entrance to a pier in an attempt to stop workers from being able to load the ship.
Tacoma police are on scene behind a fence at the terminal. The protest has been peaceful so far, with participants chanting, “Ceasefire now” and “Free Palestine.”

Here’s what the protest looked like early this morning.



PREMO Member

Anne Frank's Name to Be Removed From Day Care Center in Latest Woke Attempt to Erase History

News surfaced over the weekend that a daycare center in Germany would be removing Anne Frank's name at the behest of "parents with migrant backgrounds." Frank is, of course, one of the most well-known victims of the Holocaust, and her diary is considered to be an important documentation of the plight of European Jews during World War II.

The "Anne Frank" daycare center in Tangerhütte, Germany, which has reportedly been in operation for decades, will be getting the name change because, according to the daycare center's director, "parents with migrant backgrounds feel uncertain about the name and find it challenging to explain to their children."
