Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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Federal Anti-Semitism Probe Launched Into Oberlin College Over ‘Professor Of Peace’ Who Called For Israel’s Elimination

The probe by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights was launched on September 29, the New York Post reported. The investigation is examining whether Oberlin violated Title VI, which protects students from discrimination based on race or national origin.

The probe could result in Oberlin losing some of the millions in federal funding it receives every year — last year the school received $5 million in federal grants.

The private Ohio liberal arts college just outside of Cleveland employs tenured professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, who teaches religion as well as Middle East and North Africa studies. Mahallati has previously called himself “professor of peace.”

The probe was spurred by a 2019 complaint from Oberlin College graduate Melissa Landa, who sent the Education Department a dossier of allegedly antisemitic incidents from between 2014 and 2017. The dossier focuses on Mahallati.


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‘Canceling’ People Who Celebrate The Wanton Murder Of Women And Children Is Also Free Expression

“Canceling” people who sign petitions and hold up signs that openly celebrate or justify the targeted, brutal murders of women and babies, on the other hand, is good for civil society. Stopping malevolent ideas from being normalized is good. Exercising your First Amendment right to free speech and free association to shun and call out people who spread odious ideas in public life is a moral imperative.

Because people who walk around ripping down posters of kidnapped children and women aren’t pondering the future of a “two-state solution” or the Gazan refugee situation, they are moral degenerates. In the same way you wouldn’t hire the guy who stands in front of Disney World waving around a swastika flag, you shouldn’t hire someone who marches with a sign that reads “from the river to the sea.” Both convey the same sentiment. The ethical line is bright and obvious. If you don’t see it, something is broken in you.

Yet, a bunch of Hamas apologists are calling out conservatives for their alleged hypocrisy on “cancel culture” when it comes to “pro-Palestinian” advocates.

Though I’m not a fan of mobs, I’ve never been a big critic of cancel culture, either. Looking back, I could find only one piece I’ve written on the topic — and it concerned itself with double standards. It’s a slippery term. And there is facet to the debate that’s often overlooked. Americans have no obligation to associate with those who attack their deep-seated values. To hire someone who signs a pro-Hamas petition can be an endorsement of that outlook. Your company is not an open social media platform which exists as a forum for debate, it has a reputation and customers. (Not that I believe the state should be able to compel social media companies to host opinions, either.)


PREMO Member

The Pro-Hamas Left Is Warming Up For Real Violence

Talk about bad timing. On Wednesday, the White House announced a “National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” the necessity of which, according to awkwardly scripted remarks by Vice President Kamala Harris, is that Muslims endure a disproportionate number of “hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents.”

Leave it to the Biden White House to pick a moment when a wave of antisemitism is surging across America to announce this. Set aside the dearth of evidence that Muslims face persecution or discrimination in mainstream American society. Last year set a record for anti-Jewish hate crimes, breaking the previous record that was set the year before. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, antisemitism has erupted in our cities and on campuses, this time with the imprimatur and cooperation of the identitarian left. The idea that now is the time to address Islamophobia is so out of touch with the reality of the moment, only the Biden-Harris administration could possibly have come up with it.


But this week, a different sort of video appeared on social media. A group of Jews in Manhattan’s Upper East Side physically protected a bunch of posters of Israeli child hostages from an antisemite who was trying to tear them down. The man, who of course covered his face with a keffiyeh, tried to force his way through and a scuffle ensued. Eventually, a cop pulled up and appeared to arrest the man as a crowd gathered.

Some of these assailants have been identified, like Ibrahim Bharmal, a student at Harvard Law School and an editor at the Harvard Law Review, as well as Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a student of Harvard Divinity School. That a Harvard law student feels free to harass and assault Jews on campus — the opposite of what we should expect from a student of the law — suggests not only that antisemitism on campus is a real threat to Jewish students but that the pro-Hamas woke left is growing in boldness, and is reasonably confident it can target individual Jews on campus with impunity.

Jon Levine called the Harvard assault a LARP pogrom, which is exactly what it was. And as we know from 2020, left-wing riot and assault LARPers eventually get around to the real thing. Indeed, all the elements are falling into place for a season of civic violence of the kind we saw during the summer of 2020. The White House’s ham-fisted campaign against Islamophobia is all the confirmation you need that Jewish Americans, not Muslims, are the ones in real danger right now.

This is something of a pattern on the left. When a dangerous or unstable element in its coalition is revealed as such, the official narrative is to pretend that element is under unique threat from the American mainstream. Look at the media and Democrat reaction to the mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville back in March. The shooter was Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old woman who identified as a man. She killed three children and three adults before police took her out. Hale was mentally unwell and left behind a kind of trans shooter manifesto, which was suspiciously never released to the public.

In the wake of the shooting, all we heard from the corporate press and Democratic leaders was that transgender Americans were under threat. Not a word about how transgender ideology attracts mentally unstable, unwell people who need help, not affirmation. That was not the conversation they wanted to have, even after the slaughter of six innocent people.

Likewise, we’re going to hear a lot more about how Muslims and left-wing Hamas apologists are the real victims, even as Jewish students suffer escalating attacks, harassment, and threats. Make no mistake, the violent rhetoric you hear at these pro-Hamas rallies, the revolting practice of tearing down posters of Israeli children taken hostage, the targeting of individual Jewish students on campus — it’s all leading somewhere very bad.


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Federal Anti-Semitism Probe Launched Into Oberlin College Over ‘Professor Of Peace’ Who Called For Israel’s Elimination

The probe by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights was launched on September 29, the New York Post reported. The investigation is examining whether Oberlin violated Title VI, which protects students from discrimination based on race or national origin.

The probe could result in Oberlin losing some of the millions in federal funding it receives every year — last year the school received $5 million in federal grants.

The private Ohio liberal arts college just outside of Cleveland employs tenured professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, who teaches religion as well as Middle East and North Africa studies. Mahallati has previously called himself “professor of peace.”

The probe was spurred by a 2019 complaint from Oberlin College graduate Melissa Landa, who sent the Education Department a dossier of allegedly antisemitic incidents from between 2014 and 2017. The dossier focuses on Mahallati.
Oberlin College can't go 1 year without making the news.


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Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting 'genocide' of Palestinians, warns: 'We will remember in 2024'

Social media users recoiled after "Squad" member and pro-Palestinian Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., released a video demanding President Biden support a cease-fire to stop "the genocide of the Palestinian people" or face electoral consequences in 2024.

Tlaib’s post on X, formerly known as Twitter, condemned Biden’s declaration that the U.S. stands with Israel and opposes a cease-fire, telling him, "the majority of the American people are not with you on this one. #CeasefireNow."



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Jeffries vows Democrats will 'support each other' as groups threaten to primary anti-Israel progressives

"Outside groups are going to do what outside groups are going to do," Jeffries said at a press conference Friday. "I think House Democrats are going to continue to support each other."

Groups like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have been attacking the progressive "Squad" and other lawmakers who have opposed aid to Israel in its war on terror group Hamas.

Many of those same lawmakers targeted — including Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., among others — have emphatically criticized Israel and its government in the past.

Jeffries’ defense comes after he sent a clear message to AIPAC and other special interest groups that House Democratic leaders would support incumbents.


PREMO Member

The Hamas Wing of the Democrat Party Now Numbers 45

It’s quite an eye-opener. A vote was taken in the House on Thursday to sanction Hamas terrorists and their supporters. 45 Democrats said no to that resolution.

Name ’em and shame ’em. I call them the Hamas Caucus.

The resolution is for new sanctions on Hamas’ international backers and a policy of opposing Iran’s nuclear program ‘by any means necessary.’ The Squad and its fellow travelers voted against that.

One Republican joined with Democrats to vote no.

The House of Representatives voted last night by wide bipartisan margins in favor of new sanctions on Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian terrorist groups, and a nonbinding resolution opposing Iran’s nuclear program. But it defeated, in a bipartisan vote, an effort to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).
The Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, the sanctions bill, passed the House by a 363-46 vote. Most of the 45 no votes came from progressive Democrats; Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the only Republican to vote no. The bill would place new sanctions on individuals, entities and foreign governments that provide support to Palestinian terror groups.


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House Approves Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism and Support for Islamist Terror Organizations on College Campuses – Here are the 22 Democrats and the Sole Republican Who Refused to Denounce these Despicable Acts

The House of Representatives on Thursday approved a commonsense resolution condemning support of terrorist organizations and antisemitism on college campuses. But what should have been a unanimous vote instead had more than a handful of notable dissenters including one Republican.

As Politico reported, the House resolution, H. Res. 798, was introduced by Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah), who heads the House Education and the Workforce’s subcommittee on higher education. The U.S. Senate last week approved a similar measure, S. Res. 418, by voice vote.

The resolution denounced a number of protests in support of Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel, These included the “Day of Resistance” organized by National Students for Justice in Palestine and “pro-Hamas statements” issued by their chapters. Burgess revealed students protesting on campuses were chanting “Glory to our Martyrs,” which he called an “explicit antisemitic call for violent eradication of Jews and the State of Israel.”

Here is the list of radical leftists who made the Hall of Shame:

1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y
2. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
3. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.
4. Summer Lee, D-Pa.
5. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.
6. Delia Ramirez, D-Ill.
7. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y.
8. Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y.
9. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
10. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J.
11. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.
12. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill.
13. Mark Takano, D-Calif.
14. Jared Huffman, D-Calif.
15. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.
16. Jesus Garcia, D-Ill.
17. Jonathan Jackson, D-Ill.
18. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla.
19. André Carson, D-Ind.
20. Cori Bush, D-Mo.
21. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.
22. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the lone GOPer who refused to condemn the disgusting anti-Semitism and support for terrorism. He cited his reason for doing was due to First Amendment concerns.



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As BLM Signals Support For Hamas, Patrisse Cullors’ Memoir Reads More Like Prophecy

Feigning the nonchalance of an Ariana Grande song, the cover read in all lowercase, “when they call you a terrorist — a black lives matter memoir, patrisse khan-cullors & asha bandele with a forward by angela davis.”

My friend peeked at the book over my shoulder. We paused. ”In light of recent events,” he said, “it might be time to bring that one back.”

“I think the first time I heard that we were being called a terrorist organization — that the leaders of Black Lives Matters were terrorists, I didn’t know how to respond…” khan-cullors said in a 2018 interview with NBC News. “…what we call for always is peace. We’ve called always for justice. What we’ve called for always is dignity.”

A quick perusal unlocked a vault of repressed memories from 2020, George Floyd’s death turned the country into a tinderbox, and BLM lit the match: looters leaving stores uncontested with shopping carts full of goods. Small businesses hanging We Support Black Lives! signs to no avail — they’d have their windows smashed in or their buildings burnt out by morning. Young cops, mothers and fathers, shot point blank while resting in their squad cars. A football star shot while helping two mugged women. A 77-year old police chief found dead in front of Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry Shop in St. Louis (his shooting was streamed on Facebook Live).


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Barbarians at the Gate: Shocking Video Emerges of Pro-Hamas Protesters Smearing Fake Blood on White House

Shockingly, the D.C. protesters stormed the fences along the White House and were allowed to wave Palestinian flags and antisemitic banners through the openings of the gate and into the White House perimeter. We're used to seeing people who violate the perimeter taken down and hauled away in handcuffs, but not today. Footage shows some evidence of the U.S. Secret Service shooing people away from the fence, but, for the most part, the crowd seemed utterly in control of the situation. And, judging from the images in the video below, little to no effort was made to stop the angry horde from defacing the White House with red paint. The People's House.

The protest had started earlier Saturday at Freedom Plaza, with a stated goal of calling for a ceasefire. Things quickly devolved into chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and many antisemitic signs were spotted in the crowd. Pictures soon emerged of historical D.C. landmarks being covered with pro-Hamas signs.



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Rapper Macklemore claims Israel is conducting 'genocide' in Gaza after 'doing my own research' as he leads '100,000-strong' protest outside the White House: Demonstrators try to scale fence and wave yellow flag of terror group Hezbollah

  • Rapper Macklemore made a surprise appearance in DC to rally pro-Palestine protestors
  • Demonstrators attempted to scale the White House fence as the march escalated past the Capitol
  • Hezbollah flags and anti-Semtic graffiti were seen littering the protest, although no arrests or incidents of violence have been reported

Rapper Macklemore made a surprise appearance at a pro-Palestine protest in Washington DC as upwards of 100,000 people descended on the US capital to condemn Joe Biden's support for Israel.

The huge gathering is the latest demonstration against Israel's bombardment of Gaza, which has so far killed for than 9,250 people according to the state's health ministry.

In an unexpected turn, the 'Thrift Shop' singer took the to stage to condemn Israel's retaliatory strikes, while admitting he may not be the most 'qualified' person to chime in.


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Tens of Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protestors March in DC (VIDEO)

Tens of thousands of pro-Hamas/Palestinian demonstrators marched in downtown DC on Saturday demanding a ‘cease fire.’

“We’re here to say we support freedom for Palestine,” ANSWER Coalition media coordinator Walter Smolarek said, according to NBC Washington. “We’re here to demand a cease-fire now. We demand an end to the massacre of civilians in Gaza.”

“We’re gathered here because we believe that the Palestinian people have the right to live in freedom, have the right to live in peace and without being subjected to constant bombardments, to constant imprisonment, harassment, the occupation of their land,” Smolarek said.

A massive group of protesters took over downtown DC.



PREMO Member

Universities Have Become Staging Grounds for American Pogroms

The American university system has finally gone beyond failure and has become an active threat to the United States and her people.

We have reached peak political irony as LGBTQ activists cry in the streets of college campuses for a group, Hamas, that would hang them from cranes. Universities that once proclaimed the virtues of the American melting pot have become a haven for those who tear down and shred pictures of Jewish children.

The Cooper Union, a private college in New York City, which allowed Jewish students to be trapped in a library as pro-Hamas protesters beat on the doors in an attempt to gain entrance, published a call for “vigilance” against microaggressions in 2018. This document of cultural “findings” from Cooper Union’s Diversity Task Force called on the institution to “identify and take positive actions that support student belonging, validation, and a community; that is, a supportive culture and climate for diversity to thrive.”

As Jewish students of Cooper Union witnessed on Oct. 25, the Left’s idea of “belonging” and “validation” doesn’t include them.

Students at George Mason University in Northern Virginia, Boston University, and New York University have been recorded via cellphone video over the past two weeks tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children currently being held hostage by Hamas.

These three universities have clear policies against the destruction of property, but only New York University has suggested that students caught tearing down posters may face disciplinary action.


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Viral Video: Man Demands Answer From Woman on Why She Pulled Down Prayer Vigil Sign for Hamas Hostages

Now who could object to a prayer vigil for kidnapped people, including little kids?

Unfortunately, Goldman found out. He took a video that you can see here on X of the interchange that he had with a woman, a video that has more than six million views.

He detailed how the woman ripped down one of his signs off a pole, then sat right down next to the pole to have a bagel sandwich. That allowed him to have a discussion with her and ask her why she did what she did.

"Because it doesn't need to be there," she responded.

Goldman asked why. But she refused to answer, instead asking that he not film her. He wanted to know why she was so reluctant to give a reason for her action when she seemed so proud about taking it down. He persisted, "What was your issue with the sign?" He asked if she had a problem with people abducted by Hamas.

At that point, her friend starts shouting at Goldman to "f**k off" and "go away."


PREMO Member

Leftists are shocked that neo-Nazis are sullying their antisemitism

By Andrea Widburg

In the 30 days since Hamas attacked Israel, the worst massacre since WWII in the once-civilized world, we’ve seen unprecedented antisemitism in leftist redoubts across the West. In America, on college campuses and the streets of D.C., leftists have made common cause with Muslims to demand that Palestine must be free “from the river to the sea”—which is Hamas’s poetic way of saying “Kill the Jews.” On the left, that’s virtuous. However, what’s horrifying them is that neo-Nazis are joining in their rallies. Apparently, antisemitism is only okay when your side does it.

It's difficult to convey how crazy it is to see VICE News, a popular leftist outlet, explain that it’s wrong when a handful of neo-Nazis use antisemitic rhetoric, but somehow it’s okay when hundreds of thousands of Muslims and their sympathizers do the same.

First, to set the stage, this is Hamas:
