Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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German City Renaming Anne Frank Daycare Center To Be More ‘Inclusive’ After Migrant Complaints

The day care center is currently named after Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose diary was published after she died at the age of 15 in a Nazi concentration camp — and according to local reports, migrant parents have complained that it is “challenging” to explain to their children who Frank was and why her story mattered.

According to a report from The Jerusalem Post, the daycare center’s director explained that “parents with migrant backgrounds feel uncertain about the name and find it challenging to explain to their children.”

An open society advocacy group, Miteinander eV, argued that there were certainly age-appropriate ways to discuss Frank’s story with younger children — and objected to the change, They said in a statement that especially as anti-semitism is on the rise in many areas, “renaming the daycare center sends the wrong signal.”

The city’s mayor, Andreas Brohm, has said the name change will go forward in spite of any concerns, noting that Anne Frank did not fit the parents’ push to embrace a “new focus on diversity.”



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Pro-Palestinian Protesters Blockade Tacoma Port to Delay Ship Headed to Israel (Update)

A pro-Palestinian protest group numbering between 100 and 300 gathered this morning at the Port of Tacoma in an attempt to prevent the loading and departure of a US military vessel believed to be heading for Israel.

This is phase two of a protest that started a couple days ago in Oakland. That’s where the Cape Orlando left from. Protesters showed up there and at least three of them were able to cling to a rope ladder which prevented the ship from leaving for several hours. Eventually those three protesters were arrested and the ship departed for Tacoma.

Protesters should not have been able to get inside the port, onto the dock and nearly onto the ship. This looks like a pretty big security failure by someone.

Coming back to this morning, the ship was scheduled to dock in Tacoma for loading before setting off for Israel. It appears the protesters weren’t able to get to the ship itself this time so they are settling for trying to prevent union dockworkers from getting inside to load it.

Here’s what the protest looked like early this morning.

Blocking the longshoremen from doing their job. In the good ole days that would not have led to a good outcome for the protestors.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Left-wing activist 'shocked' in viral video after failing to recruit pro-Palestinian Muslim support for LGBTQ

'You identify as s--t, my bro,' a woman said

An activist in the United Kingdom was left "shocked" after he attempted to garner support from pro-Palestinian Muslims, only to be mocked by some of them, according to a video that went viral on X.

A popular news aggregator on Twitter, Visegrád 24, described the incident as follows: "A far-left activist is shocked when he finds out that the young Muslim women… do not share his views on LGBTQ+ issues."

"Masked Antifa man calls me a f---ing fascist and appeals to Muslim women for support. Intersectional comedy ensues. They destroy him," Billboard Chris said in reaction to the incident.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Left-wing activist 'shocked' in viral video after failing to recruit pro-Palestinian Muslim support for LGBTQ

'You identify as s--t, my bro,' a woman said

An activist in the United Kingdom was left "shocked" after he attempted to garner support from pro-Palestinian Muslims, only to be mocked by some of them, according to a video that went viral on X.

A popular news aggregator on Twitter, Visegrád 24, described the incident as follows: "A far-left activist is shocked when he finds out that the young Muslim women… do not share his views on LGBTQ+ issues."

"Masked Antifa man calls me a f---ing fascist and appeals to Muslim women for support. Intersectional comedy ensues. They destroy him," Billboard Chris said in reaction to the incident.

I saw that and it was funny. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Left-wing activist 'shocked' in viral video after failing to recruit pro-Palestinian Muslim support for LGBTQ

'You identify as s--t, my bro,' a woman said

An activist in the United Kingdom was left "shocked" after he attempted to garner support from pro-Palestinian Muslims, only to be mocked by some of them, according to a video that went viral on X.

A popular news aggregator on Twitter, Visegrád 24, described the incident as follows: "A far-left activist is shocked when he finds out that the young Muslim women… do not share his views on LGBTQ+ issues."

"Masked Antifa man calls me a f---ing fascist and appeals to Muslim women for support. Intersectional comedy ensues. They destroy him," Billboard Chris said in reaction to the incident.

Are these people that dumb or believe these people will accept them.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Upper East Side cafe's baristas ALL quit in protest over Jewish owner's support of Israel - as customers now line up around the block to show their support

  • The owner of Caffe Aronne, Aaron Dahan, was left short-staffed Tuesday morning after his baristas quit because of his support for Israel
  • He had displayed an Israeli flag and started a fundraiser for Magen David Adom, the Israeli Red Cross, since the Oct. 7 attacks
  • Instead of closing for the day, the Café is now busier than ever - with customers lined up around the block to show their support


PREMO Member

UMass Condemns Islamophobia After Jewish Student Assaulted on Campus

The arrestee is out on bail and is barred from entering the campus. At least that much has happened.

The UMass administration condemned the assailant’s conduct as “reprehensible, illegal, and unacceptable” and said the student would be held both legally liable and subjected to the student code of conduct. The student has been released on bail and is prohibited from returning to campus. The administration added that the Jewish student who was assaulted had not been injured.

What came next, though, blows my mind. The school’s administration is so worried about the climate of hate that it condemns…Islamophobia along with antisemitism. Because there is so much obvious fear in the Islamic community that you barely see any Muslims even going outside. There are so many instances of people tearing down flyers bearing Muslim children held hostage by the Israelis and massive marches against Muslims in cities around the world.

Oh, wait. None of that is happening. Instead:

The UMass incident also comes less than a week after a student at Cornell University was arrested for making death threats toward the campus Jewish population, and weeks after a suspect was charged with hate crimes for attacking a Columbia University student.
In addition, over the past month, several university faculty nationwide have publicly praised Hamas’ attack or taken aim at “Zionists,” and student groups projected anti-Zionist messages onto a campus library at George Washington University. Some parents of Jewish college students have sought to mobilize around the issue, while some Jewish day schools have pressed universities to better guarantee their students’ safety.

Still, undeterred by the lack of Islamophobia, the administration of the university wants everybody to know that they are deeply concerned about Islamophobic hate.



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Call a Waahmbulance and Get Some Bounty Towels -Tlaib is Blubbering Defending Herself From Censure UPDATE: It's DONE

She’s being mis-interpreted and targeted.

Or something.

The arch Jew-hater of the House of Representatives – and believe me, that sobriquet takes some doing to earn with all the contenders there – has been called on the congressional censure carpet again today. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green reintroduced a revised version of her failed censure resolution from last week and Rep. Rick McCormick, also of Georgia, introduced one as well.
