Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


PREMO Member

Ladies and gentleman, the editor of the Harvard Law Review.

And also the class president at Stanford University in his senior, junior, and sophomore years. (His success didn't stop him of course from complaining about "discrimination" against Muslim students at Stanford.)… https://t.co/DMJQVkELTw
— i/o (@eyeslasho) November 1, 2023



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They didnt' recently turn on Israel.

The embers of that hatred has always been in their midst.


Well-Known Member

How insane are the rug munchers and butt bandits when they wish to stand up for people who would toss them off of buildings for being queer.
Just another sign that people who have same sex attractions are a few few french fries short of a happy meal.


PREMO Member

Harvard Student Surrounded by Pro-Palestinian Mob in Latest Campus Madness

In a famous scene from Game of Thrones, Cersei Lannister is paraded naked down a street while people throw things at her and chant "shame, shame, shame."

While we haven’t quite reached that point yet, the madness on college campuses continues, and recently, a crowd of pro-Palestine demonstrators surrounded a Harvard student on campus and yes, yelled “shame, shame, shame” at him. The incident occurred on October 18, but video footage was only posted on Wednesday.



PREMO Member

Reporter Makes Fool of Himself After Writing Op-Ed Claiming MAGA Is Bigger Threat Than Hamas

Asinine op-eds coming from far-leftist publications are nothing new. When a controversial issue arises, you can always count on progressive members of the chattering class to put out opinion pieces chock full of the most sensationally low-IQ takes one could think of.


Mind you, Karem still hasn’t explained why MAGA and Christian Nationalism are more dangerous than Hamas or how his previous remarks even figure into the picture. He then slams Republicans for not wanting to continue sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, insisting that “Ukraine is just the first stop in a quest for global hegemony” because Vladimir Putin is going to come for us after taking Ukraine or something.

Karem pivots to newly minted House Speaker Mike Johnson and the supposed “MAGA wing of the Republican Party,” which is “pushing for apocalypse with an enthusiasm only rivaled by Saul’s slaughter of Christians before he changed his name to Paul.”

Yes, I know none of this makes any sense, dear reader. But I was still willing to read it so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.

After more mindless ranting, the author goes on to claim that the House, under Johnson’s leadership,” seems “determined to convert the U.S. into a theocracy run by people who will thump you with the Bible, but haven’t read much of it.”

The author still gives no examples supporting his argument about Republicans wanting to establish a theocracy. And at this point in the article, he still hasn’t explained why these people are somehow worse than Hamas.

This article has several flaws, just as with most on the left who think comparing Republicans to the worst of the worst is somehow going to persuade people to vote Democrat.

For starters, Karem deceptively paints Republicans and conservatives with a brush wider than the Grand Canyon. He claims most folks on the right oppose bipartisanship and want to establish a theocracy. Yet, while there might be some fringe individuals who fall into this camp, it is clear that by and large, this is not the case. Perhaps this is why he forgot to mention any quotes or actions from people on the right that would provide evidence to back up this claim.

Next, the author is all over the place. He goes from discussing a press conference in which Kirby talked about potential terrorist attacks in the United States, to opining about artificial intelligence, to ranting about climate change, and then ending on former President Donald Trump’s legal woes.
There are no real arguments made.

But what is truly ironic about this article is that the headline claims Republicans and conservatives are more of a threat to the U.S. than Hamas but fails to acknowledge that most of the terrorist group's support from Americans comes from the left. One only has to watch the endless footage of pro-Palestinian rallies being held across the country to see that. Chances are, if there is someone supporting Hamas’ actions against Israel in one of these demonstrations, it’s a white progressive chick screaming like a banshee about how horrible Israel is.


PREMO Member

'Zero tolerance': Unchecked harassment of Jews prompts financial threats against elite colleges

Elite universities faced angry donors for tepid or equivocal statements in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks that killed a reported 1,400 Israeli civilians nearly a month ago.

Now they're facing increasing demands to punish students caught harassing Jewish peers or otherwise violating campus conduct rules in their antipathy to Israel.

Video posted by The Washington Free Beacon, reportedly recorded by the Jewish student, shows students at the die-in harassing and closing in on him as he pleads with them to let him go home.

He repeatedly tells the throng not to grab or touch him, which they repeatedly deny doing even while yelling "shame." Protesters hold up blankets to block the recording as he looks for a way out.

The video freezes when purporting to identify Ibrahim Bharmal, one of nearly 100 student editors of the Harvard Law Review, and divinity school proctor Elom Tettey-Tamaklo among the harassers. Another video shows the throng surrounding and trapping the Jewish student as he tries to leave.



PREMO Member

If You Ask Google If Hamas Rapes Women, It Will Praise The Terrorist Group

If a user searches “Hamas rape women,” before showing the bountiful search results describing sick sexual assaults and war crimes, Google injects a large text section saying “What did Hamas do to women in Israel?” Incredibly, it answers that the most notable thing that Hamas does to women is release them: “Hamas on Monday released two elderly Israeli women held hostage in Gaza,” it says, pulling from the Associated Press, which once shared office space with Hamas.
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