Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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Cornell student charged with making threats to Jewish students on campus, feds say

Ithaca, N.Y. — A Cornell University junior was charged Tuesday with making threats against Jewish students on campus.

Patrick Dai, 21, of Pittsford, posted threats on Sunday to shoot up a multicultural dining room on campus to an online discussion site, prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York said in a news release Tuesday night.

The dining room, 104West!, serves food that meets Kosher, Halal and other religious guidelines. It’s next to the university’s Center for Jewish Living, where several dozen Jewish students live on campus.

Dai also called for the deaths of Jewish people and threatened to bring an assault rifle to campus, prosecutors said. He was charged with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications.


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Hundreds of Columbia professors sign new letter saying they’re ‘appalled’ and ‘horrified’ about campus antisemitism

More than 200 faculty members at Columbia University said Tuesday they were “appalled by the spate of antisemitic incidents” on the Manhattan campus, a day after scores of their colleagues signed a letter defending students who supported Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 terror attack.

The new letter came after Jewish students rallied on campus to blast the administration’s “inaction” on what they called an “unsafe” atmosphere in the weeks since the attack, due to at least one attack on an Israeli student, death threats and rampant hate speech and vandalism.

While the faculty members agree “there should be robust debate about complex and difficult issues” concerning the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, they say “there is no excuse for Hamas’s barbaric attack on Israeli civilians.”


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WSJ: Anti-Semitic Left About to Blow Dems Apart

Three weeks ago, the media marveled at the meltdown within the Republican Party over the House Speaker self-imposed disaster. Now that the House GOP has managed to stop shooting themselves in the foot, however, the potential for a collapse of the coalition has suddenly become more acute across the aisle. Will Democrats split and collapse over the war Hamas launched on Israel

As Molly Ball writes for the Wall Street Journal, right now the battle between progressives and liberals, and Jews and everyone else in the Democrat coalition, looks far more serious and much more difficult to resolve:

To many on the left, the Israel-Hamas war is spurring what feels like a permanent rupture, when previously sublimated differences become impossible to ignore and everyone must choose sides.
The weeks since the Hamas attacks have riven the liberal coalition, pitting erstwhile allies against each other as ugly accusations fly in both directions. From the halls of power in Washington to street protests and social media, progressives find themselves at odds with those they once saw as kindred spirits.
Both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian advocates describe a feeling of disillusionment as relationships fracture and harsh words are exchanged. The result, many predict, could be a breach that splits Democrats for a generation with untold political consequences.

Indeed it could, and it appears that may be exactly what progressives want. The hard Left, led by its Hamas Caucus, wants to force Democrats to either kneel to their election muscle by abandoning Israel and the Jews, or face ruin in 2024. The Muslims in the Democrat coalition are not even being subtle about it either, as Ball points out, declaring outright that they have captured the youth vote that Democrats desperately need:

“If you are Arab-American, Muslim-American or Palestinian, you feel like you don’t matter, you feel invisible,” said Waleed Shahid, a progressive strategist and former spokesman for the Justice Democrats, which has supported the progressive Congress members known as the squad in primaries against more centrist Democrats. “If you are advocating at all that Palestinian and Israeli lives should be treated equally, there’s a feeling that the party doesn’t care about you at all,” he said.
The result, Shahid warned, might be that a president already struggling to ignite the enthusiasm of young and minority voters loses them completely—a recent Gallup poll found Biden losing 7 percentage points of support with voters under 35 in the past month, he noted—or that the party splinters as it did in the Vietnam War era. Others have drawn parallels to the left’s split over Soviet communism in the 1950s.

Note the presence of the Justice Democrats — the socialist group that backed the Squad and members like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They have already had an outsize impact on the broader Democrat coalition, and it’s not just the Justice Democrats threatening to flex muscles at the ballot box. A group called the National Muslim Democratic Council demanded yesterday that Joe Biden force Israel into a cease-fire, or else have Muslims work against Democrats in battleground states in 2024:

“It has become evident that our voices are being ignored, but our votes will not be. Simply put, as Gaza turns red, so could crucial battleground states,” the council said in a letter Monday to the White House and Democratic Party.
“Your administration’s unconditional support, encompassing funding and armaments, has played a significant role in perpetuating the violence that is causing civilian casualties and has eroded trust in voters who previously put their faith in you,” the group also wrote.
“We will mobilize increased voter turnout to make our voices heard,” the council also wrote. It added that Michigan, a swing state with a large Muslim population that went for former President Donald Trump in 2016, went for Biden by 2.6% in 2020.
“We emphasize the significance of Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Florida, Arizona,
Nevada, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, where many of our voters reside,” the group also said.


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Why they rip down the 'Kidnapped from Israel' fliers

The posters were the brainchild of two Israeli artists, Nitzan Mintz and Dede Bandaid, who were visiting New York when Hamas carried out its bloodbath. Aching to help in some way, they drew on their art backgrounds to design the eye-catching fliers. Each is topped with the word "KIDNAPPED" in large white letters on an orange background; below that heading is the name, age, nationality, and photo of one of the hostages, who range in age from 3 months to 85 years.

The posters went viral overnight. Within days they were appearing everywhere, a powerful symbol of Israel's anguish and of the desperate yearning for the captives' safe return. Then came the backlash. "Within minutes or hours of going up," reported the New York Jewish Week, "many of them had been partially ripped off the subway station's walls, tears obscuring the victims' faces or details about their lives, while others were defaced with marker or surrounded by messages such as "Free Palestine." On a poster of two of the youngest hostages, 3-year-old twins Emma and Yuli Cunio, Hitler mustaches were drawn on the girls' faces. On other posters, the words "Lies" or "Actors" were scrawled.

Those ripping down or damaging the signs are by no means abashed about doing so. Some have filmed themselves attacking the fliers and posted the video online. Others, when asked why they were trashing the pictures of civilian hostages, have yelled about "genocide," declared their support for "Palestinian civilians," claimed the fliers contained "inaccurate information," or simply cursed out the person filming them.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is intensely controversial and generates great emotion on both sides. But these assaults on the "Kidnapped" posters have nothing to do with the merits of the dispute. The sole purpose of the fliers is to emphasize the humanity of the innocent hostages seized by Hamas (many of whom, as it happens, were peace activists deeply committed to Arab-Israeli coexistence). What drives the people ripping down the posters or adding Hitler mustaches to the pictures is a pathological need to deny the humanity of those kidnapped Jews.

A core principle of antisemites in all times and places is that Jews are not fully human and are never innocent. A thousand years ago, Jews were slaughtered by Crusaders for being satanic Christ-killers who consumed the blood of children; a century ago Hitler preached that they were subhumans who polluted the racial purity of Aryan Europe. Today the Jewish state is accused of committing the demonic crimes of genocide and apartheid. The poison never changes, only the vial it comes in.


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Stars of David painted on Jewish homes in ‘despicable and intolerable’ attack

Dozens of Stars of David have been painted on the walls of Jewish homes and businesses across Paris in a "despicable and intolerable Kristallnacht-style attack linked to the Israel-Hamas War.

Police in the French capital say the 60 anti-Semitic messages appeared in the early hours of this morning. The chilling attacks resemble those left on Jewish properties on Kristallnacht – the Night of Broken Glass – in Nazi Germany in November 1938 by paramilitaries marking out buildings which were later attacked in a prelude to the Holocaust. Carine Petit, Mayor of the 14th arrondissement, said they were ‘intolerable acts’ which cause ‘shame, and disgust’ across France.


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America's Shame

A pack of braying savages-sycophants cornered some Jewish students in New York City inside a school library not long ago. The solution to this was obvious –turn the cops on them – with sticks or worse – to disperse them, then expel the little degenerates. But what the powers that be went with was something wholly different. They helpfully suggested that the Jewish students hide in an attic.

In America.

In our biggest city.

Hide in an attic, Jews.

The solution to a bunch of vicious cheerleaders for people who put babies in ovens was not to utterly crush them and make them pay. No, the bright idea was that the Jews go hide in an attic.

“Anne Frank 2: The EnBidening.”

I guess Never Again has become Oh Well, Okay.

What a disgrace.

What an abomination.

But this is America under our garbage ruling class today. Our feckless institutions cannot tell right from wrong, or worse, they are afraid to do so. I expect they know how disgusting and utterly evil this all is, and how disgusting and evil the little schmucks that the collegiate commie conformity factories that they allegedly manage have produced actually are. They either do not care, or they are afraid.

It's difficult to say which is worse.


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Geopolitics and Antisemitism – Chinese Student Arrested in New York for Vile Death Threats Against Jewish Students​

November 1, 2023 | Sundance | 130 Comments

There are a myriad of geopolitical interests exploiting the Israeli war against Hamas terrorists. The intelligence operation we noted in Dagestan, Russia, was one small element of a larger dynamic. Here we dig into the geopolitical exploits of China and other interests.

Yesterday, a Chinese student at Cornell University in New York was arrested for posting vile death threats against Jewish students. Patrick Dai, age 21, a junior at the university, posted some of the most horrible threats against Jewish students threatening to kill, rape and conduct a mass shooting on the campus. The overarching dynamic, amid many U.S. colleges, has been to support the Hamas terrorists – such is the leftist infiltration and indoctrination that has essentially been unchecked for the past several years.