Lou at Bubby's


After spending Christmas day without all my family this yr and feeling sorry for myself because of it I talked my hubby into taking my son and I over to the farm Christmas day evening, we had not been in a few yrs ( after hubby got spit at by the llama LOL! ) I have to tell you walking around that farm ( even being afraid of the horses and all ) seeing the lites, it really felt like Christmas. It made my whole Christmas day. It was a beautiful night and the stables and animals made me think of the birth of Jesus and what it may have looked like....smelled like..LOL. It was what made the day specail to me and I thank Bubby for doing what he does...it brings a feeling of joy to any one who sees it and I really believe that.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Sorry I thought you were talking about the main barn. They have bars on the doors. The mule barn as we use to call it doesn't. But I agree that if they are going to continue to do this they should put protection up to prevent this. It isn't like the farm owner doesn't have the funds to so it. Maybe it should be brought to his attention... Or post a Giant sign up saying touch animals at your own risk...at the doors as they enter. Then if they get bit or spit on it's thier own fault.....Most people won't approach a strange dog, it's the same with horses. Your dealing with a mind that thinks everyone is a predator hunting them down to kill them.
I have a neighbor that runs a daycare, I saw her giving the little tots small carrots to feed my colts, I told her not to feed/pet them and that little fingers could be mistaken for little carrots therefore DON'T feed them. Well she continued, I added electric to the fence and then she complained when one of the little ones touch the fence while trying to pet/feed the colts again....Go figure. :faint:


New Member
I have a neighbor that runs a daycare, I saw her giving the little tots small carrots to feed my colts, I told her not to feed/pet them and that little fingers could be mistaken for little carrots therefore DON'T feed them. Well she continued, I added electric to the fence and then she complained when one of the little ones touch the fence while trying to pet/feed the colts again....Go figure. :faint:

Add more volts to the fence :really: :lmao:


I wouldn't dare feed them....I guess that would be something to worry about with your horse being there...maybe there should be bigger signs posted LOOK BUT DON"T TOUCH OR FEED THE ANIMALS. Even then some people, like dh, just feel they have to try to pet one.


New Member
I went to see the lights in middle of december, (awesome by the way) but when we went to the barns there were some teenagers who I thought worked there telling everyone not to touch the animals. I assumed that they were working there, but maybe they were just helping. That would be a good idea for next year, having people kinda "enforce" the no fingers rule.


Little kids want to pet and touch. If Lou had gotten ahold of someone's fingers (or face) he could have done a lot of harm. IMO he should have been enclosed or separated once the aggression started.

He was contained, in his stall. And in my opinion if a kid is too young to know better there better darn well be a parent there. Would a parent let there kid walk up and pet a strange dog? No? Then how come it's okay to pet a 1000 pd horse?


I went to see the lights in middle of december, (awesome by the way) but when we went to the barns there were some teenagers who I thought worked there telling everyone not to touch the animals. I assumed that they were working there, but maybe they were just helping. That would be a good idea for next year, having people kinda "enforce" the no fingers rule.

It is a great idea..however, you know how hard it is to find volunteers to work the nights the barn is open? I worked every weekend from Thanksgiving until Christmas doing pony ride pictures. When I had a break occasionally I would walk through the barns and tell people don't touch, or stop feeding the horses. It is very difficult to find people willing to help on the weekends. There is a core group of 5 teenagers, and 4 adults that helped every weekend.

Also did anyone tell someone that was volunteering there in the barns, or pony rides that Lou was not having a good day? If someone had, he would have been moved during the rides.


Salt Life
He was contained, in his stall. And in my opinion if a kid is too young to know better there better darn well be a parent there. Would a parent let there kid walk up and pet a strange dog? No? Then how come it's okay to pet a 1000 pd horse?

If you were not there to witness it, you may not understand. Nobody was touching the horse. Nobody was bothering him. His behavior (what I saw) was unprovoked. He could have hurt someone that was simply walking by - he almost got me. And I don't typically touch the animals because they are dirty, so it wasn't that I was "invading" their space.


Witchy Woman
My girls and I petted Lou on our 3 or 4 trips to Bubby's this season and he was fine. :shrug: He stuck his head out at us like he WANTED to be petted. We went the first few nights it was open, so maybe by now Lou is just sick of being poked and petted by strangers. :lol:
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New Member
It is a great idea..however, you know how hard it is to find volunteers to work the nights the barn is open? I worked every weekend from Thanksgiving until Christmas doing pony ride pictures. When I had a break occasionally I would walk through the barns and tell people don't touch, or stop feeding the horses. It is very difficult to find people willing to help on the weekends. There is a core group of 5 teenagers, and 4 adults that helped every weekend.

Also did anyone tell someone that was volunteering there in the barns, or pony rides that Lou was not having a good day? If someone had, he would have been moved during the rides.

Oh I am sure that its hard getting dependable people for anything, especially on the weekends its like pulling teeth, but it was pretty cool that those kids were there when I walked through.:howdy:


New Member
Poor Lou probably just had enough or it was close to feeding time and he was getting a little anxious.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Sounds like Lou has realized what FUN it is to chase people. It's become a game to him (albeit a dangerous one now). It relieves the boredom he must feel by being penned up for so long each day, which isn't natural for a horse. They are meant to be grazers, meandering around all day long, taking in small amounts over the course of a 24 hour period. I'll bet he'll be a FUN one when someone gets on his back again. :crazy:

I've seen the stall kicking behavior in horses who are developing ulcers because their stomach acids are eating away at their stomachs with nothing in them. Horses are NOT designed to be fed 2 meals a day, and certainly not low fiber grain. They need roughage, and hay in their guts all day long, or their bodies turn against them. Poor horses. :frown:
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I've seen the stall kicking behavior in horses who are developing ulcers because their stomach acids are eating away at their stomachs with nothing in them. Horses are NOT designed to be fed 2 meals a day, and certainly not low fiber grain. They need roughage, and hay in their guts all day long, or their bodies turn against them. Poor horses. :frown:

The horses are out all day unless it is raining or snowing. During the open house in the evening they get about 6 flakes of hay to munch on the whole night.


Rocky Mountain High!!
He was contained, in his stall. And in my opinion if a kid is too young to know better there better darn well be a parent there. Would a parent let there kid walk up and pet a strange dog? No? Then how come it's okay to pet a 1000 pd horse?
The owner held a holiday bonfire at the farm we are leasing for our mares. RC and I put all of our mares/fillies into their stalls, and allowed everyone to walk in and pet each one. Not one single bit of trouble from it. A good natured horse is a good natured horse. The people loved it as much as the horses. I wish i had pictures, kids and adults were in heaven, and enjoyed petting the warm noses hanging over each stall door waiting for the next kiss. It was AWESOME. And great for the breed.


The owner held a holiday bonfire at the farm we are leasing for our mares. RC and I put all of our mares/fillies into their stalls, and allowed everyone to walk in and pet each one. Not one single bit of trouble from it. A good natured horse is a good natured horse. The people loved it as much as the horses. I wish i had pictures, kids and adults were in heaven, and enjoyed petting the warm noses hanging over each stall door waiting for the next kiss. It was AWESOME. And great for the breed.

My own boy LOVED the people coming in this year. He would come up for all sorts of pets on the nose. If he didn't feel like being social he stood in the back of his stall and went into "I don't hear nothing land".