Lou at Bubby's


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I'm glad all you horse people think this is funny :mad: Poor Chasey had to sacrifice her body for hours, in order to keep that rabid horse at bay. My grandpa was there too! He said that crazy horse tried to bite the toupet right off of his head, but luckily Chasey was there to save him. She rushed into the barn, did 6 combat rolls and grabbed the horse in a choke hold.

:killingme:killingme, too funny...


wandering aimlessly
The Christmas dealio at Bubby's has been going on for many years, but was that barn always a boarding barn? Or when the tradition began were all the horses owned by Bubby?

When they first opened the barns to the public I remember all the horses being "dressed up" ie, ribbons and bells in their manes and tails and they really enjoyed the attention. Of course I used to go opening night so maybe they just weren't tired of the company yet.


Horse Poor
When he started it most of the horses in the barn were his wife's. When they split up he leased it out for a boarding stable. I use to help clean and get those horses ready, also harnessed the drafts for wagon rides....


wandering aimlessly
When he started it most of the horses in the barn were his wife's. When they split up he leased it out for a boarding stable. I use to help clean and get those horses ready, also harnessed the drafts for wagon rides....

That's what I thought. So they kept the barns open because they'd started the tradition, but now that it's a boarding barn, they may want to reconsider.


New Member
GEESH. what a bizarre idea, opening up the barn to the public like that! maybe that horse was protecting himself from the last "public" who did something rude to him. that would totally weird me out if it were my barn. i think they should not have had that horse where he could cause trouble to the public who probably know nothing about horses and are expecting a petting zoo because of the nature of the event. petting zoos don't display their biting goats and charging sheep. if you are gonna do it, do it right.

is this open barn Unsupervised??

well i guess it shows the public the truth about horses that not all horses are nice and sweet and want to be petted. there's reasons for his behavior i'm sure, and perhaps too much sweet feed etc, but i'm sure he has some qualities. just perhaps not as a petting zoo animal...


New Member
There are some signs up in each barn but I doubt most people choose to read them. Also, when you pull into the driveway there is a sign that says you are basically releasing the farm of any liability. My horse is in the same barn as Lou. Lou has never tried to bite me. I suspect he had just had enough of people messing with him.


my hubby tried to pet the llama one year ( he tries to pet all the animals there, for some reason he thinks animals like him). Well the thing made a strange sound, pointed his ears back and the spit just flew...it got him good,I just about fell on the ground laughing. But he has not learned, he tried to pet every horse in the barns and every animal again this year. I just stay away from him when he touches the animals...I really don't think they like to be touched, but he thinks they do.


Salt Life
I suspect he had just had enough of people messing with him.

Little kids want to pet and touch. If Lou had gotten ahold of someone's fingers (or face) he could have done a lot of harm. IMO he should have been enclosed or separated once the aggression started.
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New Member
I am sure if Remax or anyone at the barn knew he was acting like this they would have moved him or put up a sign on his stall. Did you report it to any of the staff at the farm?


New Member
Maybey that would teach non horse and non anilmal people a good lesson:
Dont pet an animal that is not yours without the owners permission!

Just cause its an "open house" doesnt mean you play with the expensive stuff!

horses get moody too!
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My 12 yr old son and I let hubby do all the touching, we just watched him from a good distance in case something decided to spit at him again. LOL!!!

I always tell my son not to pet a dog he does not know, why on earth would I let him pet a big horse that we do not know...plus Iam sure Iam passing my fear of horses on to him. I don't mean to, we did go horse back riding on Mackanol Island in Michigan last summer, but those horses were trained for that and for being around the public.


Salt Life
Maybey that would teach non horse people a good lesson:
Dont pet an animal that is not yours without the owners permission!

Just cause its an "open house" doesnt mean you play with the expensive stuff!
I didn't see a single person TRY to pet Lou. What I did see was him reaching his neck out of his stall as people were walking by. If they were in his reach, he snapped. He was also kicking and knocking around in his stall.


If there were bars I walked way away from them and just looked from across the way. I figured the bars were there for a good reason. I wish I was not so afraid of the horses but I really am.....I was the one running.


Horse Poor
Sorry I thought you were talking about the main barn. They have bars on the doors. The mule barn as we use to call it doesn't. But I agree that if they are going to continue to do this they should put protection up to prevent this. It isn't like the farm owner doesn't have the funds to so it. Maybe it should be brought to his attention... Or post a Giant sign up saying touch animals at your own risk...at the doors as they enter. Then if they get bit or spit on it's thier own fault.....Most people won't approach a strange dog, it's the same with horses. Your dealing with a mind that thinks everyone is a predator hunting them down to kill them.


Active Member
While it's very generous of FLF to put on their light show and open their farm up free of charge, I am surprised that they allow the general public into the barns that house boarders horses and that the owners of these horses do not object. Seems a rather high liability issue on both sides. Why don't they simply close the boarder's barn off to the public?


Nothing to see here
I like the signs that say Please dont feed fingers to the horses. :lol: I did not see any like that at FIF.


New Member
While it's very generous of FLF to put on their light show and open their farm up free of charge, I am surprised that they allow the general public into the barns that house boarders horses and that the owners of these horses do not object. Seems a rather high liability issue on both sides. Why don't they simply close the boarder's barn off to the public?

He likes to showcase the place, barns included. He will fill up any empty stalls w/ other animals, pigs & cows for example. As a boarder you also have to deal with the lighting and decorated vehicles out in the pastures. The open house is a given, either you accept it as a boarder or you don't and leave. I've thought a viable option is to make it drive-through only.


New Member
While it's very generous of FLF to put on their light show and open their farm up free of charge, I am surprised that they allow the general public into the barns that house boarders horses and that the owners of these horses do not object. Seems a rather high liability issue on both sides. Why don't they simply close the boarder's barn off to the public?

I agree with you. Seems like quite a liability. I guess you'd have to agree to it when you move in as a boarder. I personally, couldn't deal with it.

I went there many years ago to see the lights, which were pretty nice. I assumed the horses all belonged to the farm owner. I didn't know it was a boarding facility too.