Messed up 1st day of school in St Marys County...


Set Trippin
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Wow, you must be really proud of those three degrees, they just keep working their way into the conversation! How often, ballpark it, would you say you mention you three degrees to people during the day? Does it help when you repeat it for emphasis? I'm just thinking maybe I haven't been talking up my own degrees enough :confused:
Welcome Back :howdy:


New Member
Well The Rage only comes out when Someone who believes that their and adult and accepts the responsibility for my child and acts like a child themself by LIEING to me and my wife. That is a person who can NOT be trustted. As for the Degrees typo Sorry I was blinded by rage and I forgot to Spell check:biggrin:


Reiki Practitioner
1 1/2 blocks from school

Littlegirl, if you only live 1 1/2 blocks from school, why doesn't your daughter walk home?

blonde, my daughter is NOT allowed to walk to/from school because we live in a sub division that doesn't have sidewalks, therefore it is considered "unsafe". Hence, i had to go there and pick her up.


Football season!
Re: 1 1/2 blocks from school

Originally posted by littlegirl
Littlegirl, if you only live 1 1/2 blocks from school, why doesn't your daughter walk home?

blonde, my daughter is NOT allowed to walk to/from school because we live in a sub division that doesn't have sidewalks, therefore it is considered "unsafe". Hence, i had to go there and pick her up.

A subdivision without sidewalks?? What is up with that??


PREMO Member
Re: Re: 1 1/2 blocks from school

Originally posted by SmallTown
A subdivision without sidewalks?? What is up with that??
ST it is SMIBville, what do you expect?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by littlegirl
Hence, i had to go there and pick her up.
Gotcha. I was thinking of a more residential setting but now I can picture what you're talking about.


New Member
My daugher also goes to Park Hall, but I don't have these problems. I have called the school and teachers always call me back.

And while I am rather ticked off at the bus situation right now, I realize it is the first week of school with different schedules for the drivers (and I have vented plenty about the inability of bus drivers to learn their routes myself) and expect it to get better.

IN FACT last year I asked the Teacher why she would not EMAIL us with INFORMATION and her reply was because she DOES NOT HAVE TO> She does not get paid to keep the Parents informed and that she gives stuff to the kids WHO may or may not deliver it to the parents. When the KIDS are given rope or responsibilities such as this they often do NOT understand the importance of the papers that are distributed out to them and just chuck the papers away.

While I understand it may be nice for those of us with internet access to get updates like this, why do we expect teachers to do all this extra work? They would still have to print out the information for the families who don't have internet access.

How difficult is it for a child to put papers in their backpack and leave them until the parent takes them out at the end of the day?


I too being a parent of a Park Hall stundent understand the concern for your childs safety getting to and from school. My daughter has been going there for 3 years and has been treated with the utmost professionalism. I know for a fact that the school was overwhelmed with phone calls about the buses and had a hard time getting students on buses when they got there becuase parents were constantly calling. I myself almost called when my daughter was not home at 4:45, when I then saw the bus round the corner. You may ask why I waited that long, it is because I trust the professional at Park Hall and the bus drivers. Having read the news and understanding that the County was responsible for the bus changes and hence delays I do not feel the school should be held accountable because they run from all grade levels of the schools and once high school is behind so the middle then elementary, basically a chain reaction. Please also think about the schools responsibility to the child and parent, if you had called for any other situation would you have been mad if the school had given out information about your child, not being able to verify whom you were over the phone? That is why the parents have to show identification to protect our children, unfortunately it may cause time delays but the safety of our children is a priority for the Schools and I have never ever feared the safety of my child at Park Hall.


New Member
:burning: In the end it all comes out. There are those of you who will defend the school to its bitter NEGLIGENT End. As everyone here seems to be MISSING the POINT!!!! The point is simply that I was LIED to in person at the school by the assistant principal. Also Last year by the Principal. Park Hall is simply TYPICAL SOMD standards. I have lived other places and have NEVER ever been Lied to by the school officials. Not to mention the fact that they are ARROGANT when dealing with the parents of their students. It is more than obvious to this parent that in the end I will be forced to witdraw my child and send her to a school that will account to ME as the Parent with RESPECT not Contempt!!!This is TYPICAL for SOMD!!! These people believe that everyone who sends their child to a public school is a "SMIB/HICK" with no brain or fight and will believe everything that they are told. Well HELLO Park Hall I WILL NOT BE falling in with the rest of the SMIB Flock!!!:burning:
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* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by res9405
I will be forced to witdraw my child and send her to a school that will account to ME...
There's your solution. I would suggest a private school or homeschooling.

Good Luck! :cheers:


New Member
Thank you RES for at least having the guts to speak the truth about the way our bus route and the unprofessionalism of the school's representation was during this first week of school.

I am glad that at least some folks put there had a good experience with this school system. However, if you folks would have heard the outrageous excuses the principal gave to the parents who had to endure this, you would have been JUST as outraged.

The lack of communication between the school system, the community, and the parents is totally horrible. Basically, we are in a state with Crapola for money, and a genre of people who couldnt give a fig newton about organization, and teachers who have clsses that are probably over crowded. Why SHOULD they care? Its all they can do to manage to get thru a day of school, let alone teach the class. I mean heck, the school system that our daughter attended (where we moved from) NEVER haad this problem, and the county was the same size. However, THAT area KNEW how to manage their funds, AND CREATE funding, and cashflow to manage. It was not difficult, nor was fundraising too much of a chore. This system HERE is just plain LAZY. And they dont care. It shows, very evidently. The school busses may get behind because of the "domino effect" of being late in this area, but there is NO excuse for having 9 children in the Park Hall library, waiting on a bus to get either fixed or back to the school.

My husband and i cannot figure out which story the principal told both of us on separate phone calls. I called asking about THE bus route in question at 4:30. our child was a t the school, and the kids on this very bus route were in a classroom or library watching a tv. Being that i was asking about any bus troubles at the time i phoned, it would have been very helpful for the receptionist who answered the phone to let parents know that theere was a bus ( the route number that i had mentioned to her) that was having either trouble, or running exceptionally late.
When our child asked 3 teachers standing together in a hallway if she could either call home, or use some change at a possible pay phone in the school ( if there was one at park hall...her old school had pay phones) our child was told no to either question. THIS is what struck the anger fuse.

I still stand by my observation that this school system, county, and state, have the cruddiest budgets, and their priorities arent all up there where they should be. If the staff at the schools werent so worried about their so-called "professional days", and their out of control egos, our children might be taught something. ( our childs teacher thinks that just becasue she has taught for 25 years or so, that shes just the cats meow, and nothing could top THAT).
If there was a better sense of organization, communication, and a bigger sense of caring, this school system wouldnt be as bad off as it is.

I would gladly introduce my childs' old school system to ST Mary's county school system to help get the out of this RUT they seem to be in. I am SURE that ST Marys county schools could learn a TON of efficient ways to get tasks accomplished, and benefit the children of this area. But somehow, I think that they just wouldn't give a rats butt about that. I guess they think that parents dont care. At least thats the impression my husband and I get when we spoke to the principal and teacher. But then, again, the principal told my husband one version of why our child was almost 2 hours 15 minutes late getting home, and then told me a toatlly DIFFERENT story about why our child was late. Her stories WERE NOT the same. And we just LOVE and ADORE sending our child to a school that lies to us, and makes excuses.
If we could afford it at the moment, yes, we would enroll her in another school, and gladly pay more for her education. We are working hard on doing just that.

And hopefully, with our perserverance, and hard work, and teachign our child a little more from at home while she's at Park Hall school, she might be able to accomplish whatever her heart desires in life, and become the awesome young woman she is capeable of being.

However, if left up to the attitudes of this county, and the administration and staff in this area, if things are left how they are now, and dont improve, too many children who DESERVE the chance to excel in life, and personally, will fall thru the loop holes of this system.

I only have ONE degree. There may be typos in this post. And I dont claim to be the smartest person in the world, however, I KNOW what I want for our child.
And if things are left the way they are in this county, the malaise will spread, and the achievers, our children, wont get a chance to shine like the stars they truly are.

Gawd, I hope this made sense to anyone who has read this post this time.


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
I just see you as how you portray yourself here, a hateful irrational hothead. And you forgot to mention your degrees.

Wow. Irrational, huh?

RES is not a hateful, nor irrational person. I think he/she just might have a difficult time with converying thoughts via typing. Somehow I bet res is a decent person with well-set goals, and morals, and a love for their family. And I bet res wants the children in that family to succeed.

Dunno why res mentions the degrees all the time. Maybe it's because res worked very hard at achieving those degrees, and realizes how important a good education really is.

Sounds like they hate gettting lied to as much as i do, by teachers in this school district.


But wait, there's more...
do the people who are complaining here ever attend school/education board or county meetings to address the problems to the leadership? :confused:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by crabcake
do the people who are complaining here ever attend school/education board or county meetings to address the problems to the leadership? :confused:
you aint took yo azz to bed yet?


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Well I just don't get it, if you are so crazy about your kids why don't you move to MoCo so they can get a decent education and not hang out with SMIBs?

I didnt call anyone a smib.
I kind of think its rude.

And as a parent in this area, if i could move, believe me, i would.
Am working on improvong that aspect of life for our family on a daily basis.

The area itself is really nice to look at. However, the attitudes of most of the people who are here is deplorable. Most are satisfied with the bullcrap they are fed, and choose to have sandwiches made out of that bullcrap, and figure that nothing better will ever come along.

I wish them luck, but i strive for more for our child, and our family.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by mainman
you aint took yo azz to bed yet?

It's Sxy's fault. She got me all worked up and now I can't sleep.

I need a bedtime story :cool: I was hoping to get a good one with that "FOR SEXY" thread, but it bombed out. :ohwell: