Well you can argue that hundred dollar shoes are not really "fancy" stuff but the point is that all the children already have all of their basic needs met in full already - such as housing, plenty of food, clothing, school, health care is available as it is to the rest of us, and much more is readily available, and if one is poor then the dollar store has extra extras for one buck. So the parents in jail (deadbroke already) are being pressured to provide the custodials with ONLY extra cash and not any real support for the child.
Cusodials that claim they need the child support to buy food and since they already have plenty of food so they then buy the hundred dollar shoes are preaching untrue, and for a government and its laws to put parents in jail because the custodials only want extras is what the child support systen is doing right now.

Because we have a freedom of information Act for many years now and the Court records are not sealed from the public but I can not show you or anyone here a link to the info because the Courts do not provide it and the Courts make accessing the case records very difficult. That is what I meant. Otherwise if we or others want to learn more of the truth then one has to physically go to the Court and then go through its very difficult process to see any case.

I have tried to say that as a Delegate for 29b then I can not dictate the outcome of child support reform, but I do feel rather certain that only I will make it happen because others do not have the gumption. So my plan has to include, and does include, that any child support reform will have to be painfully worked out in the legislature, having the House of Delegates doing its part and the Maryland Senate reworking it, and the next Governor can put in much influence and can veto any reforms, so child support reform will be a lot of hard work and I do not know what the final reform would look like but I do know what many of the problems in the system are that make child support so objectionably unjust. Such as the hard set fixed garnishments that cripple the paying parents, the failure to order percentages that would make the process a little more just, putting parents in jail when the parents can not possibly pay the unjust demands of child support, these things are huge injustices being inflicted onto American citizens / American parents, and it needs to be stopped.