NHL is back!


New Member
Hey Baz, A quick question for you. What was the deal with them not stopping play in the last minute when the Flyers goal was knocked over? Didn't see on TV how it was knocked over, but I can only assume the refs didn't see it. I know that Mike Lange and Phil Bourque on Pens radio were going nuts after it happened and play continued. If the Flyers had scored would it have be en disallowed on review? Also there was no way for the Pens to score on the empty net, being the net was on its side.


This. ------------------>
Hey Baz, A quick question for you. What was the deal with them not stopping play in the last minute when the Flyers goal was knocked over? Didn't see on TV how it was knocked over, but I can only assume the refs didn't see it. I know that Mike Lange and Phil Bourque on Pens radio were going nuts after it happened and play continued. If the Flyers had scored would it have be en disallowed on review? Also there was no way for the Pens to score on the empty net, being the net was on its side.

I noticed the net too. At the time, the Flyers had gained posession of the puck and were moving it out of the zone. As the camera moved along to follow, I noticed the ref skating towards the net. I'm sure he figured (correctly) he had enough time to get the net back up on the pegs before the puck came back that way.

It was the right choice, IMO. If he would have blown the play dead automatically, it would have forced a faceoff in the Flyers end. This way, the play progressed naturally and the Flyers weren't "punished". I'm sure if something crazy happened and Pens stole the puck quickly or the puck got forced back into the zone before the net was up, they would have whistled the play dead.

(BTW, the net was inadvertantly knocked over by players of both teams, so I didn't have a problem with the decision. If it was intentionally knocked over by a Flyer, they would have blown it dead immediately.)
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New Member
I noticed the net too. At the time, the Flyers had gained posession of the puck and were moving it out of the zone. As the camera moved along to follow, I noticed the ref skating towards the net. I'm sure he figured (correctly) he had enough time to get the net back up on the pegs before the puck came back that way.

It was the right choice, IMO. If he would have blown the play dead automatically, it would have forced a faceoff in the Flyers end. This way, the play progressed naturally and the Flyers weren't "punished". I'm sure if something crazy happened and Pens stole the puck quickly or the puck got forced back into the zone before the net was up, they would have whistled the play dead.

(BTW, the net was inadvertantly knocked over by players of both teams, so I didn't have a problem with the decision. If it was intentionally knocked over by a Flyer, they would have blown it dead immediately.)

I didn't notice the ref putting the net back up. I was mostly listening to the Pens broadcast with the TV on in the background. You're right on it being the right call.


I know nothing
Well, that win was certainly satisfying. Looked like the typical Pens vs. Flyers crapfest in the 1st, only to FINALLY get the blatantly obvious clue and play real hockey the final 2 periods.

Guess the key in this rivalry is to not take the early lead. At least recently.

The thing with the Pens, it seems the only major team flaw is their mental state. When they remain calm and play hockey, they're fine. When they see that Flyer logo, they lose their freaking minds. Hopefully last night finally flicked the switch on that problem.

Ahhh....who am I kidding? :lol:


saw a couple flyers and a Pens fan sitting with each other last night at Buffalo Wild Wings... The pens fan was outnumbered :lol:

I wonder how his night ended :whistle:


Sweet 16

That was a heck of a comeback against the Bruins. It was one of those wins that might lead you to think it may mark the turnaround point for the Caps season.

I'll wait and see though, as I had that thought earlier this season when I thought the Caps may have turned the corner, only to see that they hadn't yet.

At the risk of jinxing them, I think they've turned that corner. Damn!


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saw a couple flyers and a Pens fan sitting with each other last night at Buffalo Wild Wings... The pens fan was outnumbered :lol:

I wonder how his night ended :whistle:


His night ended on a celebratory note, while the Flyers fans went home to post on the "Fire Holmgren and Laviolette NOW!!!" threads.

Sweet 16

Now you've done it.

We'll see, we'll see. Actually, it will probably be my presence at Tuesday's game that dooms us. They never seem to win when I'm there. :frown: And no, this is my first game this season so I'm not to blame thus far.
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This. ------------------>
The Caps bring their 1 game winning streak into Pittsburgh tonight, hoping to cash in on their last chance to beat the Pens this season. Will they be victorious and celebrate like they just won the Stanley Cup, or will they crap the bed and limp out of town with yet another loss?

Either way, it should be fun. :duel:



my war
The Caps bring their 1 game winning streak into Pittsburgh tonight, hoping to cash in on their last chance to beat the Pens this season. Will they be victorious and celebrate like they just won the Stanley Cup, or will they crap the bed and limp out of town with yet another loss?

Either way, it should be fun. :duel:


Too bad you are a bandwagon Pitt fan!! :buddies:


This. ------------------>
You weren't always a Pitt fan...

When I was a kid living in Minnesota, the North Stars were my favorite team. When they moved, Pittsburgh jumped to the top spot and have been there since. :smile:


my war
When I was a kid living in Minnesota, the North Stars were my favorite team. When they moved, Pittsburgh jumped to the top spot and have been there since. :smile:

Ahhhh... that's right! And why didn't you keep following your team to Dallas? Same players...


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Ahhhh... that's right! And why didn't you keep following your team to Dallas? Same players...

Like most North Stars fans, I didn't follow the Dallas "Stars" due to being pissed off about the team leaving, and the sheer hatred of the owner who moved them.

Probably not unlike how fans of the Baltimore Colts by and large didn't become Indianaplois fans, or Cleveland Browns fans didn't become Baltimore fans.


my war
Like most North Stars fans, I didn't follow the Dallas "Stars" due to being pissed off about the team leaving, and the sheer hatred of the owner who moved them.

Probably not unlike how fans of the Baltimore Colts by and large didn't become Indianaplois fans, or Cleveland Browns fans didn't become Baltimore fans.

:lmao: How convenient! Pitt won the cup in 1992 and you become a fan in 1993 :killingme