Obama's National Speech in School


In My Opinion
Get your facts straight.. THis is NOT the first time a President has addressed students and children.

Obama doesn't have a single original idea in that big head of his.
no, but he will be the first BLACK president to,,

sorry, thought I would beat the media to it.


A week late and $3 short
I apologize if anyone's posted this already, but here's a copy of what the St. Mary's County schools are sending home with students today.


  • Letter regarding SMCPS Presidents Speech090409[1].pdf
    32.7 KB · Views: 96


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I wouldn't have a problem with just a "stay in school and work hard" type message. You can bet after the uproar it would be carefully toned down and moderated to remove the worst of the liberal talking points. However, what is discussed later by the teachers is what gives me pause. This gives them a foot in the door to discuss political issues with kids they normally wouldn't get and most teachers are unrepentantly hard left these days. They would be glowing in masturbatory delight at being able to expound upon his desires and programs to a captive audience.

Of course since we up and moved to TX that won't be a problem anyway:

President Obama's Address to Students

September 03, 2009

In order not to interrupt instructional learning time, ##ISD will not be participating in the live broadcast of President Obama’s speech on September 8th. However, once the speech is archived, a link will be provided on this web site to allow students and their families access to the speech at home.

Parents who have questions about the address may view a summary on the US Department of Education’s web site U.S. Department of Education Home Page.

We live in an area this wasn't gonna fly in.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
Like health care, the uproar is the original intent Obama tried to do to indoctrinate our kids on the great leader, like healthcare, he got called out on it and now has to change his strategy. The original intent if left unchecked is why this President is not trusted by many Americans. It's not about what he's going to do now, it's what he tried to do before! :coffee:
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New Member
Calvert just sent out an email stating that the speech will be shown at the high schools as it will be on during the lunch time. The speech will not be shown to middle and elementary schools at the same time. The CCPS still will not be using the lesson plan materials provided by the US Dept of Education for any activity before, during or after the President's address.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Calvert County Public Schools Letter to Parents

Dear CCPS Parents, Students, Staff and Community Members:

Earlier this week, we learned that President Obama was preparing to deliver a nationwide live speech to school children on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, at noon. The stated purpose of the speech is to encourage students to set and achieve challenging goals as well as take responsibility for their learning. The speech is expected to last approximately 15 minutes.

We have been assured that this is not a political activity and that the speech will not have political messages; however, we have not had the opportunity to view the speech.

Once we received information about the speech on September 2, 2009, CCPS staff began to investigate the logistics of showing this speech to over 16,500 students. Simultaneously, the event became a matter of controversy both in our community and across the nation.

It is our decision to make the speech available to our high school students during their one-hour lunch program if they are interested in viewing it. Students can choose from a variety of activities, and no one will be required to participate in the event. Prior to Tuesday, high school students and parents may want to discuss not only their view of the event but also how it fits into the larger picture of public discourse in a democratic society.

Elementary and middle school students will not have the opportunity to view the speech on Tuesday at school for two reasons. First of all, logistically it is impossible for us to stage the event for all children at the elementary and middle levels because many students are at lunch or in physical education, art, or recess during that time. In order to show the speech to all children, the school day at all 19 middle and elementary schools would have to be significantly altered, including lunch service.

Secondly, because of the short notice we received about the event, we are unable to put a reasonable process in place that would allow parents to opt their children out of the event. Following the President’s speech, a link to the video will be posted on the CCPS website so parents who choose to do so can view it with their children and have discussions about the message.

Furthermore, once teachers and principals have had the opportunity to view the speech, they may find that it would be an appropriate instructional resource to use in a particular lesson during the coming months. A form requesting that a child be excused from such an activity will be sent home on Tuesday with elementary and middle school students. In addition, CCPS staff will not be using the lesson plan materials provided by the United States Department of Education for any activity before, during, or after the President’s address.


Jack Smith, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Works for me...:coffee:

I won't even opt out my kids, because we've already discussed the whole thing & they're capable of conversing about it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Who are the non-learners you are talking about?

I think it is great that the President is taking time out of his very busy schedule to address our children. No other president has done this. Some people have nothing better to do than to complain about everything, which is pretty sad.

I must say that on my short time on this forum, I've have noticed several things. It's like being back in high school, but an over exaggerated high school. (cliques) It's especially disturbing when these are adults. You either write what they want or you get all these people writing bad things about you. Why????
It's time to grow up people!
I also must say that this is my last day on this forum; I think I'm a little to mature to be on here.
Okay, now you can start all of your angry letters. Bye!


But, you were here for so long & had posted so much! :cds:


NOT Politically Correct!!
I signed my daughters Opt Out letter but It's her choice to stay or go, at least she has the freedom to choose now...:coffee:


New Member
AMAZING short sightedness

I'm COMPLETELY amazed at folks who think the President talking to their children about something like doing the right thing and studying hard has caused so much trouble. Don't forget, George, Sr. did this back when he was president.

Be honest. These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time. My reaction to the silly reactions from...sorry, Republicans...makes me want to use curse words. However, I won't stoop to that level.

He's sending a good message to students. Get over yourselves. Take a minute to listen instead of judging right away; and take a look at what he is going to say before you get on your high horses so quickly. I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting.

It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible. Did this President's children drink underage or stick their tongues out during motorcades? Pa-leeze.

Grow up. He's your president. Figure out how to support him now, like you did when you last president had thousands of soldiers killed for no good reason or just focus your efforts on the next election. Get over people like Rush Limbaugh and silly TV personalities. They're making money off you. Pay attention to what surrounds you.


*Rant over.*:buddies:
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The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I'm COMPLETELY amazed at folks who think the President talking to their children about something like doing the right thing and studying hard has caused so much trouble. Don't forget, George, Sr. did this back when he was president.

Be honest. These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time. My reaction to the silly reactions from...sorry, Republicans...makes me want to use curse words. However, I won't stoop to that level.

He's sending a good message to students. Get over yourselves. Take a minute to listen instead of judging right away; and take a look at what he is going to say before you get on your high horses so quickly. I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting.

It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible. Did this President's children drink underage or stick their tongues out during motorcades? Pa-leeze.

Grow up. He's your president. Figure out how to support him now, like you did when you last president had thousands of soldiers killed for no good reason or just focus your efforts on the next election. Get over people like Rush Limbaugh and silly TV personalities. They're making money off you. Pay attention to what surrounds you.


*Rant over.*:buddies:

I'll let somebody else pick over this stupid crap. The highlighted part really cracked me up though. You're a teacher in Maryland, a dem stronghold and high crime multi-culti area and you blame the Republicans for the miserable kids that live here? Umm yeah... :killingme


New Member
Calvert is not exactly a "dem" stronghold. And, just to inform you... no, I'm not a teacher. And, no, I'm not a Democrat. Surprise.

I'm just saying that this President is having a talk with students which makes sense. He's not trying to shove health care down their throats or anything of the sort.... he's telling them to be responsible. He's certainly not starting a war. He "is" the same candidate that told black kids to hike up their pants.

I am also saying, kids today are unbelievably disrespectful. And where do I see it? Try the ones working on grocery stores, or restaurants or places like that, or even just driving around town. They know nothing about respect, courtesy or working hard to get ahead. I see it.

So...whatever. I crack up at your assumptions.


New Member
Rest assured, I will not be showing this speech to any of my students nor discussing any part of it. I want to have no part in this situation. It is not because I do not respect the president of our country, which I do. I just do not have the time nor the patience to deal with the mass hysteria. It's not like the majority of the kids are going to listen, anyway.
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Common sense ain't common
So...whatever. I crack up at your assumptions.

You're cracking up at SONSIE'S assumptions?
Let's look at a list of your assumptions and generalizations:

"These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time."

"I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting."

"It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible.

"I am also saying, kids today are unbelievably disrespectful. And where do I see it? Try the ones working on grocery stores, or restaurants or places like that, or even just driving around town. They know nothing about respect, courtesy or working hard to get ahead. I see it."


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Calvert is not exactly a "dem" stronghold. And, just to inform you... no, I'm not a teacher. And, no, I'm not a Democrat. Surprise.

I'm just saying that this President is having a talk with students which makes sense. He's not trying to shove health care down their throats or anything of the sort.... he's telling them to be responsible. He's certainly not starting a war. He "is" the same candidate that told black kids to hike up their pants.

I am also saying, kids today are unbelievably disrespectful. And where do I see it? Try the ones working on grocery stores, or restaurants or places like that, or even just driving around town. They know nothing about respect, courtesy or working hard to get ahead. I see it.

So...whatever. I crack up at your assumptions.

Well, the TigerTeacher name seemed to indicate TEACHER. A reasonable assumption I would say. MD is a dem stronghold overall and I never said you were a freakin' dem did I? Kids are disrespectful everywhere but you were the one who claimed it was "kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration" thereby insinuating it was the the former President's fault they were that way which is laughable at best.

My problem with the speech is as I posted earlier. I wouldn't have a problem with just a "stay in school and work hard" type message. You can bet after the uproar it would be carefully toned down and moderated to remove the worst of the liberal talking points. However, what is discussed later by the teachers is what gives me pause. This gives them a foot in the door to discuss political issues with kids they normally wouldn't get and most teachers are unrepentantly hard left these days. They would be glowing in masturbatory delight at being able to expound upon his desires and programs to a captive audience.