Obama's National Speech in School


Having Fun!
According to an email I received from the Maryland State Teachers' Association, there is to be an "advance transcript" available on Monday on the White House website. I would encourage any concerned parent to read it. I will certainly be doing so. As of the end of the day today, there was no "official" communique in my county about this issue (not in southern Maryland).

I do understand the concerns of those who see the opportunity for some teachers to conduct inappropriate political discussions in the classroom. Unfortunately, the conferral of a teaching degree does not automatically confer common sense or a fool-proof sense of what is permissable and what might be slightly "over the line". Teachers are human beings and you will have some who do not know where the boundaries are in this issue. A parent's best defense is a good offense. Talk to your children ahead of time about the issue and discuss what you find on the website on Monday. After all, we cannot guarantee that the teleprompter will not malfunction and the Prez have to "wing it".

Knowledge is power. Learning is how we get knowledge. Children do learn from their parents first and foremost. :coffee:
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NOT Politically Correct!!
Calvert is not exactly a "dem" stronghold. And, just to inform you... no, I'm not a teacher. And, no, I'm not a Democrat. Surprise.

I'm just saying that this President is having a talk with students which makes sense. He's not trying to shove health care down their throats or anything of the sort.... he's telling them to be responsible. He's certainly not starting a war. He "is" the same candidate that told black kids to hike up their pants.

I am also saying, kids today are unbelievably disrespectful. And where do I see it? Try the ones working on grocery stores, or restaurants or places like that, or even just driving around town. They know nothing about respect, courtesy or working hard to get ahead. I see it.

So...whatever. I crack up at your assumptions.

And we crack up at yours, as far as I'm concerned, my daughter is an Honor roll student, has flawless attendance and is an overall awesome daughter. What exactly is the message Obama needs to tell her, nothing because it is my job to deliver that message to her and in our family Obama is no role model! I will take Obama's original advice before he Waffled and teach my daughter something about our current President Barry, I ordered her the book: Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.

His message means nothing to our family, if yours needs it pull up a chair and enjoy. Our family values are almost 180 degrees from his, we tend not to bash a war on terror but allow a President to sign a Bill that allows 350,000 babies to be aborted a year. I served 24 years in the military and have made thousands of friends but none like the friends Obama has:

William Ayers (neighbor and anti-American terrorist who helped launch his career, leader of a group which bombed the pentagon)
Bernardine Dohrn (neighbor and anti-American terrorist who helped launch his career, leader of a group which bombed the pentagon)
Larry Walsh (neighbor and criminal under investigation by the FBI)
Louis Farrakhan (neighbor and race baiting leader of the nation of Islam)
Reverend Wright (race baiting spiritual mentor who espouses black liberation theology and was his paster for 20 years, baptizing his children and conducting is marriage ceremony)
Tony Rezko (neighbor and Criminal under investigation)
The Rathke brothers, founders of ACORN (Anti-American group which funded his community organizing)
Franklin Raines (Exec of FM, economic adviser)
Jim Johnson (Exec of FM, economic adviser)
Saul Alinsky (mentor, author of Rules for Radicals, an anti-American instruction book in which he dedicated to Satan)
Khalid Al-Mansour (Radical who advocated the murder of white people repeatedly, helped Obama gain admission into Harvard)
Raila Odinga (Cousin and leader in Kenya conducting genocide of opposition)
Percy Sutton (Malcolm X's lawyer)
MoveOn.org (Anti-American/Socialist website)
Code Pink
Penny Pritzker(Pro-Iranian Supporter)
Susan L. Rosenberg (WeatherUnderground Terrorist)
Mike Klonsky (WeatherUnderground Terrorist)
Father Flagler (Radical racist advocating black liberation theology)
American Action Network (AAAN) (an Anti-Israel Group)
Rashid Khalidi (Founder of AAAN and Radical Racist Muslim).
Ali Abunimah (Serves On The Board Of Directors For AAAN)
Aiham Alsammarae (Convicted Felon (corruption) Obama tried to keep out of jail)
Nadhmi Auchi (An Iraqi Billionaire, Associate/Friend)
Howard Machtinger
Jeff Jones
Steve Tappis
Mark Rudd
David Wilhelm
Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL)
Valerie Jarrett
Hunter Biden
Federico Peña
Steve Branchflower
Joseph Cari
Gregory Craig
Lester Crown
Allison Davis
Frank Marshall Davis
Chris Dodd
Kim Elton
Richard Daley
Marilyn Katz ’60s radical , now an Obama fundraiser, strategist and public relations maven. She is also a longtime acquaintance of Ayers and another link between BO and Ayers
Van Jones

41 personal associations with radicals.
6 associations with radical, anti-American groups.

So far these groups and personal associations:

1. Got him into Harvard.
2. Got him a job.
3. Got him a home.
4. Got him into politics.
5. Baptized his Children.
6. Conducted his marriage ceremony.

Last, if kids are being disrespectful blame the parents, kids mimic their example. And as America continues to dumb down we allow people like Obama to lead our country and things will only get worse because regardless of his past we legitimize it when we elect them and it becomes a new lower standard of acceptable behavior.

As a retired Military Officer, had I associated with less than 1/3rd the people on Barry's list, no way I would have qualified from my Top Secret Clearance, however it's OK for this Empty suit Obama to have access to our nations top intelligence. Not that it matters since he's just declassifing it and releasing everything under ACLU pressure. Enjoy the speech...:coffee:


New Member
Rest assured, I will not be showing this speech to any of my students nor discussing any part of it. I want to have no part in this situation. It is not because I do not respect the president of our country, which I do. I just do not have the time nor the patience to deal with the mass hysteria. It's not like the majority of the kids are going to listen, anyway.

I can't blame you for not discussing this with your students. Somehow I think what was supposed to be a simple "be strong and do your best" speech has been turned into a hotbed of propaganda. I have been wondering WTH the big deal is? Why is everyone so up in arms just because President Obama is taking time at the beginning of the school year to encourage and support our students? You used the term "mass hysteria" and I agree. Why don't we use common sense and not cross any bridges until we get there?? I wonder if there was this reaction when Bush Sr. spoke to students? I think people need to calm down, and speak honestly with their kids.
This kind of reminds me of the huge sex education uproar in the seventies. Crazy!!


I bowl overhand
Calvert is not exactly a "dem" stronghold. And, just to inform you... no, I'm not a teacher. And, no, I'm not a Democrat. Surprise.

I'm just saying that this President is having a talk with students which makes sense. He's not trying to shove health care down their throats or anything of the sort.... he's telling them to be responsible. He's certainly not starting a war. He "is" the same candidate that told black kids to hike up their pants.

I am also saying, kids today are unbelievably disrespectful. And where do I see it? Try the ones working on grocery stores, or restaurants or places like that, or even just driving around town. They know nothing about respect, courtesy or working hard to get ahead. I see it.

So...whatever. I crack up at your assumptions.

I really hope your ignorant and disrespectful ass really doesn't make a living by teaching our children.

If you open your eyes, the disrespecful kids are a SMALL percentage of kids. Most are very respectful, dignified, hard working and GOOD.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I can't blame you for not discussing this with your students. Somehow I think what was supposed to be a simple "be strong and do your best" speech has been turned into a hotbed of propaganda. I have been wondering WTH the big deal is? Why is everyone so up in arms just because President Obama is taking time at the beginning of the school year to encourage and support our students? You used the term "mass hysteria" and I agree. Why don't we use common sense and not cross any bridges until we get there?? I wonder if there was this reaction when Bush Sr. spoke to students? I think people need to calm down, and speak honestly with their kids.
This kind of reminds me of the huge sex education uproar in the seventies. Crazy!!

Flashback 1991: Gephardt Called Bush's Speech to Students 'Paid Political Advertising'

The Democratic critics accused Bush of turning government money for education to his own political use, namely, an ongoing effort to inoculate himself against their charges of inattention to domestic issues. The speech at Alice Deal Junior High School, broadcast live on radio and television, urged students to study hard, avoid drugs and turn in troublemakers.

"The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students," House Majority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) said. "And the president should be doing more about education than saying, 'Lights, camera, action.' "

Two House committees demanded that the department explain the use of its funds for the speech, an explanation that Deputy Secretary David T. Kearns provided late in the day in a letter to Rep. William D. Ford (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander was out of town. [...]

Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.), chairwoman of the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, said it was outrageous for the White House to "start using precious dollars for campaigns" when "we are struggling for every silly dime we can get" for education programs.​

Read it all...
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I'm COMPLETELY amazed at folks who think the President talking to their children about something like doing the right thing and studying hard has caused so much trouble. Don't forget, George, Sr. did this back when he was president.

Be honest. These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time. My reaction to the silly reactions from...sorry, Republicans...makes me want to use curse words. However, I won't stoop to that level.

He's sending a good message to students. Get over yourselves. Take a minute to listen instead of judging right away; and take a look at what he is going to say before you get on your high horses so quickly. I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting.

It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible. Did this President's children drink underage or stick their tongues out during motorcades? Pa-leeze.

Grow up. He's your president. Figure out how to support him now, like you did when you last president had thousands of soldiers killed for no good reason or just focus your efforts on the next election. Get over people like Rush Limbaugh and silly TV personalities. They're making money off you. Pay attention to what surrounds you.


*Rant over.*:buddies:

Well, I know you're not talking to me, since I'm proud to say that my kids have been able to speak up about their views since before Obama became president. >snap<

As for the ridiculous accusation about the kids during Bush's 2 terms. That didn't happen only during or because of Dubya's 8 years. I was a GS leader for 8 years preceding the 2000 election and I can say that some of the girls in my GS troops were probably some of the ones coming of age during his 2 terms. In general, I noticed (overall) they were getting mouthy back before 2000. And some of them AND their parents thought they were special & entitled little princesses who had to do nothing but grace everyone with their presence. Teaching morals, ethics & values could be really challenging when parents weren't cooperative. So, I highly doubt Bush was responsible for it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I can't blame you for not discussing this with your students. Somehow I think what was supposed to be a simple "be strong and do your best" speech has been turned into a hotbed of propaganda. I have been wondering WTH the big deal is? Why is everyone so up in arms just because President Obama is taking time at the beginning of the school year to encourage and support our students? You used the term "mass hysteria" and I agree. Why don't we use common sense and not cross any bridges until we get there?? I wonder if there was this reaction when Bush Sr. spoke to students? I think people need to calm down, and speak honestly with their kids.
This kind of reminds me of the huge sex education uproar in the seventies. Crazy!!

Four words.

They don't trust him.


New Member
I don't :shrug:

1. He IS the president whether I like it or not.

2. It is not a policy speech it is a "Don't be a loser and learn" massage.

3. Kids waste more time a daily wondering how many txt messages they have and if they need a new can of Axe than Obama will waste.

4. People who freak about every little stupid thing are tedious and I don't want to be tedious.

I like this! Bush did the same thing years ago and I can't remember people freaking out about it this much. Let's not make this about ourselves parents...it's just a speech to encourage kids to do better in school.


Habari Na Mijeldi
In a nutshell.....


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The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I like this! Bush did the same thing years ago and I can't remember people freaking out about it this much. Let's not make this about ourselves parents...it's just a speech to encourage kids to do better in school.

Then you weren't paying attention.

Flashback 1991: Gephardt Called Bush's Speech to Students 'Paid Political Advertising'

The Democratic critics accused Bush of turning government money for education to his own political use, namely, an ongoing effort to inoculate himself against their charges of inattention to domestic issues. The speech at Alice Deal Junior High School, broadcast live on radio and television, urged students to study hard, avoid drugs and turn in troublemakers.

"The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students," House Majority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) said. "And the president should be doing more about education than saying, 'Lights, camera, action.' "

Two House committees demanded that the department explain the use of its funds for the speech, an explanation that Deputy Secretary David T. Kearns provided late in the day in a letter to Rep. William D. Ford (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander was out of town. [...]

Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.), chairwoman of the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, said it was outrageous for the White House to "start using precious dollars for campaigns" when "we are struggling for every silly dime we can get" for education programs.

And parents didn't freak out back then because no one seriously thought that Bush Sr was a slimy socialist commie pushing a harmful agenda. Read the whole thing, it was pretty partisan back then too.
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New Member
Then you weren't paying attention.

And parents didn't freak out back then because no one seriously thought that Bush Sr was a slimy socialist commie pushing a harmful agenda. Read the whole thing, it was pretty partisan back then too.

Not Bush Sr....Bush Jr. (in 2001)....and it is not the same thing...Bush Sr.'s was political (in 1991). Once again it goes back to personal feelings towards the President, like it or not he is the President and I will say it again...parents need to stop getting so worked up over THIS speech and pay more attention to more important issues involving their children (media, movies, technology, sexual, gang and music influences) not some "do good in school" speech. That is all.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Not Bush Sr....Bush Jr. (in 2001)....and it is not the same thing...Bush Sr.'s was political (in 1991). Once again it goes back to personal feelings towards the President, like it or not he is the President and I will say it again...parents need to stop getting so worked up over THIS speech and pay more attention to more important issues involving their children (media, movies, technology, sexual, gang and music influences) not some "do good in school" speech. That is all.

Like it or not, he can't be trusted by many of us, his message may be different now but my distrust comes from what he initially tried to do which was more along the lines of an indoctrination into Obama. Lets say a former radical KKK or radical Black Panther Leader is now your new Boss. So regardless of your belief, you now have to go with the flow? Ridiculous, I'm a free thinker and I have the RIGHT to distrust anyone I feel, especially someone who comes from a dysfunctional family, cannot make one structured sentence without a TelePrompTer, has a history of far left radicalism, and his friend/association list include this clown list!!!

William Ayers (neighbor and anti-American terrorist who helped launch his career, leader of a group which bombed the pentagon)
Bernardine Dohrn (neighbor and anti-American terrorist who helped launch his career, leader of a group which bombed the pentagon)
Larry Walsh (neighbor and criminal under investigation by the FBI)
Louis Farrakhan (neighbor and race baiting leader of the nation of Islam)
Reverend Wright (race baiting spiritual mentor who espouses black liberation theology and was his paster for 20 years, baptizing his children and conducting is marriage ceremony)
Tony Rezko (neighbor and Criminal under investigation)
The Rathke brothers, founders of ACORN (Anti-American group which funded his community organizing)
Franklin Raines (Exec of FM, economic adviser)
Jim Johnson (Exec of FM, economic adviser)
Saul Alinsky (mentor, author of Rules for Radicals, an anti-American instruction book in which he dedicated to Satan)
Khalid Al-Mansour (Radical who advocated the murder of white people repeatedly, helped Obama gain admission into Harvard)
Raila Odinga (Cousin and leader in Kenya conducting genocide of opposition)
Percy Sutton (Malcolm X's lawyer)
MoveOn.org (Anti-American/Socialist website)
Code Pink
Penny Pritzker(Pro-Iranian Supporter)
Susan L. Rosenberg (WeatherUnderground Terrorist)
Mike Klonsky (WeatherUnderground Terrorist)
Father Flagler (Radical racist advocating black liberation theology)
American Action Network (AAAN) (an Anti-Israel Group)
Rashid Khalidi (Founder of AAAN and Radical Racist Muslim).
Ali Abunimah (Serves On The Board Of Directors For AAAN)
Aiham Alsammarae (Convicted Felon (corruption) Obama tried to keep out of jail)
Nadhmi Auchi (An Iraqi Billionaire, Associate/Friend)
Howard Machtinger
Jeff Jones
Steve Tappis
Mark Rudd
David Wilhelm
Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL)
Valerie Jarrett
Hunter Biden
Federico Peña
Steve Branchflower
Joseph Cari
Gregory Craig
Lester Crown
Allison Davis
Frank Marshall Davis
Chris Dodd
Kim Elton
Richard Daley
Marilyn Katz ’60s radical , now an Obama fundraiser, strategist and public relations maven. She is also a longtime acquaintance of Ayers and another link between BO and Ayers
Van Jones

41 personal associations with radicals.
6 associations with radical, anti-American groups.

So far these groups and personal associations:

1. Got him into Harvard.
2. Got him a job.
3. Got him a home.
4. Got him into politics.
5. Baptized his Children.
6. Conducted his marriage ceremony.

Enjoy the speech from YOUR great leader!!! :coffee:
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New Member
I don't :shrug:

1. He IS the president whether I like it or not.

2. It is not a policy speech it is a "Don't be a loser and learn" massage.

3. Kids waste more time a daily wondering how many txt messages they have and if they need a new can of Axe than Obama will waste.

4. People who freak about every little stupid thing are tedious and I don't want to be tedious.

And if what kids take from it is "work hard" then what's the issue?
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New Member
I am looking at the whole picture here. As long as he is ONLY speaking about school and not bringing in policy or his own beliefs I am fine with it. Children regardless of their parents beliefs will love it. The younger ones especially bc they'll feel like he is talking to them. I don't think it is a bad thing.

I did not vote for him, do not agree with what he has done and is going to do, but he is still the President and deserves respect. That is what we are teaching our 8 year old. Children should be taught both demo and republican views so when they get older they can make informed decisions. I am Republican and my husband is a Demo so our dinner conversations at times are interesting to say the least, lol.

This speech IMO has nothing to do with what is going on with his policies. The only time kids really get the chance to see him on TV is when he is on the news and the younger kids and most HS kids don't understand all the policy issues. This speech will be something they understand and can relate to.

I agree with you 100%. You're spot on about teaching them both sides, and the president deserving respect.


New Member
I'm COMPLETELY amazed at folks who think the President talking to their children about something like doing the right thing and studying hard has caused so much trouble. Don't forget, George, Sr. did this back when he was president.

Be honest. These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time. My reaction to the silly reactions from...sorry, Republicans...makes me want to use curse words. However, I won't stoop to that level.

He's sending a good message to students. Get over yourselves. Take a minute to listen instead of judging right away; and take a look at what he is going to say before you get on your high horses so quickly. I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting.

It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible. Did this President's children drink underage or stick their tongues out during motorcades? Pa-leeze.

Grow up. He's your president. Figure out how to support him now, like you did when you last president had thousands of soldiers killed for no good reason or just focus your efforts on the next election. Get over people like Rush Limbaugh and silly TV personalities. They're making money off you. Pay attention to what surrounds you.


*Rant over.*:buddies:

The people who complain about our president, will NEVER be happy with anything he does. If they agreed with anything he did, they would have to admit they they were wrong, and that will NEVER happen. Closed minded people are intolerable.