I'll reveal my weakness.....
An average Friday night consists of a few 10oz. Bud Lights to chase down the four of five Jagerbombs I get warmed up with before I even leave my own bar...Then once I get rolling I average about 2 beers an hour along with shots of either Southern Comfort w/ lime or Crown Royal w/ Peachtree Schnapps. After bartending this long, I can really put the booze down. I have always been able to drink like that.

During the week I'll drink a few vodka tonics or what ever I feel like when I get off.
I hate Bacardi and those low carb beers. I'd rather be sober..
I don't drink at home or when I have my kids. I only drink socially, but then, I'm REAALLLLL social

That's only once a week that I go out and get hammered but if I didn't, I'd only sit at home and order pizza.