Online Dating is a Joke!


professional daydreamer
I can see what you are saying and you are entitled to whatever it is that you think I am however, you did not answer my question above.

I am really interested in what part of our conversations in the "motorcycle thread" caused you to think I was being a "complete jerk" seeing as I did not agree with the story your friend told. I even indicated that I hoped your friend was OK and recovered quickly. So, was it the fact that I did not immediately agree 100% with the narrative?

I would sincerely like to know.

Could you please provide a link to the thread in question, so I can catch up?


professional daydreamer

Oh, yeah. I remember that thread now. I even posted in it. From what I can see, RR said she would wait on making any judgement, and MG proceeded to tell her there was nothing to hold judgement on, as he is judge, jury and executioner.

edited to add: After going back and reading more of the thread, yeah, MG was a jerk in most of his comments.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Oh, yeah. I remember that thread now. I even posted in it. From what I can see, RR said she would wait on making any judgement, and MG proceeded to tell her there was nothing to hold judgement on, as he is judge, jury and executioner.

edited to add: After going back and reading more of the thread, yeah, MG was a jerk in most of his comments.

Condescending, know-it-all as well.

black dog

Free America
I do not particularly care if anyone 'internet likes me'

Also, I do come on here and attempt to have polite and decent conversations with the occasional debate about topics. I have attempted multiple times to offer opinions and participate in conversations. I don't log on here just to aggrivate and troll people. What I do find is that no matter what is said or what thread it is, it is usually... at some point... taken over with a hijack, insults, or piling on. The same cast of characters are to blame just about every time. Nothing gets done about it. Wash/Rinse/Repeat.

If I offended anyone then i apologize as it is never my intent to do so... unprovoked. It would just be nice to be able to participate in a good conversation on this discussion forum without it always going down the rabbit hole due to political opinions, jokesters, and those who offer little to no substance in the discussion.

End of Rant. Carry on...

images (77).jpg

Sounds like you need a " Safe Space " and a garden hose..


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Oh, yeah. I remember that thread now. I even posted in it. From what I can see, RR said she would wait on making any judgement, and MG proceeded to tell her there was nothing to hold judgement on, as he is judge, jury and executioner.

edited to add: After going back and reading more of the thread, yeah, MG was a jerk in most of his comments.

Auntie Beyotch has spoken!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I can see what you are saying and you are entitled to whatever it is that you think I am however, you did not answer my question above.

I am really interested in what part of our conversations in the "motorcycle thread" caused you to think I was being a "complete jerk" seeing as I did not agree with the story your friend told. I even indicated that I hoped your friend was OK and recovered quickly. So, was it the fact that I did not immediately agree 100% with the narrative?

I would sincerely like to know.

I am not rehashing it with you. Your attitude stands on its own.


professional daydreamer
So what do you say about the Gill guy, The Bully Dog and that forever obnoxious Kyle,
Asking for a friend..:shrug:

Well, you see, it's different when you actually DO know what you're talking about, which Kyle does, as well as a few other people who post here regularly, and have for many years. I've learned that I can count on the angle their discussing on any topic is dead on balls accurate. That said, I have never seen Kyle condescend to anyone without them starting it. Sarcastic? Sometimes. Jokingly making jabs? Yes. Condescend? No.


Well-Known Member
I am not rehashing it with you. Your attitude stands on its own.

So, you throw out an opinion of who and what I am, don't explain why.... and I am the one with the problem. Got it :yay:

Finally, if posting your OPINION based on what you have experienced and/or what you have read or believe makes you a "condescending ass" then I guess I need to get in line around here.


Well-Known Member
Well, you see, it's different when you actually DO know what you're talking about, which Kyle does, as well as a few other people who post here regularly, and have for many years. I've learned that I can count on the angle their discussing on any topic is dead on balls accurate. That said, I have never seen Kyle condescend to anyone without them starting it. Sarcastic? Sometimes. Jokingly making jabs? Yes. Condescend? No.

Funniest thing I have read all day.

By the way. For light reading:

Condescend (adj):

-showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority:

If telling someone that they think their opinion or what they have been told is BS based on what they, themselves have experienced or read is "condescending," like I said before, I guess I will get in line around here :lmao: